
Pregnancy preparation is not only a woman's business, if you want the tiger baby couple to eat like this, it is easy to "create people" successfully

Brushing the news, I saw Ariel Lin's happy talk at the press conference of her new book "Be Yourself, Why Say Sorry", and I was very happy for her, after all, I finally got what I wanted after being pregnant for many years. Thinking back to her bumpy pregnancy preparation road, the basic methods that can be tried have been tried, and even eating frogs for pregnancy can be described as the "desperate three langs" in the pregnancy preparation world.

Pregnancy preparation is not only a woman's business, if you want the tiger baby couple to eat like this, it is easy to "create people" successfully

In addition to Ariel Lin, Big S, Xu Ruoxuan, Zhang Ting, Gao Yuanyuan and many other beautiful actresses, they have been frequently exposed to prepare for pregnancy for many years, but they rarely see male stars being exposed to pregnancy. Is infertility a woman's business, and fertility a woman's business? In fact, good embryos must come from healthy sperm combined with healthy eggs.

Although women bear the responsibility of having children, fertility is inseparable from the combination of men and women. If a woman's womb is likened to soil, then good sperm and eggs are a source of high-quality seeds. Only when the husband and wife make up for it together and eat scientifically during the pregnancy preparation, can they successfully receive the pregnancy.

Pregnancy preparation is not only a woman's business, if you want the tiger baby couple to eat like this, it is easy to "create people" successfully

As a patient with polycystic ovarian cysts and uterine fibroids, I was able to conceive smoothly and give birth to a son and a daughter in succession, in addition to the love of Heaven, I think the most important thing is a balanced diet and a good lifestyle.

Because I know that I am not easy to conceive, before marriage, I began to pay attention to food supplements, not only books, but also various resources on the Internet, hoping to condition my body in case of disappointment after marriage.

Teacher Qiu Jinling preached in the book "Thin Pregnancy" that if you want to have a fertile physique, as long as you choose the right food to eat according to your own physical condition, avoid food that is not suitable for you, and have a normal routine.

Our womb is like soil, and only fertile soil can provide seeds with the nutrients and nutrients they need to grow and develop.

1. Avoid eating cold food, raw food and cold products

Because menstruation pain from childhood, taking painkillers is useless, so I rarely eat cold or raw food, always drink warm white, even in the hot summer, I don't eat much ice cream. I will leave watermelons, drinks, milk, etc. from the refrigerator at room temperature for more than half an hour, and even eat them in warm water in winter.

Pregnancy preparation is not only a woman's business, if you want the tiger baby couple to eat like this, it is easy to "create people" successfully

Raw foods such as salads and fillets are basically not touched.

2. Women eat this during pregnancy to improve the quality of follicles

During pregnancy, not only three meals must be eaten, but also each meal has meat, vegetables, starch, meat and vegetarian collocation, less oil and less salt. Don't be afraid that starch will make us fat, balanced starch will not only not make us fat, but also eat a good body.

The "Pregnancy Weight Book" on the Internet lists the detailed nutritional intake during pregnancy and the meal list of three meals a day, which we can refer to during pregnancy and can eat more of these foods to improve follicle quality.

Spinach: Rich in vitamin C, promotes egg development.

Buckwheat: Lowers blood lipids and promotes blood circulation in the ovaries.

Mung bean: Helps the ovaries detoxify

Corn: delays the decline of ovarian function.

Black rice: Soybean isoflavones are rich in content.

Black beans, delay ovarian aging, replenish estrogen.

3. Men eat this during pregnancy to improve sperm motility

Many men always confidently think that their bodies are great and blame women for infertility. As everyone knows, men can also be infertile, and there is no clinical discomfort with azoospermia or oligospermia. The growth of sperm requires a variety of nutrients, and meat and vegetarian combinations can provide sufficient nutrition for sperm.

The following recipes to improve sperm activity can be used as a reference for expectant fathers, so as to eat scientifically and take a good pregnancy.

Pregnancy preparation is not only a woman's business, if you want the tiger baby couple to eat like this, it is easy to "create people" successfully

Eels are rich in arginine, which enhances sperm motility. Fathers-to-be can eat more fried eel shreds, seasonal vegetables fried yellow eel slices and so on.

Tomatoes can maintain prostate health and improve sperm motility. Fathers-to-be can eat tomato beef, tomato boiled fish, etc.

Shrimp can promote sperm production, preferably stir-fried shrimp or fresh shrimp noodle soup.

Scallops are rich in zinc, and zinc deficiency in men will cause decreased libido and decreased sexual function, reducing sperm count.

Studies have found that men who are partial to eating and picky eaters have lower sperm production in quantity and quality than men on a normal diet, and they are prone to lack of necessary trace elements.

Therefore, if we want to hit it all, we must not only have a balanced diet, not picky and not partial to eating, but also eat more foods that improve the quality of sperm and eggs.

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