
Carry forward the spirit of craftsmen in big countries and restore urban memory

Huang Dejie, an ancient fujian construction craftsman, believes that the strength of the times should be expressed in the ancient civilization buildings that inherit the essence of China, so as to show our big country mind and national feelings. This kind of ancient architecture should have the inheritance of the blood of Sheng Tang architecture, the innovation of integrating the contemporary spirit, and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation's great rejuvenation architectural dream that can be inherited for hundreds of years.

Carry forward the spirit of craftsmen in big countries and restore urban memory

Forty years of guarding the heart and keeping the art, the ingenuity is in the Tenon of Kit Kat

Huang Dejie was born in 1969 to a rural family in Nodding Town, Fuding City, Fujian Province. At the age of 14, Huang Dejie followed his father and other folk craftsmen, focusing on learning the luban tenon large wooden structure of traditional architecture. At the age of 19, he studied with Mr. Zuo Guobao, a national master, and as one of mr. Zuo Guobao's closed disciples, under the tireless words and deeds of Mr. Zuo, Huang Dejie continued to study the traditional ancient architectural techniques of the Tang and Song dynasties in the heyday of China.

Carry forward the spirit of craftsmen in big countries and restore urban memory
Carry forward the spirit of craftsmen in big countries and restore urban memory

Dou arch, the soul of ancient Chinese architecture. It has been simple and complex, and it has experienced prosperity and decline. It has been influenced by the times and reflected the cross-section of history to watch the world's wind and dust. It hides in silence under the ornate eaves, and the stars have supported classical Chinese architecture through ups and downs.

In ancient Chinese architecture, the huge cornices were always particularly eye-catching. In order to achieve such a magnificent roof, it is necessary to mention the most important structure in a wooden building - the bucket arch, which is a magical skill that carries the ingenuity and wisdom of the ancients.

In the eyes of people, Huang Dejie is not tall, but his mind is high. From the beginning of learning carpentry with his father, he fell in love with the magnificent temple arch, once a weak body, but loaded with the ambition of dominating the temple. Starting from the bucket arch, he concentrated on understanding the pillar body under the bucket arch, the upper eaves, and the unique lever structure supported the unique large roof form of ancient Chinese architecture - extending the eaves gently and deeply outwards, like the wings of a bird. A child who comes out of a mountain col by the sea, the shock to his soul begins.

In fact, the bucket arch has appeared as early as 2,000 years ago, and the shadow of the early bucket arch can be seen on the architectural pattern pattern on the mulberry hunting pot in the Warring States Period, as well as on the tombs and murals of the Han Dynasty. Through some excavated cultural relics of the Warring States period, we can also intuitively see the embodiment of the early bucket arch, such as the dragon and phoenix square table excavated from the tomb of the King of Zhongshan in the Warring States, which is similar in structure to the Qing-style one bucket and two liter bucket arch. Its development and maturity as a real building component is as late as the gorgeous Tang Dynasty, and it is also during this period that the role of the bucket arch has been emphasized inexorably, almost becoming a symbol of traditional Chinese wooden architecture.

The combination of tenons and tenons between the bucket arches does not use an iron nail, so that the crisscrossing combination is like adding a spring layer between the beam and the column, and if there is an earthquake, it is like a taiji to dissolve the impact of the earthquake. This may also explain why many ancient wooden structures can stand for thousands of years.

Carry forward the spirit of craftsmen in big countries and restore urban memory

For forty years, Huang Dejie has been guarding his heart and art, building majestic buildings in his heart that are less than a thousand years old.

Dozens of majestic ancient buildings, dedicated to the promotion of national self-confidence

Renshou Temple, located in Chancheng District, Foshan City, is a historical Foshan Buddhism involving many sects, including Zen, Law, Purity, and so on. Zen and Zen Buddhism have always been the mainstream of Buddhism in Foshan, so Chancheng is a veritable "Foshan". As a representative temple, Renshou Temple ushered in a new round of renovation in 2018.

The large-scale antique buildings of Renshou Temple are rich in style, especially the roof shape is the most prominent. There are mainly the form of the temple, xieshan, hanging mountain, hard mountain, saving tip, roof and other forms, the project specifications are high, the material is large, the technical requirements are rigorous and other particularities, the government and the temple and other relevant representatives in-depth investigation and understanding, decided to invite Fujian folk ancient architect Huang Dejie to undertake the construction of the wooden structure part of Renshou Temple. Master Huang Dejie, together with hundreds of folk craftsmen, spared no effort to work hard at Renshou Temple for more than several years, and finally presented the wooden structure of Renshou Temple to the public.

Carry forward the spirit of craftsmen in big countries and restore urban memory

Compared with the domestic temples, most of which are reinforced concrete structures, the central axis of Renshou Temple is all imitation Tang wood structure. The Daxiong Treasure Hall is the highest-grade temple roof building, with a total height of 25.8 meters, a construction area of 1123 square meters, and the length of the logs used in the wooden pillars of the main hall is 13 meters, and the diameter is 1.3 meters. The whole hall is connected by a traditional mortise and tenon structure, and the expert group of the Chinese Cultural Heritage Research Institute and the State Administration of Cultural Heritage agreed when they went to Foshan to discuss that "among the similar monasteries in China, the Daxiong Treasure Hall of Renshou Temple uses the best materials, the largest single body, and the most exquisite craftsmanship."

Huang Dejie often warned himself that a confident nation must have its own survival. As a craftsman, it is irresponsible not to leave something worth remembering for future generations and the nation.

Since the early 1980s, with the gradual recovery of the country's economic development, Huang Dejie and his team have built and restored many folk ancient architectural projects. The Zhaoming Temple and Ziguo Temple of the Eight Views of Fujian Fuding, the Xichan Temple of the Five Jungles of Fuzhou, and the Jinding Temple of Taimu Mountain are all soaked with the sweat of their wisdom.

After 2000, the ancient construction team of Huang Dejie continued to grow, the skills became more and more exquisite, at the invitation of the social elites of all parties, they went south to Hainan and Guangdong, and successively undertook the construction of Sanya Nanshan Temple, Guangdong Huilai Yongfu Temple, Guangdong Shantou Longquan Temple, Guangdong Haifeng Jiwu Temple, Linyun Temple, Baiyun Temple, Zhuhai Putuo Temple, Jiangmen Xuefeng Temple, Yutai Temple, Foshan Renshou Temple, Guangxiao Temple and many other large-scale wooden structure ancient construction projects. Huang Dejie and his teammates skillfully integrated national architectural craftsmanship with contemporary inheritance techniques to build dozens of contemporary classic halls, winning a wide reputation and highlighting the self-confidence of the nation.

Huang Dejie has taken his disciples to Shanxi and other places for study and investigation many times, and has also crossed fusang many times to survey the famous Tang and Song dynasty style buildings such as Tang Zhaoti Temple, Jianchang Temple, and Asakusa Temple that remain in Japan. Through improvement and innovation, it is used in the projects it undertakes.

Huang Dejie has a belief that the glory of the ancient buildings of the mainland is created by each generation of working people making full use of their own wisdom. As a contemporary craftsman, we must also inherit the architectural concept and scientific basis of ancient buildings, build buildings that make future generations feel proud, and make our long-standing national crafts and history and culture brilliant for hundreds of thousands of years.

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