
Is the more vitamin supplementation the better? Excessive supplementation with this vitamin may increase the risk of lung cancer

Vitamins, the English name Vitalin, means life-sustaining elements, which shows that it is indeed a good thing. I often hear people around me complain: recently the body is weak, easy to catch fire, hair loss, poor resistance, it is time to supplement vitamins.

Whether vitamins are necessary or not has always been a hot topic, but in fact? Proper vitamin supplementation is necessary, but if the supplement is excessive, it will bring a lot of negative effects to our body.

Is the more vitamin supplementation the better? Excessive supplementation with this vitamin may increase the risk of lung cancer

1. Excessive vitamin B12 supplementation may increase the risk of lung cancer

Recently, I saw a study that found that overdose on certain vitamins may increase the risk of lung cancer, such as vitamin B12, which needs to be taken seriously. The study was published in the European Journal of Cancer Prevention.

Is the more vitamin supplementation the better? Excessive supplementation with this vitamin may increase the risk of lung cancer

The study subjects were more than 60,000 Chinese singaporeans, aged between 47 and 74 years old;

Research programme: participants were followed up on lung cancer incidence for up to 25 years;

Findings: After an average of 17.64 years of follow-up, 2,001 of the participants eventually developed lung cancer, and the results showed that high levels of vitamin B12 intake were associated with a significant increase in lung cancer risk. The researchers said the link was more pronounced in men than in women. It is also more pronounced among men who have a smoking habit.

Conclusion: This data clearly shows that long-term, high-dose intake of vitamin B12 leads to an increased risk of lung cancer.

However, no other studies have been found to definitively link B12 supplementation with cancer risk.

Is the more vitamin supplementation the better? Excessive supplementation with this vitamin may increase the risk of lung cancer

Second, so, can vitamins still be supplemented?

After reading this study, don't mistakenly think that vitamins should not be supplemented, in fact, it is necessary to supplement vitamins reasonably, as long as you master these principles.

1, should not be too much

Vitamin supplementation should not be too much, we can not blindly adhere to the view that the more the merrier, excessive supplementation of vitamins will lead to vitamin accumulation in the body, which is not conducive to our physical health.

2. Targeted supplementation

Vitamin supplementation should be targeted, it should be clear what kind of vitamin is missing, and then targeted to supplement, do not do not figure out what kind of lack of time aimlessly make up. Here I share with you the general application of various vitamins:

Is the more vitamin supplementation the better? Excessive supplementation with this vitamin may increase the risk of lung cancer

3. Intermittent supplementation

Some people treat vitamin supplementation as a daily task, eating it every day and eating it continuously for many years, which is also not good. Vitamin supplementation, to be intermittent, long-term vitamin supplementation is easy to produce a sense of dependence.

4, food supplements are the key

Finally, it is important that the best way to supplement vitamins is to keep your food diversified and make sure that you can supplement enough nutrients so that you can ensure a balanced vitamin. Here to share with you the food list of various vitamins for reference.

Is the more vitamin supplementation the better? Excessive supplementation with this vitamin may increase the risk of lung cancer

In short: vitamins or choose their own more important, not the more types of the better, the higher the content of the more effective, but also to consider whether the body is really deficient in this nutrient. Many times, you think you are lacking, but in fact you may have made up too much.

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