
26-year-old don't read Wang Xiaobo? Whether you read it or not, how you read it, has nothing to do with age

Wen | Yan Xiao'er to write a philosophical text

Foreword: The first two days of eating a bad stomach, a delay, it passed Yan Xiao'er occasionally violated the "posting cycle", today is better, and then mention the pen, or some hasty, just come and talk to you about a topic just saw: "Why don't you read Wang Xiaobo after the age of 26" This topic.

Speaking of Wang Xiaobo, people who love to read should know his "Bronze Age", "Silver Age" and "Golden Age", which are also known as the "Wang Xiaobo Era Trilogy".

26-year-old don't read Wang Xiaobo? Whether you read it or not, how you read it, has nothing to do with age

And how does these three books feel? A netizen said it quite well, I quote him, he said this:

"The Bronze Age" writes about the absurdity of you and me, "The Silver Age" has a dystopian meaning, and "The Golden Age" writes about what Jia Zhangke calls "a personal life experience with inexplicable impulses and nowhere to go."

26-year-old don't read Wang Xiaobo? Whether you read it or not, how you read it, has nothing to do with age

Regarding Wang Xiaobo's brushstrokes, Yan Xiao'er may not have studied it too deeply, and the initial feeling is "irony", "ridicule", and "absurdity". He often uses the brush strokes of game life to express the reality of "not being elegant" in the eyes of ordinary people in a way that is absurd, playful, and ironic, or rubs into the story.

Perhaps Wang Xiaobo's life, like his jokes, is mostly sad and absurd.

We know that "The Golden Age" is a book that Wang Xiaobo is quite famous for. The book was published in 1994, and the editor who helped him publish it, Zhao Jieping, fell seriously ill with accusations and then pushed his bicycle to open up sales for the almost unpopular Golden Age as much as possible, although it did not work well. In 1997, Wang Xiaobo died of a heart attack, and his "Golden Age" had not yet sold out.

26-year-old don't read Wang Xiaobo? Whether you read it or not, how you read it, has nothing to do with age

One of the prominent reasons why readers reject The Golden Age is "vulgar".

In Yan Xiao'er's eyes, Wang Xiaobo's articles are "vulgar", and it is also for this reason that his articles were boycotted before his death, making him feel doubly difficult.

But why did Wang Xiaobo's book sell so well after his death? Because the stories, words, and human nature in the book are very "grounded", and the self-deprecating and superb level of ridicule he injects between expressions, it really makes many readers even if they want to criticize, but because of the "truth" and "from the words to experience a serious and crazy person's bitter smile on life", and then some helplessness.

26-year-old don't read Wang Xiaobo? Whether you read it or not, how you read it, has nothing to do with age

As for why don't you read Wang Xiaobo after the age of 26? Yan Xiao'er thought that the friend who put forward this view may be more concerned about the burden on every "adult" after the age of 26, because of these "burdens", people will be tired and powerless, at this time, to overcome the "feeling of powerlessness", you need the expectations and expectations in your heart.

And Wang Xiaobo's absurd state of existence under his brushstrokes is easy for people to "addicted" to his playful words, once the mental state in the text becomes something they recognize, subtly displayed from their own behavior, and even shake the "expectations" in people's hearts, such as dystopian "Silver Age", which is definitely not good for people in struggle.

26-year-old don't read Wang Xiaobo? Whether you read it or not, how you read it, has nothing to do with age

But Yan Xiao'er's point of view is: First of all, for some of the 26-year-old friends who are struggling, because it is the age of struggle, they waste time to sigh at the truth of other people's lives on paper. After all, everyone has their own joys and sorrows, exercising their own values and honing their will is exactly what needs to be done after the age of 26 and longer, too early to understand the "absurd", just like precocious to an apple, is not a good thing.

So, if you're running for your future, You don't really have to read Wang Xiaobo's book, and it's better to spend your time in more important places.

Secondly, if you are already rich and have a strong willpower, you may wish to read a lot of books, in order to contact more "values" for the purpose of a little appreciation of the joys and sorrows in other people's lives. Our lives are limited, our sights are limited, and the joys and sorrows we can taste are also very limited. The "real" of this world is very precious, especially the "real" and even with some "bleak" life, if we have enough willpower to understand the "absurd life" of others with the attitude of a bystander, then we can read Wang Xiaobo's book.

26-year-old don't read Wang Xiaobo? Whether you read it or not, how you read it, has nothing to do with age

Not to pursue such a "big ideal" as the truth of life, with this kind of "big ideal is not good", just holding the attitude of "watching the world", "paying tribute" to the author's "drama" with the reader's playfulness, perhaps it is also a "good play" of drinking and singing between "books and texts" through time and space.

[This article is Yan Xiao'er's original and exclusive release of zhewen, any infringement such as porting, plagiarism, etc., which must be investigated if found]

26-year-old don't read Wang Xiaobo? Whether you read it or not, how you read it, has nothing to do with age

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