
Will the reimbursement rate for medical treatment also increase, genetic testing or welcome new opportunities?

On March 11, Premier Li Keqiang of the State Council attended a press conference to answer questions from Chinese and foreign journalists.

In response to a question from a People's Daily reporter, Li Keqiang specifically mentioned: "We have established a system of medical insurance for serious diseases, and some diseases can be reimbursed to 300,000 yuan to 500,000 yuan in some places, and there are still high places that are not capped." In general, the reimbursement rate of urban and rural residents for medical treatment can reach 70%, and it will gradually increase with the increase of national strength. ”

In the past 10 years, the development of China's medical insurance industry has been obvious to all, and now it has gradually touched on the protection of serious and exceptionally serious diseases and rare diseases. At this year's two sessions, many deputies and members expressed their views on genetic testing in tumor treatment.

Chen Saijuan, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and dean of the Institute of Translational Medicine of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, clearly proposed that tumor gene testing should be put into medical institutions to eliminate hidden dangers and corruption in medical safety.

The "Dr. Zhang Yu Incident" in 2021 has triggered heated discussions in the industry. Genetic testing has entered the daily routine of tumor treatment, and even the more cutting-edge early tumor screening has also been largely laid out. However, many related business development is not standardized, causing more social problems.

Yu Jinming, deputy to the National People's Congress, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and president of Shandong Provincial Cancer Hospital, also suggested that key and easy-to-achieve tumor screening such as lung cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer, and thyroid cancer be included in medical insurance.

In 2022, the genetic testing industry may usher in new opportunities.

Genetic testing is carried out in the hospital to eliminate chaos in the industry

Genetic testing is now almost a necessity for tumor treatment. But for many patients in the middle and late stages, genetic testing has become a heavy burden.

Liu Weichang, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and principal of Shuguang School in Feixiang District, Handan City, Hebei Province, said: Many peasant friends have not only not extended their survival period in the process of treating tumors, but also suffered great pain.

It is imperative to standardize the diagnosis and treatment of tumors.

At the beginning of 2022, the National Medical Insurance Bureau named a fraud case, and the employees involved in the case tampered with the genetic test report data and forcibly reimbursed the diagnosis and treatment drugs. Many targeted drugs have similar problems, and only if they detect positive for the relevant target can they be used or reimbursed by Medicare.

According to Analysys Analysys estimates, China's genetic testing market will reach more than 65 billion yuan in 2022, a 4-fold increase from 2016. At the same time as the rapid development, the problems also arise.

Will the reimbursement rate for medical treatment also increase, genetic testing or welcome new opportunities?

Chen Saijuan pointed out that medical institutions generally lack clinical diagnosis qualification license for NGS technology, and third-party testing institutions came into being, but the quality is uneven and there is no unified quality control system. And the high fees are high, which is easy to breed huge medical safety and corruption risks.

The Health Bureau learned from some patients that the cost of a genetic test ranged from 8,000 to 20,000 yuan and could not be reimbursed. Doctors will generally recommend genetic testing facilities outside the hospital.

The staff of a genetic testing institution told the Health Bureau that cancer hospitals usually cooperate with a genetic testing institution for a long time in the name of the department. If the patient takes the test report of other institutions, the doctor will not recognize it, and the patient can only spend money to redo.

In this competitive environment, it is difficult to avoid chaos such as tampering with detection reports.

Chen Saijuan suggested that through the pilot way, genetic testing should be put into medical institutions, and the self-built project of clinical laboratories should be carried out as soon as possible, so that medical institutions can do NGS genetic testing for patients, and at the same time formulate normative standards for the genetic testing industry.

The Health Bureau has learned that medical institutions have already laid out in advance. A staff member of a cancer hospital in Tianjin once told the Health Bureau that the hospital has planned to establish its own genetic testing laboratory to gradually transfer testing outside the hospital to the hospital.

Early screening of high-incidence tumors is recommended to be included in medical insurance

According to the "Healthy China 2030" planning outline, China is constantly strengthening its efforts to prevent and treat tumors, and early screening and early diagnosis have become the hottest topics at present. Wang Guiqi, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and director of the Department of Endoscopy of the Cancer Hospital of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, said: The last thing to see is the word "late", tumor is a slow process, when we think we are healthy, targeted screening and early diagnosis are very necessary.

Ji Jiafu, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and president of Peking University Cancer Hospital, said: Early diagnosis and early treatment of cancer need to be standardized. At present, there is a lack of systematic evaluation of the existing early diagnosis and early treatment of cancer projects, and the lack of national cancer screening guidelines based on Chinese cluster evidence, which affects the standardization of early screening and early diagnosis.

The biggest role of tumor early screening is to standardize tumor treatment. Yu Jinming said that early detection can cure tumors through surgery and stereoscopic radiotherapy, eliminating patients' subsequent pain.

Yu Jinming called for the early screening of some high-incidence tumors such as lung cancer and breast cancer into medical insurance, in his view, these cancers are relatively easy to achieve screening, and the inclusion of medical insurance can promote the implementation of early tumor screening by all parties.

Will the reimbursement rate for medical treatment also increase, genetic testing or welcome new opportunities?

Hua Yawei, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and vice president of Henan Provincial Cancer Hospital, has the same idea. In this year's proposal, he said: It is recommended that cancer early screening projects and products be included in medical insurance or commercial insurance, and for high-risk groups to participate in cancer screening regularly every year, it is recommended to be included in the scope of outpatient medical insurance payment.

However, the existing tumor screening technology is not costly enough to popularize it. Some early screening enterprises told the Health Bureau that the current early screening technology and product prices are not low, and enterprises also need a certain amount of time to reduce the cost and prepare for entering medical insurance.

What does early screening mean for cancer prevention? On the eve of the two sessions, the international clinical oncology journal JAMA Oncology released the latest epidemiological data report on lung cancer in the United States: the incidence of non-small cell lung cancer in the United States has decreased from 46.4/100,000 in 2010 to 40.9/100,000 in 2017.

The U.S. has developed several screening techniques and strategies to reduce the overall cancer burden, which is a reference.

#癌症早筛 #

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