
Calligraphy and Painting Alliance 丨Chinese painting flowers and birds various basic painting methods

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White drawing method

White drawing refers to the method of drawing objects with ink lines and not color.

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance 丨Chinese painting flowers and birds various basic painting methods

There are also white painting methods in the painting of figures and animals, such as the two earliest paintings excavated from the Tomb of Chu in the Warring States, that is, expressed in white painting, which was called "white painting" in ancient times, and the following picture is Shouping's "Narcissus Map", that is, with white painting method, full of simple and meticulous ink charm.

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance 丨Chinese painting flowers and birds various basic painting methods

The white drawing method is mainly based on lines, but it can also render light ink. When drawing lines, it is necessary to combine the characteristics of the pen and ink with the shape, the twists and turns of the brushwork, the thickness of the lines, all of which should be based on the texture or characteristics of the object being expressed, such as painting petals with thinner and lighter lines to easily show their delicate and soft; drawing leaves and branches with slightly thicker lines, it is easier to express their hard and thick texture; painting the feathers of birds with thin lines that are slightly dry and the pen is empty, it is easier to show the fluffy and soft feeling of feathers.

Chinese painting is the eloquence of lines, especially in white painting, the merits of lines are the main key to the success or failure of a painting.

The white stroke brush should be mainly centered, the pressure and speed of the pen should be uniform, the hooked pen line should have the effect of "outer soft and inner rigid", the strength should be contained inside, and it should not be exposed to the outside; the lack of implicit pen and ink is not durable. Too much sharpness and exposed strength are easy to show a domineering atmosphere, and fashion can reduce the beauty of some flowers and birds, so the lines drawn by white should be "just built in grace."

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance 丨Chinese painting flowers and birds various basic painting methods

In addition, the speed of the pen should not be too fast, nor should it be sluggish, it must have the meaning of "no going back", the wrist strength must be sent to the head, and when the pen is lifted upwards, it should not be sloppy. As for the white painting of flowers, according to the demonstration provided by Professor Wu Xuerang, there are three main lines:

One is to stop writing (one word stroke), suitable for painting leaf stems, bamboo stems, etc.

The second is a nail-headed rattail drawing, which is suitable for drawing leaf tendons, leaves, etc.

The third is a continuous arc drawing, suitable for drawing petals.

The order of painting birds is to draw a long stroke in the mouth, then draw a stroke on the upper jaw and a stroke on the lower jaw, and then draw the eye circles, the point of the eyes, the head, the back, the wings, the chest, the abdomen, the legs, the claws, and the tail. The lines of fine hairs are lighter than the brush, the middle section is slightly thicker, and if the brush is too heavy, it is not easy to show the texture of the feathers.

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance 丨Chinese painting flowers and birds various basic painting methods

The double hook color painting method is a painting method that uses line hooks to draw objects after coloring, also known as hook and color method or double hook coloring method, which is made of dyeing colors on the basis of white drawing.

Its origin is very early, Mawangdui Western Han Tomb unearthed paintings, has seen this kind of painting method, five generations of painter Huang Xiao is a representative painter of the double hook color method, its lines are slender, colorful, is the mainstream of the Northern Song Dynasty painting flower and bird painting method, and Xu Xi in Jiangnan, also uses the double hook filling method, but the style is wild, pay more attention to the fun of the line and ink rhyme, the flower and bird painters of later generations, use the pen to take more Method Xu Xi, use color to take the Method Huang Zhen, and take both the two families of the god-like Yi Rhyme. The Southern Song Dynasty Wu Shan's "Bamboo Bird Diagram" is an example of a double hook filling method.

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance 丨Chinese painting flowers and birds various basic painting methods

Drawing double hook color method should choose cooked paper (paper) or silk, first use ink line double hook white drawing, prepare two sheep pens for rendering, one dipped in color, one dipped in water, to practice holding two pens in one hand, and can be flexibly exchanged.

When setting the color, the color should be light, it should be dyed several times, and the color of the inner side (or center) of the flower and leaf should be pushed to the edge by a clear water pen, and the water content in the water pen should be appropriate, too much water will leave traces, and if it is too dry, it will not be rendered.

After rendering, if the original ink line has been blurred, you can use heavy color to rehook once, hook once, called "Le", but also from the back of the paper to dye, so that the color of the flowers and leaves of the picture is more thick and uniform. There are three methods of flower shading:

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance 丨Chinese painting flowers and birds various basic painting methods

(1) Dye first: first the lightest color base of the flower color (both flat painted and bottomed) and then stained with other colors, usually white, pink, light yellow can be flowered with white foundation first, in the use of light green, magenta, garcinia and other colors of dyeing. The leaves can be first dyed with a grass green bottom and then with a flower blue.

(2) Dye first: Purple or dark red flowers, can first use flower blue (or light ink) from the inside to the outside of the dyeing, and then red, dyeing leaves can also be first dyed with flower blue (or light ink), and then grass green.

(3) Dyeing method: for example, pink lotus petals, pointed red, the root is slightly pale green, you can first use white foundation and then use magenta from the tip to the inward dyeing, and immediately use light green from the inside to the outside, before the water is dry. Local insect erosion of broken leaves can also be used to dye.

Slightly different from the harvesting method of birds, first white painting is followed by light ink dyeing, then color is second color, third color after drying, then fourth combing, and fifth color combing (silk hair) is commonly used to transform feathers (or livestock).

In order to emphasize the feeling of soft and fine feathers, the principle of combing feathers is to comb the light feathers with a dark comb and the dark feathers with a light comb.

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance 丨Chinese painting flowers and birds various basic painting methods

Boneless painting

The boneless painting method is a painting method that does not use ink line hooks and directly paints objects with color.

The boneless painting method is said to have been created by Xu Chongsi in the Northern Song Dynasty, and there were very few painters after that, and Yun Shouping in the early Qing Dynasty was a master who revived this painting method and had a great influence on modern times.

The boneless painting method is also more appropriate to use cooked paper, because there is no ink line, so the white "water line" is used to curve the relationship between the front and back leaves or the petals and the petals, which has the taste of white as black. The boneless painting method can also be subdivided into several forms of expression:

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance 丨Chinese painting flowers and birds various basic painting methods

The first is a thinner method such as double hook filler color, but the ink line of the double hook is omitted and dyed by layers of color.

The second method of painting is slightly loose with a slightly freehand brush stroke, directly dyed with color, and completed at once. The third method of painting is to straighten the color first, and dye the part with other similar colors before drying, similar to the broken ink because of the use of cooked paper, so it produces a semi-fusion effect or a slightly mottled color change.

Generally speaking, the white drawing method, the double hook color painting method and the boneless painting method all belong to the category of gongbi painting method, and attention should be paid to the integrity of its form and the clarity of its structure.

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance 丨Chinese painting flowers and birds various basic painting methods

Beginners can first hook a sketch of the same size before painting, placed under the drawing paper, then the composition, shape has a basis, can focus on the color and the fun of the pen, no matter which hair method to draw flowers, leaves, color should have a change in intensity, a pen dipped in water, in order to divide the dye. You can also use the method of "dyeing first and then" to pursue richer color changes, but the color should not be too strong and colorful, and it is always light and elegant.

After dyeing the color, wait for it to dry before hooking the leaf tendons, silk flowers or painting the flower buds to supplement the details.

Freehand painting

Freehand painting refers to the use of simple and generalized brush and ink to express the mental state of the object, and does not seek to be like a god.

According to the records in the history of painting, the Jialing Rivers and Mountains or Wang Qia's splashed ink painted by Wu Daozi in the Tang Dynasty may have had a freehand form, and the ink bamboo of Su Shi and Wen Tong in the Northern Song Dynasty and the ink plum of Shi Zhongren in the paintings that have been handed down to the past generations can already be included in the freehand painting method, and in the late Ming Dynasty, Xu Wei, with more bold brush and ink, drew a large and painful freehand on rice paper, as shown below is the "Peony Banana Stone Diagram" drawn by Xu Wei. The Bada Shanren, the Eight Monsters of Yangzhou and the Jinshi School of Painting have all expanded a lot of fields for freehand flower and bird painting.

Calligraphy and Painting Alliance 丨Chinese painting flowers and birds various basic painting methods

The freehand flower and bird painting method is mostly based on the technique of "dot stack" or "dot cluster", which can be subdivided into hook flower dot leaf method, small freehand method, capitalized freehand method and so on.

Freehand painting is suitable for using raw paper, which can be painted with ink color alone or in several colors. The pen first contains a good light color, and then the reef dark color on the tip of the pen, you can also first reef dark color and then dip in water to draw, each stroke must have a change in shade, the use of raw paper is easy to dissolve, in order to produce dry, wet, thick, light different effects.

In short, although the freehand painting method has the so-called "not enough to realize the pen", the form is simple or the image is not accurate, but to draw the freehand painting method well, it is still necessary to work more in the brush painting method and observe the sketching more, in order to play the characteristics of simple and meaningful.

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