
Hitler was very humble and humble to Hindenburg, was he afraid of the former field marshal?


Abstract: Hitler was the fuehrer of Nazi Germany during World War II, and in many historical photos, it is often a high-minded image. But if you pay attention, why in the early group photo of Hitler shaking hands with Hindenburg, Hitler was respectful and completely a little brother feeling?

Hitler was very humble and humble to Hindenburg, was he afraid of the former field marshal?

Hitler was the Führer of Nazi Germany during World War II, and in many historical photographs, he is often a high-minded figure. But if you pay attention, why in the early group photo of Hitler shaking hands with Hindenburg, Hitler was respectful and completely a little brother feeling?

Some argue that Hitler was more afraid of Hindenburg. Don't dare to have the idea of offending. But in fact, why did Hitler fear Hindenburg? By the time Hitler could deal with Hindenburg face-to-face, he had already achieved initial success in German politics, and his Nazi Party had already taken on a pivotal role in German politics. That is to say, at this time he has built for himself the goal of his life, and history has proved that he did so, and when the ideal was shattered, he did not hesitate to die.

So, when his ideals were successful in Germany, widely recognized, and about to be carried forward, what was he to fear of Hindenburg? Wasn't he a fearless man at this time? Why, then, did Hitler show such deference to Hindenburg? It's just that Hitler, as a veteran of the First World War, was still a corporal at the time, and Hindenburg was a field marshal! Even if he himself is already a rising star in German politics, whether it is a veteran's reverence for the marshal or the political star's respect for the old senior President Hindenburg, his humility in front of President Hindenburg is a virtue, and it must be interpreted as some fear, which is a typical sensationalism.

Hitler was very humble and humble to Hindenburg, was he afraid of the former field marshal?

In the First World War, Hitler also won the Iron Cross of the First Class by virtue of his bravery, and it was very rare for ordinary soldiers to be able to obtain the Iron Cross of the First Class at that time, so this was what Hitler had always been proud of, even if he later became the Führer of Nazi Germany, he still wore the Iron Cross of the First Class on many occasions. This is Germany's recognition of his courage and loyalty, after the end of the war Germany was defeated, the military force was dismembered, only allowed to retain a hundred thousand troops, many generals and marshals at that time, had run to China to make a living, and Hitler, a former corporal, because he had won the Iron Cross first class, could get a job as a grassroots civil servant, was sent to a small political party as an undercover agent, and as a result, he went undercover and led this small party to the peak.

The reason why the Nazi Party was widely accepted in Germany was because when the whole of Germany was defeated and the economic Depression was sinking, and no one could see the hope, the Nazi Party suddenly appeared, leading everyone everywhere to help each other and benefit each other, and trying to raise money to save everyone's poor living conditions. For most Germans, the Nazis at this time were quite positive, giving the German people hope and erupting with enthusiasm, and because of this, the Nazi Party won successive victories in the elections.

Hitler was very humble and humble to Hindenburg, was he afraid of the former field marshal?

But in Germany, a country that has always been based on militarism, the political strength of the army you can never ignore, Hitler can legitimately run for office, after coming up to get you down is also very simple, to be honest, hitler led by the Nazi Party at that time because of the organization of the People's Stormtrooper, caused the Junker nobles in the army to be very dissatisfied, it was Marshal Hindenburg persuaded, Hitler was able to start rebuilding Germany in the position of chancellor.

Hindenburg was an old-school soldier who had to shoulder the political burden of Germany after the First World War, paying reparations after Germany's defeat, rebuilding, and encountering the Great Depression that swept through the entire capitalist society. Although Marshal Hindenburg was highly respected, the military political group led by him was obviously powerless to do anything about the economy, and he had tried to use the originally related, military-industrial-related Jewish capital to help; the result was that the Jewish capital took advantage of the opportunity to cut off several rounds of leeks, and the situation worsened. Since Hindenburg had already assumed the responsibility of the state, his heart was also anxious, until Hitler entered his sights, Hitler's Nazi method of self-help and mutual assistance, the start-up funds were not much, but the effect was extremely efficient.

The other Junker nobles cared only about their own acres and acres of land in the army, but President Hindenburg knew all too well what it meant for the country, especially when he learned that Hitler was a brave corporal who had won two Iron Cross medals in World War I, and decided to persuade the army forces to entrust german administration to Hitler, that is, to give the work of economic recovery to Hitler's Nazi Party, which was also a test for Hitler in a way. Marshal Hindenburg did not like the radical theories of the Nazis, and the army did not like the Safia of the Nazi Party, which was led by Röhm, and hitler gave him a very restrictive command, so Hitler sacrificed it to the military. Unfortunately, the military did not notice at this time that Hitler had established an SS that was far more elite and fanatical than the SA, but the SS was small and unnoticed.

Hitler was very humble and humble to Hindenburg, was he afraid of the former field marshal?

During his tenure as Chancellor of Germany, Hitler did a very good job of restoring the German economy, so he also won the most enthusiastic support of the German people. And at this time he also began to prepare for war, through various means to restore and strengthen the army building, the intensity of which was far beyond the previous military's desire to obtain resources, so those in the military who looked down on Hitler and still tried to oppose him had no excuses, and had to admit that Hitler's attitude toward the army was impeccable.

Hitler's Nazi theory itself had his own ideas about the construction of the German army, but it did not explain that the Junker aristocratic forces in the army needed to be eliminated, and Hitler himself had great expectations for the German army. In general, the opposition of the military in this period was purely the instinctive contempt of the aristocratic lord, not the death of Hitler, but the beginning of Hitler's honeymoon relationship with the Wehrmacht, who had passed the military test represented by President Hindenburg.

Politics was originally a compromise between the representatives of the various forces, and Hitler's respect for Marshal Hindenburg should have more of a personal feeling, but it was not necessary to say that fear did not exist.

(The picture of this article is from the network)

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