
From Poor to Rich: Revealing Jewish Mother's Top-Secret Financial Business Education

Jewish financial and business education is particularly commendable. Jews are good at business, the world knows, the famous Greenspan, Bernanke, Buffett, Soros, Morgan family, Lehman brothers, Solomon brothers are all Jews. It is no exaggeration to say that Wall Street in the United States, the financial center of the world, is controlled by Jews, and more than 80% of the investment products on Er street are invented by Jews. Jews' shrewdness in business does not all come from talent, in fact, in the tradition, they think that having a business mindset and business acumen is a basic life skill.

There was a viral post circulating on the Internet about a Chinese single mother and her three children in Israel.

All along, this mother has been adhering to the Chinese principle of "no matter how bitter you are, you can't be a child" and is a qualified Chinese mother. Every day she sends her children to school, and when they go to school, she sells spring rolls. In the afternoon, the children went to the spring roll stall, and the mother stopped operating. One day, however, a neighbor came over and reprimanded the child: "You are already a big child, you should learn to help your mother, instead of watching your mother busy, you are like a waste." Then, the neighbor turned his head and reprimanded the mother: "Don't bring that backward education here, don't think that you are the mother when you have a child..."

So the children began with the simplest sale of spring rolls and embarked on their own business paths, and in just a few days, the children who had previously only been clinging to their mothers and spoiling themselves were transformed into shrewd little Jewish merchants. A year later, the boss has earned more than 2,000 shekels (equivalent to more than 4,000 yuan) by selling stationery; the second eldest, with his 14-year-old age and writing, actually opened his own column in the newspaper, specializing in introducing the customs and customs of Shanghai, handing in 2 articles a week, each 1,000 words, 80 shekels per month; the third is a girl, she learned to cook tea and make snacks, and the two brothers like it. However, these snacks are not free, and the two brothers need to pay for the snacks. How did Jews raise their children's financial resources?

Viewpoint 1 Jewish children's first birthday gifts are stocks

When their children turn one year old, many Jewish parents will give stocks as gifts to their children, which is the practice of Jewish families and the unique financial education of Jewish parents to their children, especially Jews in North America. Although children prefer all kinds of toys, Jewish parents prefer to give their children something more practical, giving their children stocks, just so that their children can be exposed to money, know money, and understand money from an early age.

Viewpoint 2 Cultivate the concept of "money can be exchanged"

After having an initial concept and interest in money, the second stage of financial education for Jewish parents is to deepen the financial concept of "money can be exchanged". When Jewish children are 3 years old, their parents begin to teach them to recognize coins and banknotes; at the age of 5, children know that coins can buy anything they want and understand how money comes from; at the age of 7, they can read the price label and initially develop the financial concept of "money can be exchanged"; at the age of 8, they can make money by doing extra work and know how to store money in the bank's savings account; at the age of 10, they know how to be frugal every week for large expenses Between the ages of 11 and 12, they will make and implement expense plans for more than two weeks, and know how to use the terminology of banking correctly.

Viewpoint 3 Designing a "Money Game" for Kids

Jewish parents believe that if you want your child to understand financial management, you should first let your child pay attention to the details related to money around them, how to encourage and guide children to pay attention to these details, their most common practice is to design some "money games" related to this, children are willing to become the winner of the game, competitive spirit will drive them to pay attention to it all the time.

What kind of game? For example, guess the price of an item. Home can prepare a carton, the carton put some daily necessities, such as drinks, candy, books, erasers, pencils, rulers, etc., anyway, some daily children can contact and find the price of the items, these items are not marked with the price, let the children to guess, if who guessed correctly, give him the corresponding price of the money, to the end to see who has the most money who is the winner, you can set rewards for the winner. In order to become a big winner, children will take the initiative to pay attention to the price of goods when they visit the supermarket with their parents and write down the price.

In addition, when Jewish parents teach their children to learn to invest, they usually start from games, such as "Monopoly" games, to establish an initial impression of investment from the game, and then integrate simple investment knowledge into it.

Viewpoint 4 Money is not sinful

Don't get me wrong with Jewish children, who help their parents with housework, or go out on their own to do small jobs, are driven by money and degenerate family relationships into money relations. In the eyes of Jewish parents, money education is not only a financial education, to a large extent, it is also a personality and character education.

If you see someone rummaging through some empty mineral water bottles in the trash, children will usually ask what these empty bottles do? Our answer is generally this: these people have no money, find empty bottles and sell some money where they can collect waste. But if it's a Jewish mother, her answer is not so, she will tell the child that although the garbage is dirty, you can't feel that the money you make from picking up the garbage is also dirty. There are many kinds of jobs in this world, people rely on these jobs to make money, and there is no distinction between noble and lowly, as long as they have paid their own labor, and the money earned by following the proper way is also not expensive and lowly, it is the same.

Viewpoint 5 Cultivate the concept of delayed enjoyment in children

The most important point of Jewish financial and business education is to cultivate the concept of delayed enjoyment of children. The so-called postponement of enjoyment, which refers to the postponement of the satisfaction of their own desires in order to pursue their future greater returns, is almost the core of Jewish education and the biggest secret of Jewish success.

Jews teach children this way: "If you like to play, you need to earn your free time, which requires good education and academic performance." Then you can get a good job and make a lot of money, and when you make money, you can play longer and play with more expensive toys. If you get the order wrong, the whole system won't work properly, you'll only be able to play for a short time, and the end result is that you have some cheap toys that will eventually break down, and then you'll work harder for the rest of your life, without toys, without happiness. "This is the most basic example of deferred enjoyment.

Viewpoint 6. Wisdom is eternal wealth

Children in Jewish homes are asked a question: "If one day your house burns down and your property is robbed, what will you take with you to escape?" If the child replied that it was money and jewelry, the mother would patiently guide the child and tell him, "What you are going to take away is neither money nor gemstones, but wisdom." Because wisdom cannot be snatched away by anyone, as long as you live, wisdom is with you, and wisdom is your greatest wealth. ”

In Jewish homes, when a child is a little sensible, the mother will open the Bible, drop a little honey on it, and then tell the child to kiss the honey in the Bible. The intention of this ritual is that the books are sweet.

These ideas of the Jews, we can also try, how to carry out financial and business education for children of different ages, experts give us a child financial business training program:

3 years old: Recognize banknotes and coins.

4 years old: Learn to use money to buy simple items such as paintbrushes, bubble gum, and snacks.

5 years old: Understand that money is the reward for labor, and correctly carry out money exchange activities.

6 years old: can count a large amount of money, start to learn to save money, and cultivate a sense of "own money".

7 years old: Can watch the price tag of the product, compare it with their own money, and confirm their ability to buy.

8 years old: know how to open a bank account to save money, and find a way to earn their own pocket money, such as selling old newspapers to get paid.

9 years old: Able to make a simple one-week expense plan and know how to compare prices when shopping.

10 years old: Know how to save a little money every week and use it when you keep a large amount of money. For example, buy skates, scooters, etc.

11 years old: Learn to evaluate commercial advertisements, from which to find cheap and good goods, and have the concept of discounts and discounts.

12 years old: Attempts to invest in stocks, bonds, and other investment activities, as well as business, part-time work and other money-making practices.

13-15 years old: try some safe investment tools and services and know how to budget, save and initial investment;

16-17 years old: Learn some macroeconomic basics, learn to pay attention to global market information, and understand the interconnections between simple financial instruments.

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