
Musk tweeted that he wanted to "single out" with Putin, chechen leader: I suggest you come to Chechnya first to practice

【Global Network Report】Comprehensive Russian "Izvestia", Russian News Agency and other media reports, the founder of the US Space Exploration Technology Company (SpaceX) Elon Musk tweeted in English, Russian and Ukrainian on the 14th local time, shouting to Russian President Putin, "I hereby challenge Vladimir Putin." Be head-to-head. The stakes are Ukraine. ”

Below the tweet, Musk also @KremlinRussia_E the official Twitter account of the Ait Kremlin and asked in Russian: "Do you agree to this duel?" ”

Musk tweeted that he wanted to "single out" with Putin, chechen leader: I suggest you come to Chechnya first to practice

Screenshot of Musk's tweet

In response, Kadyrov, the leader of the Chechen Republic of Russia, responded on the instant messaging software Telegram, "Musk, I would like to suggest that you do not compete with Putin. He said Musk and Putin belong to different "heavyweights."

Musk tweeted that he wanted to "single out" with Putin, chechen leader: I suggest you come to Chechnya first to practice

RIA Novosti: Kadyrov advised Musk not to compete with Putin

According to Kadyrov, the problem is not as simple as going head-to-head with judo and the like. "What do you think about that yourself?" You're in the red corner of the ring and are a businessman and Twitter blogger. Putin's blue horn in the ring is a world-class politician, strategist and person who frightens the West and the United States. When Vladimir Putin hits a weaker opponent, he won't look like he's doing sports. Kadyrov said.

Kadyrov also suggested that Musk travel to the Chechen Republic for training.

Russian news agency reported that the general manager of the Russian State Aerospace Corporation Rogozin also responded to Telegram on the 14th. He quoted a few sentences from the famous Russian writer Pushkin's fairy tale poem "The Story of the Priest and His Long-Time Worker Barda", which literally translates as: "You are a little devil, still very young." Fighting with me is still very tender, it will only be a waste of time. ”

Musk tweeted that he wanted to "single out" with Putin, chechen leader: I suggest you come to Chechnya first to practice

RIA Novosti: Rogozin responded with poetry to Musk's call for Putin to single out

As the Conflict between Russia and Ukraine continues, international oil prices have risen sharply recently. Europe, which is dependent on Russian energy, also faces energy supply problems. On March 4, Musk tweeted a proposal to increase global oil and gas production, saying that "extraordinary measures are needed in extraordinary times." "Obviously, this will have a negative impact on Tesla, but sustainable energy solutions simply cannot respond immediately to make up for Russia's oil and gas exports," he added in a follow-up tweet.

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