
Reading Guangzhou, old Guangzhou, said that | cultivate urban culture must connect ancient and modern

Recently, classical literature professor Dong Yanxiong recited "Guangzhou Tafu" in Cantonese, which attracted the attention of netizens. Some netizens said: "'Guangzhou Tafu' integrates simplicity and new wave into a furnace, and promotes the pride and self-confidence of the people of Guangdong Province." "Canton Tower Fu" is a fresh and gratifying work, read the fu aloud, you can read Guangzhou! Love Guangzhou even more! ”

Five years ago, an author signed "Yongping" wrote this popular "Canton Pagoda Fu": Chu Mu Shu Chi, The Victory of the Mountains and Rivers. Wild waist, the high standard of the city. Jade belt horizontal sand, golden pipa floating water. Jiamu Liudan, Yingcui. Thousands of boats, small smoke into the air... With condensed and beautiful verses, the Four-Six Piao text expresses the feelings of contemporary Guangzhounese. Who is Yong Ping, the author of "Canton Ta Fu"? What is the creative story behind "Guangzhou Tafu"?

Reading Guangzhou, old Guangzhou, said that | cultivate urban culture must connect ancient and modern


His person: Young Chengjia is good at ancient chinese

Public information on the Internet shows that the author of "Guangzhou Tafu" Yongping, alias Right Creek. Born in Guangzhou in 1959, he is a scholar and poet. He has published a variety of works, such as "The Fable of Yongzi", "Jade Chip Pearl Dust", "Right Stream Series Manuscript" and so on. Through the Liwan District Literary Association, the reporter finally contacted Mr. Yongping.

In the Youxi Caotang in an old residential area in Haizhu District, Mr. Yongping is dressed in traditional civilian clothes, and his eyebrows reveal a sense of elegance. At the beginning of the interview, Mr. Luo was busy making tea, and accidentally broke a teacup, he told reporters, "These years of patronage and academics, rarely see guests, I am really sorry ..."

In this interview, there were two points that made the reporter quite amazed: First, Yongping, who was born in Shuxiangmendi, had never gone to college and had studied in many famous scholars in China in the form of private schools since he was a child; second, his father was a disciple of the famous linguists Wang Li and Cen Qixiang.

According to Yongping's own account, before the Ming and Qing dynasties, his ancestors relied on the examination to pass on the name of the family, and he was determined to inherit the family learning from an early age. In order to promote his family's learning, he gave up the opportunity to go to university, and when he was young, his ancestors recommended many famous teachers to him.

During the interview, he shared the story of his becoming a disciple of Mr. Yu Zaohua: "In June 1982, shortly after my uncle's retirement, I went to visit Yu Lao with a letter of introduction from Professor Luo Yuanzhen of Shanxi University. It is a coincidence that when I first looked for Yu Lao's residence, I had to pass through Xingning Avenue, I couldn't help but rejoice, my ancestral home was Xingning, could this be the fate with Mr. Yu. When I arrived at Elder Yu's house, I respectfully greeted Mr. Luo Yuanzhen, presented Professor Luo Yuanzhen's introduction letter and self-composed poems, and asked him for advice. ”

After reading the introduction letter and poems, Elder Yu kindly asked Yongping: "Would you like to marry for the new year?" The first time they met, they were favored by mr. Yongping, and Yongping was overjoyed and immediately agreed. The old man immediately spread the paper and ink, and the book was given to Yongping in a joint, which was said: Wenneng Huaguo is not priceless; friends are forgetful of the year and are also famous. "I was touched by the spirit of my husband's post-award study and made a vision to promote poetics. It was during this meeting that I had the privilege of becoming a disciple of Elder Yu and benefited me for the rest of my life. ”

Yongping is the author of "Yin Jie", "Wenxin Fayi", "Wenxin Carved Dragon Interpretation jujuyu", "LaoZi Shu Shu Different Characters", "Correction of History", "Introduction to Primary Schools", "Deeds of the Shang King" and other works; ancient Chinese masterpieces include "Yongzi Fables" and "Shaoyang LouJi"; representative works of inscriptions include "Zhuyin Reservoir Guangdong-Macao Water Supply Theme Sculpture Memorial Garden Inscription"; and representative works of rhetoric include "Canton Pagoda Fu" and so on. Among them, "Yin Jie" provides convenience for researchers of Yin Shang history, paleography, and classical literature, and contributes to the study of pre-Qin history and excavated documents.

His words: The creation of "Canton Tower Fu" is my modest effort for Guangzhou

Guangzhou Daily: Recently, Dong Yuxiong's "Guangzhou Tafu" recited in Cantonese has attracted attention on the Internet, this song was created 5 years ago, can you talk about the origin of your creation?

Yongping: Actually, I've always wanted to write an article about Guangzhou's landmarks. Whenever I see canton tower from a distance, my heart is surging with excitement; whenever I pass under the canton tower, I am even more excited, so I secretly resolve that I must create a work that can be passed on to future generations, so that the world can read Guangzhou through Canton Tower, and let the world understand China through Guangzhou.

Guangzhou Daily: You should have spent a lot of effort to create this song, right?

Yongping: Sometimes, poets have feelings and can create a poem for a few minutes. But I spent 3 hours creating "Canton Tafu", and after writing it, I repeatedly polished and polished it for 5 days. When I first finished writing, I thought it was a bit long, and I cut it to more than 300 words, and the final length was more than 500 words. To match this space, there are places where there is no rhyme. The creation of "Canton Tower Fu" is my modest contribution to Guangzhou, and I hope that today's young people can use their knowledge and ability to make Guangzhou a better place.

Guangzhou Daily: As the author of "Guangzhou Tafu", few people know your academic achievements and calligraphy skills, can you talk about your academic life experience?

Yongping: Because of the inheritance of family learning, my learning mode is basically based on private schools, and my fields are mainly hermeneutics and poetry and calligraphy. Readers don't know me because I've always insisted on writing in chinese, and the audience is small. However, the use of literary writing does not mean that the food is not ancient, and the purpose of my research is to revitalize classical Chinese, carry forward its beauty that has been passed down for thousands of years, and highlight the fashion of the times.

Guangzhou Daily: Netizens commented that "Guangzhou Ta Fu" uses the expression of traditional poetry to integrate the poet's style and bone rhyme with the scholar's cultivation material, and alternates the philosopher's philosophy with the historian's examination, this fu is precisely the embodiment of "reading Guangzhou, loving Guangzhou, and dedicating Guangzhou", in terms of reading Guangzhou, what suggestions do you have?

Yongping: Guangzhou's culture has never been broken, but it is blocked by the Five Ridges and is not known to outsiders. To understand Guangzhou, it is clear that culture is the root and soul of the city, an important embodiment of the city's comprehensive strength, and the tension and vitality of the city. If the city wants to be different and enhance its competitiveness, it is necessary to inherit its own unique regional culture, establish the spirit of the city, and enhance the taste of the city. To cultivate urban culture, it is necessary to connect the ancient and modern history of the city, explore the humanistic and historical spirit with local cultural characteristics, and fully display it through various literary and artistic carriers to stimulate people's attention and enthusiasm for the traditional culture of the city.

Guangzhou Daily: In addition to "Canton Pagoda Fu", would you like to introduce other works?

Yongping: In terms of poetry, I mainly wrote "Yangcheng Hundred Songs" and "Guangzhou Ten Fu", including: "Guangzhou Tower Fu", "Kapok Fu", "Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall Fu", "Agricultural Lecture Endowment", "Zhenhai Lou Fu", "Nanhai Temple", "Lychee Bay Fu", "Guangzhou Origin Fu", "Haixin Bridge Fu", "Baiyun Mountain Fu". Among them, I am personally more satisfied with "Kapok Fu".

Reading Guangzhou, old Guangzhou, said that | cultivate urban culture must connect ancient and modern

Canton Tower Fu

Its text: Canton Tower Fu

Qin Kai's hometown county, Yue based on Xiong Domain. The earth rises in the sea, and the sky is extremely floating in the mountains. The gateway of the three rivers, the frontier of the five ridges. Immortal Trace Mang, Nanwu Zao Duan Que. Tuo Gong was fierce, and Ren Huan was the beginning of Panyu. The vicissitudes of the years are long, and the migration of things is different day by day.

Chu Mu Shu Chi, the victory of the mountains and rivers. Wild waist, the high standard of the city. Jade belt horizontal sand, golden pipa floating water. Jiamu Liudan, Yingcui. Thousands of boats are connected, and the smoke is in the air. A round of hanging towers, vast pearls and stones climbing. Autumn colors are empty, and the laurel shadow of Pan Pingtan is bright. Spring light is beautiful, and the shade of flowers condenses the ring. Lou Lin Is a rambler, and Qu Road is uneven. The clothes are gathered, and the ruts are galloping.

White cloud crane, blue wave floating goose. The trees sang the mist, and the fish sang the waves. Tsubashi roundabout, visit the Qiongyuan of wanhui. Gang Xie is lonely, looking for the Yaotai of Cen Ling. The wind bath is heavy, and the flower port is still yu Yungui. Frost is alone, and Peach Creek remembers the snow plum. Walk the Qing Festival, trace the agarwood pool. Sitting in the arms, Jing pity the Green Continent. Splashing the sun, thinking of the red cloud feast. The beginning of the Ji Moon is coming, idly chasing the blue water and chanting. Wang BoHongwen, brilliant dragon light shooting bucket. Yuan Zhangjian pen, like a tiger rushing thunder. The copper lute rings and the clogs pass by, and the wooden dough vibrates and the drum bell rings. Algae Yao Tiannan, the fifth son Fei Fei Caili. Outside the rhyme, the three zhuo zhuosheng. Danjing was once a stop to the floating Qiu. The mud city is ethereal, and it is better to forget lu Jia's merits. The stars move and the wind is strong. The Yuelu Hall is high, and the people who reveal the land open the history. Yu Yu was strong and strong, and the heavens were pale and yellow.

alack! Looking at the past and thinking, Chi Yun's heart is soothed. Ascend to the farthest, and stand on the wind and bone to mark the sound. Get a momentary meeting, leave the articles of eternity. Chen Tata is hanging high, and Tao Pen Yi increases the seal. Shen Yuan stayed for a long time, and the negative book was especially sighing. Dreaming of the landscape, the rare opportunity of knowing the sound. In the evening, I cherished mulberry elm and felt that the scenery was easy to pass away.

And the husband's timing passes, and the six qi and the Thai. Spring and autumn change, Xie Sanguang to Zhaohua. Take advantage of the flowers to talk freely, and wait for the chrysanthemum festival to clear the tour. Between the releases, look at the history of clouds and smoke. On the occasion of the coming, read the heavens and the earth.

alack! The mighty spirit is overpowered, and the heroes are lurking in the world. High emotions, only people can not lose the time.

Reading Guangzhou, old Guangzhou, said that | cultivate urban culture must connect ancient and modern

Canton Tower

Interview Notes:

See the tenacity and majesty of Lingnan culture

"Canton Tower Fu" has a novel meaning and a sense of the times, and clearly presents the image of the Canton Tower and what is seen and heard on it in front of the reader.

During the interview, Mr. Yongping has been talking about his love for Guangzhou and his admiration for the profound Lingnan culture. He told reporters that as a poet, he and his teachers had participated in the initiation of the Chinese Poetry Society, but he never joined any poetry association; his calligraphy works were well received, but he never joined any calligraphers association; he never applied for any subsidies, and it was more comfortable to have rough tea and light rice. He said he was like a small grass growing in Lingnan, immersed in the joy of academic and cultural research, and proud to celebrate Guangzhou.

In the hot land of Guangfu, there have been Qu Dajun, Liang Qichao, Rong Hong and other literati, they have inherited the cultural quality of guangzhou for a thousand years, interviewing the story behind the "Canton Pagoda", the reporter found that Guangzhou, whether it is the ivory tower or the "grassroots" scholars, they are integrated into the essence of Lingnan culture, are actively composing the spiritual map of Guangfu, and strive to create a new plateau of Lingnan cultural spirit.

Text/Guangzhou Daily Xinhuacheng reporter Wu Bo

Photo: Guangzhou Daily Xinhuacheng reporters Wu Bo and Luo Changwei

Guangzhou Daily New Flower City Editor: Zhang Yu

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