
See the rabbit exhibition in the Year of the Rabbit: The Kawami New Year Exhibition "Auspicious Rabbit Treasure" will meet the audience on the 18th

The Spring Festival is approaching, and the Year of the Rabbit is coming. On the 18th of this month, the Sichuan Museum will also launch an exquisite and cute New Year exhibition "Auspicious Rabbit Treasure - Lu Yu Rabbit Year Zodiac Theme Cultural Relics Exhibition". The exhibition will display 43 pieces / sets of rabbit culture themed cultural relics in the collection of the Sichuan Museum.

See the rabbit exhibition in the Year of the Rabbit: The Kawami New Year Exhibition "Auspicious Rabbit Treasure" will meet the audience on the 18th

The scale of the exhibition is small, focusing on elaboration and refinement: among the 43 cultural relics on display, there are 16 first-class cultural relics, including the Jade Rabbit Medicine Portrait Brick of the Queen Mother of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Bronze Mirror of Changle Weiyang of the Western Han Dynasty, the Jade Rabbit Double Sparrow Tattooed Bronze Mirror of the Tangyue Palace, the Fifth Dynasty Later Shu King Jiantu Button Treasure, and the Qing Kangxi Twelve Floral Pattern Cup. Xie Dan, vice president of the Sichuan Museum, said that some of the cultural relics, even she has worked in the museum for many years, saw it for the first time because of this exhibition.

In ancient times, rabbits were regarded as auspicious beasts, often appearing in mythological stories, and were given many beautiful meanings such as auspiciousness and longevity. In many folk poems, myths and legends, the jade rabbit often accompanies the Queen Mother of the West, or lives in the Moon Palace, constantly pounding the "medicine of immortality". Therefore, rabbits have also become a symbol of health and longevity in traditional Chinese culture, along with images of animals and plants such as pine and deer.

See the rabbit exhibition in the Year of the Rabbit: The Kawami New Year Exhibition "Auspicious Rabbit Treasure" will meet the audience on the 18th

Zodiac Hour Biennial Jade Circle (Qing Dynasty)

The exhibition is divided into four units: the 12 zodiac signs have the rabbit, the longevity auspicious spirit rabbit You, the full moon reunion jade rabbit busy, and the lights of ten thousand families to celebrate tonight. The exhibition site is specially arranged with graffiti boards and other interactive areas, integrating viewing and interaction as one, not only can you see the beauty of cultural relics, appreciate the wonders of intangible cultural heritage, but also find a childlike heart in the exhibition, and there are wonderful interactions such as guessing idioms, guessing after the break, exploring the New Year, and Futu maze.

See the rabbit exhibition in the Year of the Rabbit: The Kawami New Year Exhibition "Auspicious Rabbit Treasure" will meet the audience on the 18th

Portrait Brick of the Western Queen Mother (Eastern Han Dynasty)

The tiger went to Wuyue in Xiongfeng Town, and the rabbit walked over Kyushu. From nature to culture, from heaven to earth, Chinese has been created and accumulated around the generation of "rabbits", forming a splendid and colorful cultural meaning.

See the rabbit exhibition in the Year of the Rabbit: The Kawami New Year Exhibition "Auspicious Rabbit Treasure" will meet the audience on the 18th

White Rabbit Album (Qing Dynasty)

The epilogue of the exhibition site warmly reads: "Spring from the times, blessing by the jade rabbit." On the occasion of the Year of the Rabbit, I hope that all the peace, joy, auspiciousness and beauty related to the "rabbit" can be accompanied by the warmth of spring, and thousands of families will accompany you to be healthy and prosperous. ”

See the rabbit exhibition in the Year of the Rabbit: The Kawami New Year Exhibition "Auspicious Rabbit Treasure" will meet the audience on the 18th

Rabbit-shaped jade ornaments from the Tang Dynasty (left) and round-carved jade rabbits from the Song Dynasty (right)

In addition, in conjunction with the exhibition and the upcoming Spring Festival, Chuanbo will also carry out a series of related cultural activities, such as Su Dongpo's special exhibition series of study courses, the cultural version of the drama "Su Dongpo" jointly created with the Sichuan People's Art Theater, the Spring Festival Sending Blessing to Write Spring Festival, the Spring Festival December Market, the clever rabbit lantern, the Spring Festival Seven-day Joy "National Treasure Detective" online reasoning and other activities - the opening method of the Spring Festival in the museum, have you got it?

Red Star News Reporter Qiao Xueyang Editor Qiao Xueyang

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