
The 13-year-old boy Chinese New Year's Eve a 20-course meal at night caused controversy, and experts not only did not criticize, but praised it

author:Ball Mom
Chinese New Year's Eve reunion dinner, more and more inward volume.

Although everyone's material level has been greatly improved, and every day can eat as hearty as the New Year, but the Chinese New Year's Eve meal should still be based on meat dishes, and the sense of ceremony cannot be less.

The 13-year-old boy Chinese New Year's Eve a 20-course meal at night caused controversy, and experts not only did not criticize, but praised it

Moreover, the number of dishes for each family's Chinese New Year's Eve meal must be very auspicious, and 6 or 8 dishes will be made for less people, and 18 or 20 dishes will be made if there are many people. This is also a big test for the chef.

The 13-year-old boy Chinese New Year's Eve a 20-course meal at night to stir up controversy

Mother Huang in Ningbo, like everyone else, basked in her own Chinese New Year's Eve rice, a total of 28 dishes. The full desktop makes people really dizzy! Her family must be very large.

But Huang's mother's picture was forwarded by the People's Daily because 20 of the 28 dishes were made by her son in the 6th grade. Many netizens can't believe their eyes, how can the same 13-year-old child have such a big gap?

The 13-year-old boy Chinese New Year's Eve a 20-course meal at night caused controversy, and experts not only did not criticize, but praised it

Indeed, this is not a show, but a true record. The reason why Huang will take on the heavy responsibility of cooking is because he is sad for his mother.

Huang Mama runs a fast food restaurant, all year round in addition to the New Year holiday, there is no day off, in order to make money Mom gets up early every day to make fast food, the mother's hard son looks in the eyes, remembers in the heart.

The 13-year-old boy Chinese New Year's Eve a 20-course meal at night caused controversy, and experts not only did not criticize, but praised it

Therefore, when his mother is not busy on weekdays, he will take the initiative to learn to cook. Now in Chinese New Year's Eve night finally has a place to play. Regardless of the taste of the dish, the child's filial piety is enough to move everyone.

13-year-old children are so sensible, it is the sadness of parents!

Whether it is a one-year primary school student or a sixth-grade primary school student, there is not much difference in the eyes of adults, but they are all "milky and undried" children, and many things cannot be completed independently.

Although such an idea is the opinion of parents and covers up the real development of children, it is definitely the norm for most parents, and 13-year-old children should enjoy their childhood to the fullest.

The 13-year-old boy Chinese New Year's Eve a 20-course meal at night caused controversy, and experts not only did not criticize, but praised it

However, in huang's personal experience, we do not feel the parents' concern and care for him, but more is the expectations and pressure of parents. Let the child witness the conviction of life in advance, and the parents did not protect him well.

Maybe the child's future career will be a cook

Because Mother Huang runs a fast food restaurant, the learning environment after the child returns home is also an acre and a third of the fast food restaurant. Dealing with the kitchen all day, the child will also imprison himself in it.

The 13-year-old boy Chinese New Year's Eve a 20-course meal at night caused controversy, and experts not only did not criticize, but praised it

Perhaps, he will secretly make up his mind that he wants to become a chef like his mother in the future. This is the role model effect for parents. Just as the father is a scientist, the child will also become a scientific researcher.

They involuntarily use their parents as their role models, and their parents behave like standard answers. In this way, although you can clarify your career development as soon as possible, it is not necessarily the best choice for your children.

Experts not only do not criticize, but praise

I saw that most netizens held opposing opinions and felt that Huang Mama was not competent at all. However, the relevant education leaders did the opposite, praising Huang Mama's behavior.

To love children, you must be willing to use children

The growth of children is carried out imperceptibly every day, because children spend most of their time in school and kindergarten, and parents cannot find out what changes have occurred in children.

The 13-year-old boy Chinese New Year's Eve a 20-course meal at night caused controversy, and experts not only did not criticize, but praised it

So, when it comes to something that hasn't been done before, parents will worry about their child, does he have this ability? Is he up to the task?

But it cannot be found and cannot be proved that it did not happen. There are many situations where parents do not choose to let go and give their children full trust, resulting in children lacking the opportunity to express themselves.

The 13-year-old boy Chinese New Year's Eve a 20-course meal at night caused controversy, and experts not only did not criticize, but praised it

Similarly, Mother Huang gave Huang the greatest trust, let him boldly try, no matter how he did, and finally gave him the most sincere thanks and praise, is not a good way of education?

It is not a bad thing for children to properly feel the conviction of life

The show "Metamorphosis" was once a big hit, and the program team would select two children with completely different living environments in advance to exchange and experience each other's lives, thereby changing their ideological concepts and inducing growth.

In this exchange event, the pampered children of the city benefit even more, because they witness a way of life that has never been experienced before, and there are such poor families in the world. When the experience is over and you return to your home, you will learn to be grateful.

The 13-year-old boy Chinese New Year's Eve a 20-course meal at night caused controversy, and experts not only did not criticize, but praised it

Isn't this exactly the same as Mother Huang's way of educating? Letting your son witness his own efforts is also a warning, and what kind of difficulties he encounters in the future, don't give up lightly!

Today's Topic:

Do you think Mother Huang's behavior is right or wrong? Is there anything wrong with it? Feel free to share your thoughts with us!

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