
Sustainable Fashion | Sustainable fashion education in schools

Sustainable Fashion | Sustainable fashion education in schools
Sustainable Fashion | Sustainable fashion education in schools

Like Fridays for Future, a youth-led organization founded by Swedish youth activist Greta Thunberg, a growing number of non-profit organizations are tirelessly advocating for change to bring sustainable fashion education to a greater global profile.

Sustainable Fashion | Sustainable fashion education in schools

Since 2014, Fashion Takes Action has been running fashion in schools in its "My Clothes My World" program, which provides fashion education to 30,000 students in grades 4 through 12 in Canada.

Last November, RCGD partnered with the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences to develop sustainable fashion guidelines that advocate for more celebrities to choose sustainable dresses on the red carpet. RCGD has also been piloting various forms of education, such as listing apps, to raise awareness of sustainable fashion consumption behaviour among a wider social group.

Sustainable Fashion | Sustainable fashion education in schools

In this Fashion Takes Action partnership with RCGD, the two companies have jointly filmed free educational videos for students, which will be published on the website.

The overall video course consists of six short videos of 5 - 7 minutes that provide a comprehensive overview of the key sustainability issues facing the fashion industry and how we can address them.

There are also rich courses such as "Introduction to Sustainable Fashion", "Waste in Fashion" and "How much pollution does the clothes you wear produce?" and so on.

Sustainable Fashion | Sustainable fashion education in schools

RCGD CEO Samata Pattinson and Fashion Takes Action Founding Executive Director Kelly Drennanan will host the launch of the series, with each episode featuring guests speaking about their content and expertise.

These include industry experts and celebrities, including Eva Kruse, former CEO of Global Fashion Agenda and now Senior Vice President of Pangaia Group, Ayesha Barenblat, founder of Remake, and Maya Penn, a youth sustainability activist.

Sustainable Fashion | Sustainable fashion education in schools

Samata Pattinson, CEO of RCGD, believes that sustainable fashion education programs are advancing with a focus on "developing future leaders".

Kelly Drennan, founding executive director of Fashion Takes Action, added in a statement: "The FTA has been advancing sustainable fashion education for young people in Canada since 2014. ”

Sustainable Fashion | Sustainable fashion education in schools

She added that the popularity of social media has exposed more and more children to fashion consumption at an earlier age, so discussions about sustainable fashion are becoming more and more necessary. WWD

Written by Kaley Roshitsh

Edit Ivy, yalta

Image source: Web

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