
Hearthstone: The Year of the Phoenix Looks Away From Orange Card, Marvie the King of Dust, Rifle Blue Card Quality

Hearthstone's Year of the Griffin is coming to an end, and the cards of the Year of the Phoenix will disappear from standard vision. The preview season of the new year is coming, looking back at last year's preview season, some orange cards that were blown into the sky ate the whole time, until the environment was not taken out to dust the ashes, and some orange cards that were joked as blue cards successfully counterattacked and became the beloved golden oil.

Hearthstone: The Year of the Phoenix Looks Away From Orange Card, Marvie the King of Dust, Rifle Blue Card Quality

Ma Wei, the famous king of deception, at that time, countless anchors and high play said that this card was very strong, and the lawbreaker entered the honor room to give way to it. Unexpectedly, the war roar could only let the target sleep for one turn, and we still did not understand the dormancy in place.

Akama, the mechanism of permanent stealth is quite novel. Although the thief passes the card quickly and draws the ultimate follow-up, the 5 blood plate is a bit brittle, escaping the single solution but can not hide from the AOE, especially easy to be scraped to death by the 767 priestess gua sha at that time.

Hearthstone: The Year of the Phoenix Looks Away From Orange Card, Marvie the King of Dust, Rifle Blue Card Quality

Star students, immediately after gliding out, are considered to catch up with the heat of netizens discussing hand damage. Compared to unstable dirty rats, it can also be directionally split. Later, after the finale's heartbreaker appeared, no one talked about this card anymore, no one took the ladder, and it was found that no one was chosen.

Gold medal hunter, hunting father is the ladder evergreen profession, egg always came out when he was how supermodel, these two professions strong and powerful orange card must be earth-shattering. The result is just a good card for the arena, and the barren land period occasionally enters the construction. In the age of hyper-expansion, who still plays the Companion Swap?

Hearthstone: The Year of the Phoenix Looks Away From Orange Card, Marvie the King of Dust, Rifle Blue Card Quality

Wind song, the spell version of Avina, was previously crushed by Kelsas, always said that the future can be expected, and now even Avena is the tear of the times. 9 Fee is still a bit bulky, and it is not bad to be transformed by a shaman.

Ou Mu, the king of the new era of Ku'en. It's not that it's weak, it's just not as strong as expected, it was once the core of Blue Dragon, but unfortunately, Marigos later retired from the environment and has been unknown this year.

Hearthstone: The Year of the Phoenix Looks Away From Orange Card, Marvie the King of Dust, Rifle Blue Card Quality

Chaotic decks, preview seasons let players fry the whole live card, what James Saver, 1 cost 56 points field attack, 3 cost king, the result of these brain repair tumultuous operations can not be achieved. It was stupid to bring a bunch of retinues, and the warlocks didn't have the means to retrieve spells in a targeted manner.

Before the circus was launched, many people asked: What orange card is good? The big guys replied: First gilded the four ancient gods are not wrong. However, these stupid big ones were quickly attacked and rubbed on the ground. Now that silly dragons and Azogi have turned over with the help of Gufu and Bingsa respectively, Enzos has also strengthened to 9 fees, leaving Cthun, the only seedling, to squat in the sewers.

Hearthstone: The Year of the Phoenix Looks Away From Orange Card, Marvie the King of Dust, Rifle Blue Card Quality

There are overestimations and natural underestimations, the so-called one-point card, that is, a card that regrets one point. Leanderine, the player is bound by a burned old mind. Times have changed, the holy deed system is too strong, even if you don't give hope to the holy deed, the wisdom of the holy deed with 0 fees in one hand is not bad.

Mirror of the Soul, when previewed many people say not as good as the Holy Light Bomb. After going online: mirror real incense, unlock the card return to the scene god card. At that time, the Wild Pigeon Technique was very popular under the leadership of the teacher, and the mirror was just restrained.

Hearthstone: The Year of the Phoenix Looks Away From Orange Card, Marvie the King of Dust, Rifle Blue Card Quality

Female buses, mainly randomness makes people not optimistic, 5 fees entourage quality is uneven, but did not expect that the disadvantage when the knife is so difficult. The early advantage of the rhythm thief 5 cost this is enough to lay the winning momentum.

Duel master Mozac, many people said that its cost was high, 8 blood could not stand the scene, but no one expected it to appear and kill. In the final analysis, it is not it that is strong, it is the mourning green, the spell torrent, the mana biscuit, and the 0-cost spell is thrown casually.

Hearthstone: The Year of the Phoenix Looks Away From Orange Card, Marvie the King of Dust, Rifle Blue Card Quality

The elite Minotaur Chieftain, although only has a shelf life of 4 months, has also impressed the player. The blind man wanted to dye this card green, and although the warrior had no stray hair, he had a combination of captain, blood oath, and broom.

Ruilin's rifle, unpretentious, blue card quality, this is the evaluation of netizens before the launch. But hunters are originally an unpretentious profession, with the least amount of super-unfolding, hitting the highest damage.

There are many cards like this preview season, such as pen throwing, gliding, crabs, etc., but the blue and white cards are two, and it is okay to overestimate and underestimate.

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