
Anti-religious propaganda posters of the former Soviet Union vigorously promote atheism

Anti-religious propaganda posters of the former Soviet Union vigorously promote atheism

In 1920, Soviet Russia began to actively promote atheism. Over the course of several decades, the Soviet Union published a large number of anti-religious propaganda posters.

Anti-religious propaganda posters of the former Soviet Union vigorously promote atheism

Soviet atheistic propaganda was in line with Marxist religious thought. Marx once said that religion is the opium of the people. In the Paris Manuscript, Marx pointed out that as secular life in capitalist society was replaced by communism, religion would also be replaced by atheism.

Anti-religious propaganda posters of the former Soviet Union vigorously promote atheism
Anti-religious propaganda posters of the former Soviet Union vigorously promote atheism
Anti-religious propaganda posters of the former Soviet Union vigorously promote atheism
Anti-religious propaganda posters of the former Soviet Union vigorously promote atheism
Anti-religious propaganda posters of the former Soviet Union vigorously promote atheism
Anti-religious propaganda posters of the former Soviet Union vigorously promote atheism
Anti-religious propaganda posters of the former Soviet Union vigorously promote atheism
Anti-religious propaganda posters of the former Soviet Union vigorously promote atheism
Anti-religious propaganda posters of the former Soviet Union vigorously promote atheism
Anti-religious propaganda posters of the former Soviet Union vigorously promote atheism
Anti-religious propaganda posters of the former Soviet Union vigorously promote atheism
Anti-religious propaganda posters of the former Soviet Union vigorously promote atheism
Anti-religious propaganda posters of the former Soviet Union vigorously promote atheism
Anti-religious propaganda posters of the former Soviet Union vigorously promote atheism
Anti-religious propaganda posters of the former Soviet Union vigorously promote atheism
Anti-religious propaganda posters of the former Soviet Union vigorously promote atheism
Anti-religious propaganda posters of the former Soviet Union vigorously promote atheism
Anti-religious propaganda posters of the former Soviet Union vigorously promote atheism
Anti-religious propaganda posters of the former Soviet Union vigorously promote atheism
Anti-religious propaganda posters of the former Soviet Union vigorously promote atheism
Anti-religious propaganda posters of the former Soviet Union vigorously promote atheism
Anti-religious propaganda posters of the former Soviet Union vigorously promote atheism

To tell the truth, the level of production of Propaganda posters in the Soviet Union is still quite high.

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