
Ah Yuan: Even if I don't go to | new publications

Ah Yuan: Even if I don't go to | new publications


The ivory tower is no longer the place of seclusion, and the people under the tower are self-aware of the burden of bitterness. Ah Yuan Shan writes about the living conditions of intellectuals, and this new work focuses on the "green pepper", that is, the group of young teachers in colleges and universities. "Qingqing Zizhen, leisurely my heart." "Even if I don't go, Zi Ning won't come?" In her case, the way "drop the book bag" is spoken has been redefined—uneducated, but with a pyrotechnic smell.

Creative talk

Even if I don't go (excerpt)

Wen | Ah Yuan

Qingqing Zizhen, leisurely my heart. Even if I don't go, Zi Ning doesn't si yin?

Qingqing Zi Pei, leisurely I think. Even if I don't go, I won't come?

Picky, in the city. One day is not seen, such as March Xi!

- "Poetry Classic, Zheng Feng, Zi Zhen"

A garden where the trail bifurcates

If Kanaxi hadn't entered the wrong classroom that day, she wouldn't have known a teacher named Ji Yao from the Chinese Department.

The buildings of the Faculty of Humanities are like a labyrinth, especially for Kanagi in the morning. In the morning, Kanagi was always in a state of confusion and staring, and the time was always very tense, the first class began at 7:50, but at 7:40 she was still flying around in the corridor like a headless fly. Sometimes with good luck, you bump into the right classroom at once; sometimes you have bad luck and you have to hit the wrong classroom once or twice to find the right classroom.

That day, Kanaxi was going to take the "Analects of Selective Reading" class in Classroom 314, but she accidentally hit and crashed into Ji Yao's Classroom 341.

"Why don't you go?" After finding myself in the wrong classroom. Later Ji Yao asked her.

"Can't go, you were talking about "Dream of the Red Chamber" at that time." I like "Dream of the Red Chamber" the most in Chinese novels, so I listened to the first sentence, I still want to listen to the second sentence, I listen to the second sentence, I want to listen to the third sentence, just listen to it, and the bell rings at the end of class. ”

This answer Ji Yao is not very satisfied, dare to love her to stay, not because of him Ji Yao but because of "Dream of the Red Chamber", what if that day he was not talking about "Dream of the Red Chamber" but "Chatting about Zhiyi"? But what about "The World Speaks a New Language"? But what about "Notes on Reading Wei Caotang"? Did she just leave?

In fact, he was supposed to speak "The World Speaks a New Language" that day, and his course was called "Chinese Notes on Novels", which had nothing to do with "Dream of the Red Chamber". It was only on the way to class in the morning, there was wind, and light rain, and the peach blossoms that fell on the ground in front of the Humanistic Building reminded him of Lin Daiyu's sentence "Flowers are full of flowers and flowers, and there is no pity for the red incense", it was a little sad, and he talked about "Dream of the Red Chamber". He is a man who has always had the problem of running wild horses casually in class - if you want to say, teachers go to class, who does not run wild horses occasionally? But others run wild horses, that is, trots, running from the stables to the yard, and then running back from the yard back to the stables, but Ji Yao is a big run, running endlessly, running without a trace - "The spring wind is proud of the horseshoe disease, and the day is full of Chang'an flowers", just care about his own fast horse and whip to run happily, regardless of the east, west, south and north directions. Because of this, the head of the department, Lao Shang, once approached him and very subtly suggested that he should not paint plum blossoms in class. Painting plum blossoms? Ji Yao scratched the back of his neck socket, with a "blindfolded" look. Lao Shang likes the reaction of young teachers, not open, need to click. The young people who need to be assigned are humble young people, and young people with a future are cultivated. He didn't like young people who were too clever, too clever. As soon as he spoke half a sentence, the young people immediately "knew, knew", or looked at him with a knowing look, which made it impossible for him to continue to criticize education. This made him feel like a carp in his throat. The reason why his language became more and more subtle was also forced by these intelligent young people. And Ji Yao's "blindfolded" expression is very good. "Don't paint plum blossoms in class?" Ji Yao expressed doubts with the action of scratching the back of his neck socket. "Just don't get too slanted." Ji Yao understood it now, and the original source was Lin Kui's "Mountain Garden Xiaomei" of "Thin Shadow Horizontal Oblique Water Shallow". This old man, talking is really enough. However, I understand it and understand it, but the next class is still sideways. It is not deliberately to oppose Lao Shang, but I can't help it. The old man was not too angry about this. Confucius would be impatient with the students' repeated teachings, scolding them for "decaying wood cannot be carved" and calling them "the wall of dung and soil cannot be carved", but the old man did not mind, because these "decaying wood" and "dung wall" can better reflect his tireless virtues. As an educator, he considered himself at least slightly better than Confucius in this respect. Therefore, in the criticism of Ji Yao's repeated teachings, Lao Shang had the meaning of encouragement that both refused to welcome and greeted, and was both disgusted and happy.

And the students encouraged Teacher Ji Yao to run wild horses. The students said that the class of other teachers is to follow the main road, from where to where, along the way and where it will pass, is prescribed; and the class of Teacher Yao in the last season is a garden that takes the path to fork, you never know where the next trail will fork, nor do you know what scenery will be encountered on these trails, which is too exciting.

Kanagi is the result of the bifurcation of the trail. If Ji Yao hadn't gone to "Dream of the Red Chamber" that day, how could something happen later?

"Why don't you go?" After finding out that I was in the wrong classroom. Ji Yao, this person, is very bored, and will ask KanaXi this question over and over again, as if he is not tired of asking.

"I don't want to go."

"Why don't you want to go?"

"Tonight and tonight, see this good man."

Ah Yuan: Even if I don't go to | new publications

Ji Yao was overjoyed. First, because Kanaki correctly quoted sentences from the Book of Poetry to answer questions, it is not easy for a foreign student. She has been learning Chinese classical literature with him, he used the method of the old man of the private school to teach, let her memorize the "Book of Poetry", memorize the Lefu, memorize the Tang poems, memorize the Song Poems, one song a week, at the beginning she insisted very well, especially in their love stage, the first thing to do every time they met was to memorize the poems, and the next love program was carried out when they came out, and if they could not recite it, they could only keep memorizing it. At that time, he was particularly strict, and he was particularly strict, and he did not know why he was sexier in her eyes, so he became more and more eager for the love show in the future, so when a love was discussed, she at least memorized the love poems in "National Style". As long as Ji Yao said the previous sentence, she could pick up the next sentence: Guan Guan Ju Dove - in the River Continent; Qingqing Zi Gong - Leisurely My Heart; Holding the Hand of the Son - And Zi Kai Lao. They have a lot of fun, sometimes they have fun, and they will use this bet that whoever loses will do the housework. Ji Yao is lazy, the four bodies are not diligent, then it will be bad, deliberately provoking the secluded poetry: decline, decline, Hu does not return? Chanaxi can't take the next sentence, and if she can't pick up, she can only do housework. Although Kanaxi is not afraid of housework, she likes to see Ji Yao's surprised and annoyed contradictory expression after she recites it, so she tries harder to memorize the "Book of Poetry", and as a result, the "Book of Poetry" is very powerful, not only can she memorize by rote, but she can even learn and use it alive.

Of course, Ji Yao's great joy is not only because of Kana's ability to memorize the Book of Poetry, but mainly because of the connotation of the phrase "see this good person". Isn't The meaning of Kanaxi saying that she fell in love with Ji Yao at first sight? This is good and is the ideal answer! In all the paradigms where love begins, Ji Yao most yearns for love at first sight, the kind of scene of "full of beautiful people, suddenly alone and Yu Xi", just thinking about it, it is wonderful, and it is fascinating. Not to mention being physically engaged. But Ji Yao does not have the conditions to practice immersively, he is short-sighted, more than five hundred degrees, how to "see" with others? Don't say "eye-to-eye", that is, to see the faces of the students in the back row clearly during class, which is a problem. And Kanagi sat in the back row that day, so he not only couldn't "see" her, but even had no impression on her at all.

But after listening to Kanaki's "Tonight and tonight, see this good man", he was still very useful.

At least their love is fifty percent "love at first sight."

Although he was not able to "love" her at first sight, she "fell in love" with him at first sight.

He, a man who holds the classical philosophy of contentment and happiness, can be fifty percent.

And this fifty percent, they later traced back to the source, felt that it was thanks to Shen Lu, the architect of the humanities college building. Shen Lu is a teacher in their school's School of Architecture, a cattle man, and his works have been shortlisted for the Pritzker Architecture Prize. Shen Lu is said to be a Borges fan who has read all of Borges's novels. Therefore, his architectural style, like Borges's novel style, has a "labyrinth" feature in structure. The Humanities Institute building is his tribute to Borges's Garden of Bifurcation of the Trail. In fact, students in the Chinese department originally called the Humanities College building "the garden where the paths bifurcate."

"Wouldn't it be nice to go to the garden where the trails diverged in the afternoon?"

"Is tonight's lecture in the garden where the trail forks?"

If it weren't for Shen Lu's design of the Humanities College building as a garden with labyrinthine paths that bifurcated, Chanel wouldn't have gone to the wrong classroom that morning, and if he hadn't walked into the wrong classroom, there would have been no love between them later, let alone their marriage later.

Therefore, a few years later, when Ji Yao once saw a man wearing a twisted silver bracelet on a ponytail at the dinner table, others introduced that it was the famous architectural designer Shen Lu, who immediately got up and solemnly toasted Shen Lu with a cup in both hands: Thanks! Thank! Thank! Shen Lu was thanked by him inexplicably, so when they first met, didn't they say "lucky meeting"? Even if you are polite, if you want to say a few more words, you should also say "Lucky meeting!" Lucky! Lucky! "Ah, how to say" thanks! Thank! Thank! "What? But he thought that the teacher of this Chinese department had drunk too much, so he made the professional mistake of misusing words.

II. "Pipe Cone "Pipe Cone Compilation""

After that, Kanagi began to rub Ji Yao's class.

"Chinese Notebook Novel" probably does not succeed because it conflicts with the "Analects of Selective Reading" in class time. However, she checked the class of the teacher of the Chinese Department on the campus network teaching system, and found that Ji Yao also opened an elective course, called "Pipe Cone "Pipe Cone Compilation".

The name of the course, Kanaxi, could not understand it, and asked his girlfriend Isabella - Isabella is from Spain, her Chinese level is worse than hers, and she does not understand the meaning of "pipe cone "pipe cone compilation". Ask Leon again about the door. Leon is a German, Chinese is the best in their international student building, studied "Zhou Yi", can correctly write many Chinese traditional characters. On the second floor, when Abel's new wife came from Libya to visit her family, Leon wrote several "囍" on a red paper with a wolf pen and gave them to Abel. But although Leon can write "𶐍", he also can't understand the name of this course, frowned and studied for half a day, and did not understand what kind of course it was, and then went to Google search, which only knew that "Pipe Cone Compilation" is a book, the author Qian Zhong book. This man named Qian Zhongshu was not only a scholar but also a novelist, and wrote a novel called "Siege of the City", which was a novel about intellectuals. Leon later read the novel, not in the German version translated by Monika Motsch, but in Chinese original, which was a way for him to learn Chinese, which was particularly effective. But "Pipe Cone "Pipe Cone Compilation" is a course on what is taught, Leon still does not know. He suggested that Kanahi should not go to this course, and go to the white, certainly not understand, it is better to go with him to listen to the "Explanation of Words and Words" of the National Academy. Chana smiled happily, the kind of "oriental classical laugh" that fascinated Leon: pink lips flicked, like flower buds, and pearl-like teeth were closed inside. His eyes narrowed into a line, and the curved look resembled a black dragonfly flying by the lake in his hometown. Every time he saw Kanaxi, it made Leon feel a nostalgic sweetness. But Kana did not listen to Leon's advice, or went to audit the "Pipe Cone "Pipe Cone Compilation". Whether he could understand it or not, she didn't rush to this class anyway, but rushed to Ji Yao. "Xiangzhuang danced the sword, intended to be Pei Gong", and later Ji Yao teased Xiang Naxi. Chanel couldn't understand the teasing. Ji Yao then changed one - "The meaning of the drunkard is not in the wine, but also between the mountains and the water." This Sentence Ofe-Na-hee understands, she has studied "Drunken Pavilion" in the ancient Chinese literature class, and knows that in this sentence, wine is not wine, but "Pipe Cone "Pipe Cone Compilation", and shanshui is not shanshui, but refers to Ji Yao.

At first, Kanagi asked Isabella to accompany her to class, but Isabella was not happy, this beautiful Spanish girl liked to dance, like to eat, like to go to Taobao to buy clothes - she thought that China's Taobao was so amazing, so amazing, almost like a magic box, like a bag on Santa's back, which contained everything. As long as more than two hundred yuan, that is, more than twenty euros, you can buy a kind of qipao in "Su Si Huang's World", no, more beautiful than the qipao in "Su Si Huang's World", which is also embroidered with a golden Chinese phoenix. She later learned that it was a phoenix, and at first she thought it was a peacock, "How come the Chinese peacock is golden yellow instead of blue-green?" She asked David. David told her that it was not a peacock, but a phoenix, a big bird in Chinese mythology, and like a dragon, it was a totem, a symbol of Chinese culture. She wore the phoenix cheongsam and turned it around to show her grandmother, turned left in a circle, turned right in a circle, and then froze, posing in a charming pose like a model on the catwalk, twisting her crotch and holding her head to look at her grandmother twice. The grandmother loved it so much, the cat-like green eyes flashing with light, "Madre mía!" Madre mía!” My grandmother screamed on the other side of the video, eager to fly to China immediately. My grandmother was a Chinese fan, and Isabella was influenced by her when she came to study in China. She has been in love with this distant oriental country ever since she saw a Hollywood movie called The World of SussIe.

But Isabella doesn't like to go to class very much, Chinese life is Chinese life, Chinese class is Chinese class, completely different things. She easily fell in love with Chinese life, although when she came to China, she found that the China she saw was different from the China in "The World of Su Si Huang", and the Chinese women she saw were different from Su Si Huang, but she liked the Chinese life in reality, vibrant, colorful, really colorful - what color vegetables in the supermarket are there, and the flowers in Van Gao's paintings are brightly colored. The Chinese teacher proudly said that because China is rich in land, vegetables from various climates and soils can be planted. But in Isabella's hometown of Ciudad Real, there are only a few vegetables in the supermarket all year round, potatoes, onions, carrots, tomatoes, eating and eating nothing, very monotonous. China is also bustling, full of people, especially young people. Ciudad Real, on the other hand, is so quiet that when you go out, you can't see young people — young people have gone to Work in Madrid, or to work in Barcelona, and most of the people left are old ladies of her grandmother's age, and some old gentlemen. This is the same as in China, and Isabella found that China also has more old ladies and fewer old gentlemen. Old gentlemen all over the world can't live as old ladies, and from this point of view, the world is still women's, not men's. Therefore, women do not need to engage in any female revolution, as long as they live well, they will win. Like her grandmother. Isabella's grandfather died long ago, but her grandmother has been alive and well. However, she prefers Chinese old ladies to Spanish old ladies, who are more hospitable. Whether it is the old lady in the canteen or the concierge lady in the international student building, I especially like Isabella. The old lady in the concierge is surnamed Ma, and the international students call her Antima. Antima is a northerner, and every time he sees Isabella, he learns Isabella's Spanish tone and asks, "Dumplings?" Antima likes to make dumplings and likes to ask Isabella if she eats dumplings. This made Kanagi jealous. The two of them always passed by the concierge together. "Why does she only ask you if you eat dumplings?" Isabella shrugged and said, "She likes me." This is also a proud and troublesome thing for Isabella, and the old ladies of the whole world are very fond of Isabella, and she went to Athens, Greece one summer, and accidentally broke the handle of a pink-blue vase with a gold rim in the old lady's room, which frightened her at the time, but the fat Greek old lady not only did not let her lose the vase, but also smiled and groaned to her: "Look, it is now Aphrodite." But only the old lady liked her—she guessed it might be because of her grandmother, who had lived with her since she was a child, so she was very good at dealing with old ladies and very good at pleasing old ladies. Kanagi is different. It's always men who like Kanagi. Take Leon, for example. Take David, for example. Everyone knows that Leon likes Chanel, but only Isabella knows that David likes Chanaxi.

Ah Yuan: Even if I don't go to | new publications

But Isabella doesn't like to take Chinese classes, and it should be said that Isabella doesn't like classes at all. But when you study in Spain and France, even if you don't like to go to class, you have to go to school, because although the teacher doesn't care if you go to class or not, the exam is very severe, and you pass it, and if you don't pass it, you don't pass it, and there is no human feeling to talk about. But Chinese teachers are different. They talk about human feelings. Something is fine in the past and the teacher is almost set up, and they are embarrassed to let you fail. When Isabella first arrived, Abel taught her experience. In fact, it can be passed without a set of almost. Later Isabella learned. Because the policy of the school's International Exchange Department does not allow the pass rate of international students to pass the exam is too low, too low will affect the enrollment of international students after the school. The school they attend is an "international" school – at least that's how they advertise it themselves. The "international" school has requirements for the number of international students in school, and only when the number of students meets the standard can it be called an international school, and can it get this part of the national education funding. Therefore, the teacher does not dare to beat the student to fail. Once, a young teaching assistant in the philosophy department beat two international students in the "Chinese Philosophy" course - in total, two international students chose his course, which was equal to a 100% failure rate. The vice dean of the School of International Exchange approached Lao Yu, the head of the Philosophy Department, and asked him to come forward to let the teaching assistant take care of the overall situation. But the assistant teacher turned the scroll out and showed it to Lao Yu, and Lao Yu was speechless. It's almost a white roll, how to take into account the overall situation? Later, the relevant leaders of the Academic Affairs Office personally came forward to talk to the assistant teacher once, and somehow talked about it, in short, the assistant teacher was finally willing to "take into account the overall situation". How to "take the overall picture into account"? He also produced a "moderately difficult" test paper for the two international students to make up. So both international students passed.

Since you can pass the class without going to class, why go to class every day? Some students who naturally like to go to class, such as Leon, have a different kind of question, "Why pay tuition when you don't go to class?" Why didn't I go to class to study in China? Leon asked her. That's a good thing to say, but Isabella just doesn't like classes. Isabella prefers to spend her study abroad life in China elsewhere than in the classroom.

So, when Kanagi asked Isabella to accompany her to the "Pipe Cone", she did not want to. Kanagi, a smiling Japanese woman, always has a way to make others come according to her wishes. Her method, according to the teacher of the culture class, is "to be rou kegang". The teacher of the culture class said that in the Spring and Autumn Period of China, there was a philosopher named Lao Tzu who wrote a philosophy book called the Tao Te Ching. In this book, he advocates the philosophy of water, the so-called philosophy of water, which is actually the "philosophy of gentleness" in fact. This is the source of Chinese culture, so Chinese culture is a culture of peace, and the Chinese nation is a peaceful nation. Isabella agrees, although she does not understand the Tao Te Ching, but there are some theories she can understand, such as "good as water", such as "Mu often wins with silence". The latter sentence would have been difficult, but as soon as she combined it with Kanagi to understand it, she suddenly became enlightened. Kanahi is "Mu", Leon and David are "Mu", and together they are the vivid practice of "Mu often wins over Mu with silence". Of course, Kanagi is not a Chinese, but a Japanese, but Isabella believes that Japanese culture originates from Chinese culture, so Kanagi's cultural upbringing is the same as that of Chinese women, and she also believes in Lao tzu's "gentle philosophy". Of course, it is not enough for Kanagi to use only the "gentle philosophy" of Isabella, but also the Confucian philosophy of "the people take food as the sky". Kanaxi used to bribe her with food. Isabella has seen "The Lonely Foodie", seen "Late Night Canteen", and is salivating over the food inside. There is a Japanese restaurant called "Sasaki" in the back street of the school, and Kanaki has taken her to several times, where there is bonito sushi, as well as tempura, and beef rice with onion lettuce sesame seeds and five-point cooked fried eggs, which is colorful like paella in Spain, but it is different from paella, there is an oriental vegetarian and light, she loves to eat it very much. But Kanaxi said that such a difficult cowboy rice also likes to eat? If you go to Japan and eat the beef rice made by my mikoto, it is estimated that you will leave China to study in Japan. Isabella then began to worry about Kanaki Miharu's beef rice, sushi, and kayaku eel. Kanaki said that the sushi she made with Mi po was also very "delicious". But when to go? Kanaki said "next time." "Next time" several times, Isabella was discouraged "next time". Kanaki now says that if Isabella doesn't return to Spain this winter break, she can take Isabella to Tokyo to eat beef rice and sushi made by her miha. At this time, Isabella did not object, and joyfully accompanied Kanaxi to the "Pipe Cone "Pipe Cone Compilation" class.

It was a small class, a total of more than a dozen students, Kanaxi and Isabella entered the classroom, they attracted the eyes of other students and Ji Yao. They hurried to sit in the back row. The back row was empty, and not a single student was there.

"Two classmates, please sit in the front row." Ji Yao greeted them.

A dozen students were sitting in the middle of the first and second rows, and Chana blushed and moved to the third row with Isabella.

Ji Yao saw that it was two international students.

Not because of Kanagi, Kanagi looks no different from Chinese girls, but Isabella, who has green eyes and a high nose, is an international student at first glance.

There is nothing wrong with international students coming to observe the class, but those who dare to come to observe the "Pipe Cone "Pipe Cone Compilation" have never been.

That day, Ji Yao was talking about the forty-third rule of the "Pipe Cone Compilation Mao Shi Justice", "Crab Leaf", the speed of speech was quite slow, and there was a small pause from time to time, of course, to take care of the two of them, but even so, Kana Xi still listened to the clouds.

Isabella was even more cloudy, but she hadn't listened to the lecture and had been staring at Ji Yao to study. She didn't understand why Kanagi liked this Chinese man, although he was quite tall, more than one meter seventy-five, right? But thin, is the shape of the weak wind - weak wind is a Chinese word that Isabella often uses, because the language teacher said that this word is generally used to describe women. But Isabella felt that the term could also be used to describe most Chinese men, such as this teacher, who looked slimmer than Isabella and had thinner arms than Isabella's. How can such an arm fall in love? At least not with Kana. The weight of Kanagi Isabella is known, don't look at her tall, not fat, but the quality is not small, not the kind of woman who is as light as a swallow and can't help the wind. If you had to use some kind of bird to describe Kanagi, it would be a goose, right? It is a plump succulent goose, not a weak swallow that can't help the wind. Ji Yao, whose arms are so thin, can he hold Kanaxi like a goose? Isabella was skeptical.

After class, Ji Yao stopped them, and he asked them a question or two to see if they were qualified to listen to his class.

What is "Crab Leaf"?

Teacher, is a plant.

He just talked about something, and asked them again, presumably because he wanted to test their Chinese listening.

What plants?

- Isn't it Crab Leaf?

That was the ancient name, now what is the name of this plant?

I don't know.

What does "on the water side" mean?

On the other side of the water?

What does it symbolize?

- I don't know.

Ji Yao scratched the back of his neck socket and asked three questions, such a Chinese foundation, how to listen to his high-level class?

He suggested that they listen to the "Appreciation of Classical Chinese Poetry" by Professor Duan Jinnian of the Department of Chinese, Professor Duan had spent two years at the Confucius Institute at the University of Poitier in France, and had rich experience in lecturing to foreign students. Ji Yao listened to his graduate students and said that when Professor Duan gave classical literature classes to international students, he was very interesting, talking about "Yan Yan Yu Fei, Poor Pond Qiyu", he opened his wings to learn Swallow Flying, talked about "The Worm of The Dragon", and learned to laugh and giggle, which was particularly vivid. Ji Yao wrote down the time and place of Professor Duan's class on the blackboard and asked Kana to write it down.

Chana nodded and obediently wrote it down one by one. Ji Yao put down the chalk and patted the chalk ash on his hand, feeling a little proud in his heart, he thought that this would send the two female students to Teacher Duan Jinnian.

Unexpectedly, when I entered the classroom next Monday, I looked up and saw the two of them sitting upright and crooked in the third row.

Third, Xue Baochao's fan

It should be said that this Japanese student named Kanaki is a good student.

He had thought that if she listened to it a few times at most, she would retreat. After all, his course is too professional, and for Chinese students, if they do not have a solid foundation in ancient literature and a love for Mr. Qian Zhongshu, it is difficult to insist on listening to this course, not to mention a foreign student who does not even know what kind of plant the crab leaf is. But Kanagi just didn't go. The girl who had pressed several shiny stud earrings on her left ear and whose eyelids were painted like blue-green monsters did not come for the third time, and Ji Yao thought that it would be Kanaxi's turn next. But he thought wrongly, and Kanaki still didn't come to the ground, and when he came, he took notes seriously.

Ji Yao had the habit of asking questions in class, and as he spoke, he suddenly stopped his chalk-pinched finger on which student's desk and knocked, "How do you understand this sentence?" Kanagi was particularly afraid of his movements, so she chose the third row of seats against the wall each time. As soon as Ji Yao stopped to look at his classmates, Kanaxi looked down in fright, and his face was full of crimson as he looked at his nose, nose, and heart.

In fact, Ji Yao would not mention Kanagi's question. Don't ask questions, just look at her, he rarely faces her.

He was afraid that she would be embarrassed, and he knew that she would not understand much.

Ah Yuan: Even if I don't go to | new publications

But her attitude of listening to the class is really good, better than the Chinese students, those dozen Chinese students, is already a good student, but a big class down, the middle is inevitable to desert, glance at the desk underneath, and glance at the desk below, Ji Yao asked the students to put the mobile phone to mute mode before class, so they are peeking at the mobile phone. There are also students who scribble a few strokes on the paper and then doodle a few strokes. Those two students who loved graffiti were students that Ji Yao liked. One is from the Department of Architecture, called Chen Ke; The other is the fine arts department, called Fei Lili - Ji Yao This course is a graduate elective course for the whole school, so more than a dozen students are from more than a dozen different departments. Chen Ke painted the tree outside the window, just a few strokes, the bare old camphor tree has the feeling of an art museum work. Chen Ke always painted the camphor tree bare, and asked him why the camphor tree outside the window clearly had leaves, why did it paint bare? Chen Ke said that I was only interested in the ending. Fei Lili also painted the camphor tree outside the window, but the painting was leafy and full of flowers, and asked her how to paint a dense and solid little flower outside the window when the camphor tree outside the window did not bloom? Fei Lili said that I was only interested in the process - Cheng Xin and Chen Ke sang on stage. They should be lovers, always coming together and walking together. It may or may not be, because they are limited to coming together and walking together, never more intimate. These two students Ji Yao liked, talented, and interesting, so occasionally deserted, Ji Yao did not mind. He also came from being a student, a class of fifty minutes, and the university class, always two consecutive sessions, adding up to a hundred minutes, it is difficult to concentrate from beginning to end without desertion. Of course, for the way of desertion, Ji Yao still minds, he can accept the class graffiti or something, think that it is a more classical and advanced way of desertion, and looking at the mobile phone in class is a more modern and low-level way of desertion. Although Ji Yao is not very old, he is in his early thirties, but he has the same old-fashioned temper as an old master, and he does not like technical things, especially mobile phones. He is hostile to the mobile phone, believing that it is a destroyer of the "classical and poetic life" and a "flower of evil" that poisons the life of youth on campus. So every time the female student in the journalism department glanced at the mobile phone, he frowned, flattened his face, and stopped talking. The students all knew that Teacher Ji was unhappy, and the female classmate of the journalism department also knew, but she just couldn't help it. Classmates complained about her after class, she shrugged her shoulders, put her hands together and said: What can I do? If I don't look at my phone for ten minutes, I'll die.

But Kanaxi never deserted, she always looked like she was listening to the lectures very carefully, and she took notes, he wanted to see her notes, what did she remember? What can she remember? After all, what he said, she should not understand a few words.

Once, when he was leaving after class with a handout bag, she blushed and stopped him, saying that she had a question she wanted to ask him.

He stood still with a smirk, have a question? She should have countless questions, right?

"Teacher, what is Xue Baochao's fan?"


For the full text, see Contemporary, No. 3, 2022

About author:Ah Yuan, born in 1967 in Leping, Jiangxi, graduated from Nankai University and now teaches at the university. In 2002, he began to write novels, and wrote novels such as "Fish Intestine Sword", "Master Mother", and the novel collection "Zheng Sleeve's Pear Garden", "Rice Red", "Pear Garden" and so on.

Ah Yuan: Even if I don't go to | new publications

Editor-in-charge of the original journal: Shi Yifeng

WeChat Editor of this issue: Yu Wenwei

Illustrations from the web

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