
How cruel could the Japanese army's torture of prisoners of war on the extension frame be? Very few people insist on half an hour

Japanese soldiers were fierce and fierce, and they were not afraid of death, which was a fact recognized by the Two Armies of the United States and china during World War II, both in the Chinese battlefield and the Pacific theater. Although at the Battle of Nomonhan, Japanese soldiers were severely wounded and defeated by the Soviet mechanized army. But when it comes to the combat effectiveness of Japanese soldiers, the impression of the Red Army is even more terrifying, "like fighting a dead person."

How cruel could the Japanese army's torture of prisoners of war on the extension frame be? Very few people insist on half an hour

Not only was he fierce on the battlefield, but even when dealing with prisoners who laid down their weapons, the Japanese soldiers were not soft-hearted, and all kinds of torture were added to them. In the Pacific Theater, wounded and captured American soldiers have learned this lesson.

After the Pearl Harbor incident, Japan officially declared war on the United States, first of all, to march to the Philippines to seize natural gas, oil, rubber and other strategic materials. The U.S. troops stationed in the Philippines were defeated under MacArthur's leadership, and most of them became Japanese prisoners. The escapee joined forces with the locals to fight a guerrilla war against the Japanese. The guerrillas often sneaked into the Japanese rear transport line, which brought supply problems to the Japanese front.

How cruel could the Japanese army's torture of prisoners of war on the extension frame be? Very few people insist on half an hour

At that time, an American soldier named Joseph was unfortunately killed and captured by the Japanese army. Perhaps it is due to the inferiority consciousness in the bones of American soldiers. The Japanese army was particularly fond of bullying the captured American soldiers, and the captured Joseph was smashed in the face by a Japanese soldier with the butt of his gun, and blood spurted from his nasal cavity at once, his cheeks were broken, and his teeth fell out several times.

The numbing sensation was followed by an endless sharp pain, causing the muscles of the whole body to twitch and involuntarily shrug the shoulders. However, this can only be regarded as an "appetizer", and more brutal torture is still to come. Joseph reminded Japanese officers and men that they should abide by the Geneva Conventions and not mistreat soldiers who laid down their arms. A Japanese commander laughed, pulled out his military belt, and slammed it into Joseph's face, the sharp metal leather spearhead leaving a long trail of blood on his face.

How cruel could the Japanese army's torture of prisoners of war on the extension frame be? Very few people insist on half an hour

After a while, several Japanese soldiers erected a horizontal bar on the ground, the difference being that the horizontal bar could be moved up and down, and the Japanese offered the punishment known as the "extension frame". The Japanese told Joseph to maintain a standing position, crossed his ten fingers, and then tied the two thumbs together with bamboo strips. A wrist-thick bamboo pole passed between Joseph's hands, the ends of which were placed on the crossbar, tiptoes on the ground, and the whole person maintained a vertical standing posture.

However, it did not take long to stand, and the toes soon became tired and could not bear the weight of the body, and the heels fell to the ground. In this way, the weight of the whole body was concentrated on the bound thumb, and the severe pain came, and I had to force myself to tiptoe up. After only twenty minutes or so of hanging, Joseph's two feet were completely numb, the color of the bound thumbs was dark, and the whole person was in a trance. His eyes began to blur, and the voices of the Japanese soldiers around him could no longer be heard.

How cruel could the Japanese army's torture of prisoners of war on the extension frame be? Very few people insist on half an hour

In this way, Joseph hung on the extension shelf for half a day before putting it down, and the pain in between was really indescribable. This is nothing more than a form of torture by the Japanese, and in the prisoner-of-war camps set up by the Japanese, there is not a single American soldier who has not been punished or mistreated. Many were tortured to the bone and dying. At the end of World War II, the U.S. military swept away Japan's maritime power and made great efforts to rescue prisoners of war. After Joseph was rescued, he recorded his suffering in the Japanese prisoner-of-war camp!

So-called, there is no harm without comparison. Throughout World War II, a quarter of American soldiers died unnaturally after being captured by the Japanese. After the Japanese soldiers were captured by the Americans, they were rarely abused, which was really the difference between clouds and mud!

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