
LOL Which teams are scattered with stars? DMO、GRF、YM

In LOL, some teams don't look weak on paper, but it's hard to get results. After the team members left the team to go their separate ways, they achieved very good results, and there are not many such teams in the LOL community.


As a very strong team at the time of S9, they eventually fell in front of Nosuke's ill IG.

LOL Which teams are scattered with stars? DMO、GRF、YM

Since then they have plummeted, with S10 relegated to the secondary league and S11 disbanded. But when their team members, Tarzan went to LNG as a junior, Chovy dragged HLE to the quarterfinals, Viper won the championship, the auxiliary performance was average, Dolan performed well in KT, only the Sword Emperor and Morgan went to BRO together to become a Crouching Dragon Phoenix.


The original lineup of DMO was Ale, Xiaopeng, Xiye, Gala, and Mark.

LOL Which teams are scattered with stars? DMO、GRF、YM

These people, after leaving the DMO, have entered the world championship, Gala also won the MSI championship and the S tournament quarterfinals, only Xiaopeng has not entered the world championship, this year in TES, I hope he can get what he wants.


E-sports Whampoa Military Academy, Huangpu River Pig Fishing.

LOL Which teams are scattered with stars? DMO、GRF、YM

The team has come out with too many strong players, such as S8 world champion FMVP Ning, S9 world champion FMVP Tian, Knight, Ming. Of course, the four of them really haven't played together, only two people are present at the same time, Knight joined after Ming left, Tian joined after Ning left, but looking at this luxurious lineup, repeatedly impacting the LPL failures, it is also quite outrageous.

Rox tiger

LOL Which teams are scattered with stars? DMO、GRF、YM

The Tigers of that year had a luxurious lineup: Smeb, Peanut, Kuro, Pray, Gorilla. But they couldn't climb the mountain of SKT, and when the team members left, they all became the pillars of their respective teams.

Chemistry is a really wonderful thing, sometimes a team looks like the players are very strong, but they just can't get good results, but after they are separated, they all get good results.

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