
Bae So-chi's grandmother is very touching, Kim Hae-sook upgrades his acting skills, and he can play the actor

author:Seven words and six beats

Playing Grandma and Mom can also get a large number of fans.

Love without beauty may be more pure, and Kim Hae-sook is such a successful "elderly" actor.

To say that the frequency of Kim Hae-sook taking over the drama is too high, turn on the TV can always see this.

Changing the stage cannot escape the "clutches" of Teacher Kim Hae-sook.

Bae So-chi's grandmother is very touching, Kim Hae-sook upgrades his acting skills, and he can play the actor

She played Hidechi's grandmother in the TV series "Startup".

So touching, directly let people just want to see Grandma's drama.

Bae So-chi's grandmother is very touching, Kim Hae-sook upgrades his acting skills, and he can play the actor

"Start Up" is a play that rarely talks about venture capital companies in Korean dramas.

Everyone also knows that Korean dramas are good at love, and it is really not much to see how to fight for a career in the beginning of the startup.

Fortunately, there is a family line left, because the existence of Kim Hae-sook, an old actor, is very chewy.

Bae So-chi's grandmother is very touching, Kim Hae-sook upgrades his acting skills, and he can play the actor

The final success of "Start Up" did not affect Kim Hae-sook's appearance rate.

Bae So-chi's grandmother is very touching, Kim Hae-sook upgrades his acting skills, and he can play the actor

Her old man appeared in the drama of "Revenge" on the next tv Station next door in the past few days, and made a cameo appearance.

The drama stars Miss Korea, Sharon Kim, and Park Eun-hye, whom she has not seen for a long time.

Bae So-chi's grandmother is very touching, Kim Hae-sook upgrades his acting skills, and he can play the actor

The overall quality of the TV series in the compilation station in recent years has been gratifying, and the ratings are also good.

This film, which focuses on Korean-style suspenseful revenge, is played by two actresses who have not been seen for a long time.

These two stars who have been filming for five years will obviously not bring this TV series into a big red drama, and the ratings are also decreasing with the steady release of suspense.

Bae So-chi's grandmother is very touching, Kim Hae-sook upgrades his acting skills, and he can play the actor

In a drama like this, what can be recalled in the future is, "It turns out that so-and-so licorice actor also played who is who in this film." ”

In "Revenge", Kim Hae-sook, who was greeted by Kim Sharon, was very elegant, so that we had the surprise of seeing an old acquaintance in this dull plot, and then the mouse pulled fast forward again.

From the sad warmth to the discussion of fashion topics, Teacher Kim Hae-sook switches freely when rolling films.

Bae So-chi's grandmother is very touching, Kim Hae-sook upgrades his acting skills, and he can play the actor

Teacher Kim Hae-sook, who appears everywhere, is not afraid of a busy schedule at all.

Korean grandparents have always been busy.

If you want to firmly occupy the position of a national mother, you can't relax on the set for a moment.

To say that playing the mother, playing the senior, playing the head of the room, how much heart will the young screenwriter put into the shaping of this role?

Bae So-chi's grandmother is very touching, Kim Hae-sook upgrades his acting skills, and he can play the actor

As an actor with a small number of scenes, no matter how senior he is, he cannot interfere with the production team's thinking.

Some famous screenwriters, such as Kim So-hyun, who has known Kim Hae-sook for a long time, will naturally create a good mother role.

Bae So-chi's grandmother is very touching, Kim Hae-sook upgrades his acting skills, and he can play the actor

Some rookie screenwriters also make up a choreography, and the lines are not outstanding.

Old actors like Kim Hae-sook don't care.

Even a homogeneous role will be played seventeen or eight times.

There are so many pleasing script characters that can appear.

This is the life of a real TV actor.

Bae So-chi's grandmother is very touching, Kim Hae-sook upgrades his acting skills, and he can play the actor

If there is no trace of the handsome man like Yuan Bin for ten years, the script refuses and refuses, not only will the audience forget him, but fans will also question how much the handsome man can leave in addition to his hair growing and his son is born?

Entertainers are also craftsmen, aren't they?

We have no way of knowing the motivation for such a busy performance as Teacher Kim Hae-sook, whether it is because of the love of acting, or because of a word of money.

Bae So-chi's grandmother is very touching, Kim Hae-sook upgrades his acting skills, and he can play the actor

Kim Hae-sook's private life is tightly veiled, and no one knows who her husband is or who her children are.

This is an old movie star who walks the mysticism.

The clips we recall are all about her playing her mother on screen.

Bae So-chi's grandmother is very touching, Kim Hae-sook upgrades his acting skills, and he can play the actor

The actor is also quite happy in this way, and his private life is completely separated from playing a role on the screen.

Not many people can accomplish such a thing, especially in today's flood of variety shows.

How many people are with their families and are willing to take the initiative to expose their privacy.

Bae So-chi's grandmother is very touching, Kim Hae-sook upgrades his acting skills, and he can play the actor

After all, through reality TV, you can also have the opportunity to receive advertisements.

Jin Hae-sook's mother is a little different from other mothers, in addition to the traditional kind of bitter mother, she is more special is that she also played a lot of career and family mothers.

Bae So-chi's grandmother is very touching, Kim Hae-sook upgrades his acting skills, and he can play the actor

Kim so-hyun, in particular, loves to let Kim Hae-sook have a perfect life in her own episodes.

Jin Hae-sook in "How Beautiful Life Is" and "Parents See the Book", the children are filial piety, the husband is obedient, and the elderly mother-in-law's rambling is no longer important.

Kim Hae-sook, who plays a culinary expert, is fashionable and traditional.

Bae So-chi's grandmother is very touching, Kim Hae-sook upgrades his acting skills, and he can play the actor

There are fashionable fashions to wear, but also get the love of the whole family, Kim Hae-sook who does not undertake the contradictions of the drama is also very dramatic, the screenwriter is about to love the actor himself too much, and it is good to act plainly.

But in any case, such a diligent filmmaker, Jin Hae-sook who spent his life in drama is awe-inspiring.


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