
Jingbian Non-Heritage | Jingbian waist drum

Don't forget the original intention Keep in mind the

Jingbian waist drum

The Jingbian waist drum is a dance form widely spread in the folk. It is not only representative in the folk dance of Shaanxi region, but also occupies a certain place in the entire Han folk dance. It has a far-reaching circulation and a long history, and is deeply loved by the broad masses of the people in Jingbian. Regarding the name of the waist drum, according to the examination before the Min Dynasty, the local people did not call it the waist drum, but called it "playing flower drum". Later, because the drum was hung around the waist during the performance, it was called "waist drum".

Jingbian Non-Heritage | Jingbian waist drum

Jingbian waist drum, every year must be noisy, the festival must dance; the activities are extensive, the scale is huge; the number of people is large, the pomp is exquisite; the movement is healthy and the momentum is extraordinary; the drums are diverse, the scene map is changeable; the costumes are different, the appearance is different; the mood is simple, and the self-entertainment is the mainstay. This spontaneous, semi-self-entertainment, half-performance emotional group dance has become an indispensable art form for perennial entertainment performances and adjustment of spiritual life in Jingbian rural areas. At the same time, it is also an art form rich in the character temperament of the Jingbian people", with the help of the folk sacrifice activities of "noisy song" and "noisy social fire", to reflect and express their own life outlook and spiritual outlook, and in the long-term labor life and artistic practice, this dance art continues to reach enrichment, enrichment and development. Coupled with the "commonality" inheritance and "personality" play of generations of folk artists, in a certain sense, it has promoted the continuous evolution and improvement of this art species.

Distribution area

There are all townships in Jingbian County, and the representative one is Huang Artemisia Jie Township.

Historical origins

There are the following theories about the origin and origin of the "waist drum":

First, according to legend, "with the Great Wall, there is a waist drum", the waist drum is the earliest stationed on the front line of the Great Wall, a kind of alarm tool carried by the sergeant of the Side Army, and it is also a knight's war drum. The general charged and assisted in the battle, and the cavalry hung drums to cheer up, which was used to stimulate the fighting spirit of the soldiers. With the changes and subsidence of the war situation on the frontier, this kind of "waist drum" in the army was used to enliven the spiritual life of the border guards, so that it gradually spread among the local people, and then the civilian masses inherited and retained this kind of army battle drum to serve the local people's literary and artistic activities of celebrating a bumper harvest, wishing for auspicious signs, eliminating plague and disasters, and helping to have fun.

Second, "the waist drum is created from the life of the shepherd", in ancient times, in order to adjust his lonely life, the shepherd dug up the roots of the tree into a barrel, tightened the sheepskin on the wooden barrel, made a drum, hung around the waist, used to relieve boredom, relieve worries and use it to command when taming sheep.

The three "waist drums evolved from the worship of the gods." Ancient working people every New Year's Festival, like to play drums to worship the gods, in order to seek the wind and rain smooth, grain abundance, peace and auspiciousness, while beating the drum while dancing, in this improvised performance, gradually perfected the formation of the "waist drum" this art form.

According to the above legends, the "waist drum" comes from ancient military battles with a certain basis. According to the "Chronicle of Yulin Province", there are cavalry and war drums in the weapon configuration along the Great Wall, and the Jingbian area was an area of warrior conquest in ancient times, and now the "waist drum" is mainly circulated in this area. Although there are no local historical records, the Song Dynasty documents have a poem of "waist drum": The Song Dynasty Mei Shengyu poem: "The terrace drum is blowing endlessly, the waist drum is full of red arms, first hit [Liu Mo] and then [Liang Zhou], and the curtain of the shed is more soft." Su Shi's poem "waist drum is like spring thunder". Goodbye Lu Youshi "Qing Song a song beam dust up, waist drum hundred faces spring thunder". From the descriptions of these Song Dynasty poets, it can be seen that the "waist drum" was already very developed during the Song Dynasty. How the origin of the Jingbian "waist drum" pulse needs to be further investigated.

During the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, the "waist drum" was already very popular in Jingbian. Especially after the "New Yangge Movement" in 1942, the Jingbian waist drum has been greatly transformed and developed, and the Jingbian County Rural Waist Drum Team has also had its first day, and the waist drum performed by the famous folk artist Du Yidong's Yangge Team at that time has become very famous in the border area. Under the vigorous guidance and training of Yan'an Luyi art students coming to Jingbian, it has played a great role in promoting the popularization and improvement of Jingbian's "waist drum". Since then, Zhenjing Township, Huang artemisia Jie Township, Ningtiao Liang Town, Yangqiaopan Town and other rural social gangs have taken the "waist drum" as the main form of performance, choreographed and directed literary and artistic programs, actively participated in all corners of the countryside, and actively and promoted the prosperity and development of the cultural life of the rural masses in Jingbian.

Basic content

The roles of the "Jingbian Waist Drum" are composed of one "umbrella head", eight to twelve "drummers", eight to twelve "flower pullers", and several miscellaneous clowns. In the performance, all are under the unified command of the "umbrella head". The performance program is a dance --- singing --- dance trichotomy. The new waist drum rules are different, removing the variegated harlequin part and retaining only the "umbrella head" and "drummer". The characters on the dance team are all men. Under the unified command of the "umbrella head", a formation is formed, and with the unified rhythm, a neat drum beat is played, and a rough and powerful dance is danced, giving people a solemn, majestic and robust artistic feeling.

The performance forms of the waist drum are as follows:

(1) Small field waist drum. This form mainly consists of a "drummer" and a "flower girl" performing a double dance. There are raps and singing, singing and dancing, and encouraging combinations.

(2) Four "drummers" perform. The so-called four-person "drummer" is not a four-person dance, but a nine-person dance. One "umbrella head", four "drummers", four "flower pullers". It is a pure emotional dance. This dance is now also lost.

(3) Eight "drummers" perform. This form is more common in folklore. This is a dance team performance form, there are "umbrella heads", "drummers", "flower pullers" variegated clowns, and each "drummer" is accompanied by a "flower puller". It is purely a folk performance form, and there are also "umbrella heads" singing New Year songs during dance.

(4) Waist drum group dance performance: This category belongs to the new waist drum performance form. It flourished in Jingbian after the "New Yangge Movement" in 1942. The number of people is not limited, as few as thirty or forty people, as many as 100 people. The performance is accompanied by a chant. The momentum is huge, the scene is changeable, and the scene is spectacular.

Jingbian Non-Heritage | Jingbian waist drum

Related appliances

The traditional waist drum is made of cowhide as the drum surface, and the drum body is made of wood about 40 cm high to form a straight cylinder. The caliber is about 15 cm, and the drum body is painted with red paint. Two iron rings are nailed in the drum body for tying the strap. The two percussion wooden stalks are about 20 cm long and are decorated with red silk tied at one end of the stump for the performance.

The costumes of the performers are mostly dressed as "martial students" in opera. Folks wear colorful costumes, "embroidered clouds" around their waists, samurai bands, red turbans on their heads, and thin-soled shoes on their feet. Now you can wear a general song costume and bring a white towel on your head.

Main features

First, the characteristics of dance rhythm:

Jingbian "waist drum" has different performance styles between various places, and its action characteristics are "turning", "jumping", "straddling", "kicking", "squatting", "kneeling", "flipping" and so on as the main technical characteristics.

Jingbian Non-Heritage | Jingbian waist drum

Second, the characteristics of musical accompaniment:

1. The performance of "Jingbian Waist Drum" is performed with the accompaniment of gong and drum percussion.

2, waist drum playing, this part is mainly the waist drummer while drumming while dancing drumming drum score, dance posture must be performed in accordance with the beats provided by the drum beat. Drum scores include "short flowing water", "long flowing water", "road drum", "three drops of water", "flat drum point", "phoenix three nods" and so on.

3. In recent years, the "waist drum" of Jingbian has increased the accompaniment of The Voice.

Significant value

The "waist drum" in Jingbian has the ability to entertain the body and mind, strengthen the body, harmonize interpersonal relations, promote people's mental state, promote the construction of characteristic culture in the new period, and enrich the cultural life of the people, which will produce good results.

Hosted by Jingbian County Bureau of Culture, Tourism, Cultural Relics, Radio, Film and Television

Producer: Lin Ze

Editor-in-Chief: Yan Kunshan Responsible Editor: Ma Jin'e





Jingbian Non-Heritage | Jingbian waist drum

Jingbian Cultural Travel / Douyin Kuaishou / Weibo WeChat

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