
Old Yu gossip丨 Transcend suffering and strive to shine!

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Insisting on living well every day is not a particularly easy thing to do, and changing a little every day may be the best way to do it.

Old Yu gossip丨 Transcend suffering and strive to shine!

A video was recorded today with the following text:

"On New Year's Eve, there is a saying circulating on the Internet, saying that you don't look at tonight like a watershed, what you were originally like, what is the old way today, so many years have passed, don't you know what virtue you are?"

Of course, this sentence itself sounds quite witty, but it is precisely because many of us just think that we can't change, so there is no change in our lifetime. We often accept the arrangements that fate has given us, we often accept the burden of hardships and hardships on us, and we often know that no matter how hard we try, it seems that there will be no results. But it is precisely because you think so that our lives will not change. In fact, every day of ours is a new day, not to mention our every week, every month, every year. More than 2,000 years ago, the ancient Chinese already said that every day is new, every day is new, and every day is a new beginning. The meaning of our lives is that we are willing to change ourselves and be willing to be new every day. You strive for the new goal of life, willing to break your old living habits and move towards a new state of life, so when the new year comes, I hope that friends can really carry forward the spirit of Gou New, Day by Day, and New day by day, change yourself a little bit every day, go to a brighter and brighter life every day, break through your own difficult courage every day, increase a little, let your life change with your own efforts, treat every day as a new life, every week, every month, Each year set their own new life goals. ”

This passage is a public video, and it is also my encouragement to myself.

Today, I originally wanted chongli to go skiing, to breathe in the free and cold air. But yesterday I contacted the snow field and said that I needed to report before December 31 to go. If I want to go, they can do it specially, but they still need to fill out a bunch of forms and do nucleic acid testing. I looked at it and thought it was too much trouble, so I dismissed the idea of going skiing. In order to ensure the smooth progress of the Winter Olympics in Chongli in February, individual consumers can no longer ski in Chongli's ski resorts after January 4. As a result, the ski resort has no customers and does not know how to survive. I saw a few skiing groups, and the snow owners were frowning and not easy feelings.

Instead of skiing, just stay at home and continue reading. In the morning, I read the first two volumes of "Chinese History Hidden in the Map" by Shandong Map Publishing House. This set of books is well compiled, from prehistoric civilization to the Qing Dynasty, through maps, illustrations, texts, showing the development of Chinese civilization at various historical stages. The pictures are more beautifully drawn, the maps and place names are also very accurate, and the text is readable. Whether it is an adult or a child reading, it will have a more vivid understanding of the comprehensive scene of China's history and the development of civilization. After reading it, I arranged to contact the publisher, recorded a short video for recommendation, and sold hundreds of sets by the evening.

Old Yu gossip丨 Transcend suffering and strive to shine!

In the afternoon, I flipped through The Economics of Storytelling published by New Century Press and produced by Golden Cradle Studio, a 20-book comic book story series. The introduction to the book goes like this: "This is a set of enlightenment books that teach children how to understand economic principles. Through vivid and interesting and easy-to-understand stories that take place in two villages and one island, the picture book introduces the basic laws of the operation of the business world to children, constructs a systematic business scene that is constantly developing, and helps children fully understand the presentation of the commercial social system. The 20 books tell about the 20 important principles of business, containing economics, mathematics, finance, psychology, communication and other disciplines of thought, inspiring children to form core business wisdom such as cooperation, innovation, empathy, etc., so that they can grasp the underlying logic and philosophical perception behind the economy, business and wealth, the right way of business, and eventually grow into a person who is truly valuable to society. Although the whole set of books is not as perfect as introduced, even adults can be inspired by reading it, so it should be inspiring for children. I spent 2 hours myself, read all the books, and made recommendations with videos.

In the evening, continue reading Stephen. Koster's "Crossing the Impossible" is going to spend more time tomorrow to take a reading note, and some of the ideas in the middle can be used in my future speeches and lectures.

In the evening, I spent a little time going to a friend's party. On the way there, as twilight fell little by little, I saw the sunset of the sky, which was a kind of wordless beauty. Even if it will eventually return to darkness, the brilliance of the sunset is the call to the morning sun of tomorrow.

Old Yu gossip丨 Transcend suffering and strive to shine!

Monday, January 3, 2022

Today you can still be relatively relaxed at home for a day. Not having to go to work is also a little easy for me, of course, the rhythm of thinking about work has not actually eased.

The weather was nice, in the morning, the sun had just risen from the east, the sky was clear, the sun was transparent, the weather was not particularly cold, and it was comfortable to walk in a down jacket. Birds chirp. Every day I put a handful of millet at the door, and the birds will habitually come to breakfast at dawn. Sometimes if I forget to sprinkle millet, they will keep calling, as if to remind me that they are hungry.

Last week, I made an appointment with Tao Yong to have a live broadcast of Lianmai dialogue this evening. Tao Yong's story is known to many people, Baidu's introduction is as follows: Tao Yong, male, born in May 1980, from Nancheng County, Fuzhou City, Jiangxi Province, graduated from Peking University Medical College, doctor of medicine, doctoral supervisor, professor, chief physician of the Department of Ophthalmology of Beijing Chaoyang Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University. Diagnosis and treatment of fundus diseases and uveitis, as well as cataract removal combined with intraocular lens implantation, anti-glaucoma surgery, vitrectomy and cingulation. On January 20, 2020, a violent injury incident occurred in the ophthalmology department of Chaoyang Hospital, and Tao Yong fractured his left hand, ruptured neuromuscular blood vessels, traumatic head injury, and occipital fracture, and was able to get out of danger of life two weeks later. On May 13, Tao Yong resumed his visit. In August, he won the 12th "Chinese Physician Award". In December, his published work "Gaze" was selected as "Nandu's Top Ten Best Books in 2020".

Old Yu gossip丨 Transcend suffering and strive to shine!

By reading his book Gaze, I know that he is a man who transcends his own suffering and is willing to sprinkle the sunshine of his heart on others. I had never had the opportunity to meet him before. Recently, he published a new book, "Self-Made", and a dozen days ago, he sent me the signed book through the publishing house. I read his book carefully, and some of the ideas in it touched me. In the book, through the stories of some patients, he tells his views on disease, life, spiritual needs, relationships, trust, understanding, etc., and the stories contain philosophy, and the philosophy reveals the realm. The misfortune he encountered made him think better about life, and through rebirth, he reached a higher realm. As Jing Yidan said in the preface: "Is he just an ophthalmologist?" Just. As an ophthalmologist, he has profound professional achievements, and what is more valuable is that he sees the eyes, and he also strives to see people, see people's diseases, and also see people's hearts. ”

I communicated with him through WeChat whether it was possible to arrange a dialogue, and he readily agreed. So I made an appointment for this evening's conversation. For the sake of dialogue, I deliberately reread his book "Gaze" today, and also watched his video interviews with various media for about two hours on the Internet. I also made a special list of more than a thousand words of interview outline, and he also sent some questions.

At 8:30 p.m., we connected to each other for a conversation that lasted from 8:30 to 10:40. About 800,000 netizens participated in this conversation. We talked a lot about career development, professionalism, doctor-patient relationship, personal growth, human good and evil, the role of suffering, transcendence of suffering, public welfare charity, etc. The specific text of the dialogue will be sent to "Old Yu Gossip" in the future. The overall feeling, the misfortune that Tao Yong encountered, for him, was like a high temperature quenching, making him a better material and making his spirit invincible. Misfortune is the destruction of life for some, and the great new birth for others. Tao Yong undoubtedly belongs to the latter.

Old Yu gossip丨 Transcend suffering and strive to shine!

In addition to the live broadcast with Tao Yong, today I finished reading "Crossing the Impossible", which was still part of the part that was not finished yesterday, but unfortunately I did not have time to take notes. I plan to combine my own experience and the content of the book, do a live broadcast with the theme of "tapping the potential, achieving myself", and tell you some of the main points in the book and some of the experiences I summarized.

Today walked more than ten thousand steps. When I was walking, I listened to the course "Wang Zhigang Annual Report" that Teacher Wang Zhigang got. In more than 100 minutes of the course, he expressed his views on the opportunities of private enterprises, the future of real estate enterprises, the "double reduction" policy and educational equity, the problem of aging, the issue of second-generation succession, common prosperity, carbon neutrality, Sino-US relations, and the issue of internal volume. There are many insights, which are worth listening to. Of course, I don't agree with some of the views. Some time ago, I recommended two books by Teacher Wang Zhigang, "Great Powers and Great People" and "Strategy", so he came to my house in the middle of the night to drink with me and chat freely. He is a wise man, who sees problems in a high and comprehensive manner, and has a strong sense of responsibility and mission for the future development of the motherland. He also mentioned me in his lectures. I will not repeat the main points in the lecture, you can go to "get" to listen to the lecture, or you can search for the public account article "Wang Zhigang | Observations on the Confusion of The Ugly (Xiongwen of the Year)". His main point of view, in this 10,000-word article, is basically expounded very thoroughly.

After the live broadcast, after writing this record, it has passed 12 o'clock. Go outside for a 10-minute walk and stretch your tired body. The stars twinkled and the air was clear. The locust tree on the side of the road stretched out like a strong dragon, like an indomitable hero, exploring the depth of the sky in the darkness.

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