
What is that leaf on the top of totoro's head?

author:Species calendar

Author: Attack on Succulents

What is that leaf on the top of totoro's head?

Everyone loves Miyazaki's classic "Totoro", but there is a problem that has plagued everyone for a long time, in the rain bus stop, the big totoro has a leaf on its head; when praying at night, the little dragon cat also wears the same leaves, these leaves are wide, the petiole is slender, what is it?

What is that leaf on the top of totoro's head?

Image: Screenshot of Totoro

This leaf really has a comparative archetype in reality, that is, today's protagonist - the bee bucket dish petasites japonicus, the genus of bees in the Asteraceae family, and the name "蕗", that is, the Roman name "フキ". The genus noun comes from the Greek word meaning a wide hat, which can generally grow to 1 to 2 meters tall and the leaves are half a meter long.

What is that leaf on the top of totoro's head?


The leaf with such a large leaf in the film is a subspecies of bee fighting vegetables, called "Akita", in Japanese, the scientific name p. japonicus ssp.giganteus, subspecies name "giganteus" means "huge". The Akita Ferns from the Naruwan River Basin in Hokkaido's Ashoro-cho are especially tall and powerful, and it is often reported that their "stems" can grow to 2 to 3 meters tall - hey, the height is not wrong, but it is not a stem, but a slender petiole, so where are their stems? Buried in the ground, like ginger, grows horizontally. It is said that there are also Akita Ferns that grow up to 4 meters high, and it is said that they can be crossed from the bottom on horseback, and whether true or false, the Akita Akita that grows in pieces is more than enough for children to play hide-and-seek.

What is that leaf on the top of totoro's head?

Clams, when you encounter Asteraceae, you want to step on them? In the face of bee fighting vegetables that grow taller than you at every turn, you can try ~ Picture:

What is that leaf on the top of totoro's head?

Hokkaido also has a dedicated Akita Farm, which is open for sightseeing. Image:

As for the leaves, many people confuse the bee hopper with the lotus and taro leaves, because these plants also have wide leaves and slender petioles. Don't worry, just from the appearance can be recognized, the taro leaf is long shield-shaped, the lotus leaf is round shield-shaped, the outer edge is turned down, the middle is slightly concave; and the leaves of the bee bucket are kidney-shaped oval, more like a fan, if you are in a bee bucket vegetable field, the breeze blows, and there is really a kind of "Quyuan wind lotus" beauty.

What is that leaf on the top of totoro's head?

Remember these two beautiful girls, no, these two leaves? Image:

Due to the strong toughness of the petiole cellulose and the wide leaves, Akita has been used as a practical free "umbrella" since ancient times. The Tuan Fan "Akita Map" painted by Hideyoshi Gountei depicts a secular picture of "a torrential rainstorm falling suddenly, and passers-by wearing Akita leaves hurrying to the road".

What is that leaf on the top of totoro's head?

Akita in ukiyo-e. Image:

At the turn of spring and summer, Akita Koshina can grow to more than one person tall, at this time in their base camp - Akita Prefecture (the place with the highest production of Akita Koshi in Japan), there will be a lively "Akita Koshiki Harvest Festival", in addition to a series of celebrations, the local tourism bureau selects some good-looking women, put on unique folk costumes, go down to the field to harvest Akita Koshi, and invite some media reporters to take photos on the spot, make a promotional film, so as to attract more tourists to travel and sightsee.

What is that leaf on the top of totoro's head?


Of course, bee stew isn't just for totoro or you as a "natural umbrella"! It is a delicious ingredient that is unmatched in Japanese food culture. They are found wildly throughout Japan, from Hokkaido in the north to Okinawa in the south, especially in the mountainous forests in the shade, on both sides of the river where the stream runs, and they grow best. As a vegetable, it has long been domesticated and cultivated, and it is recorded that it began in the Heian period and was vigorously promoted by Toyotomi Hideyoshi and gradually became the mainstream ingredient on the table of the common people.

What is that leaf on the top of totoro's head?

The main edible parts of the fern are the leaves and petioles. Image: wiki

It has developed many cultivated species in Japan, and the most commonly eaten is "Aichi Early Raw Grass", as the name suggests, this is a kind of bee fighting vegetable widely cultivated in Aichi Prefecture, the leaves are early, but the leaves and petioles are not as huge as Akita Ferns, the adult plants are only half a person tall, and the petite size makes them look weak and windy, but the taste is excellent, and the entrance is soft and tender without slag.

What is that leaf on the top of totoro's head?

Receiving Aichi Early Raw, Image:

What is that leaf on the top of totoro's head?

Introduction to Aichi Early Oi. Image: Pinterest

How can bee fighting vegetables be good? Except for the rhizome, it can be eaten all over the body. Among them, the leaf feeding method is relatively single, generally to choose young leaves, most of which is to cut the porridge finely, or clip it into the rice ball. Koreans eat more rough, directly add salt to the leaves to dehydrate, and then add sesame oil and sauce, sprinkle with sesame seeds, because the taste is salty, so with white porridge will be more palatable.

What is that leaf on the top of totoro's head?


One of the most curious is this "ice cream", which is said to be eaten only in some parts of Hokkaido, with a pale green color, a slightly salty taste, and leaf fragments on the surface.

What is that leaf on the top of totoro's head?

Ice cream for the leaves. Image:

If you want to eat a fleshy and thick petiole, there are many tricks. The parts near the leaves have less coarse fiber and a soft and tender taste, which is most suitable for cooking, without any complicated condiments, just sprinkle some salt flowers to taste their original taste. It looks like celery, but the taste is not so rushed, it loses a little spicy, but the sweet and bitter taste is very impressive.

What is that leaf on the top of totoro's head?


The petiole near the bottom is older, and after removing the outer "ligament" (i.e., vascular bundle), the emerald-like body is waiting for you to take care of it. There are many kinds of methods, such as dipping, miso and tempura. Bee bucket vegetables have a natural bitter taste, so before cooking, it is necessary to be astringent, sprinkle with coarse salt and knead well, add water to boil, and then soak in cold water for one night. And "juice soaking" is the most commonly used cooking method, cut into sections of the petiole with kelp, shellfish, dried fish together, mixed with soy sauce, sugar and sauce, and then soaked until the color changes into the taste, sprinkle some bonito flowers when eating, the flavor is better, so that the aftertaste of the aftertaste is bitter and sweet, and you can faintly taste the wild taste of wild vegetables.

What is that leaf on the top of totoro's head?


In addition, you can also take advantage of the hollow characteristics of the petiole, so the Japanese invented "koji sushi", which is filled with rice and surimi into the steamed petiole, which looks a lot like the loofah stuffed meat of our heavenly dynasty

What is that leaf on the top of totoro's head?

See watermark for image source

Bee fighting vegetables are not afraid of the cold and can bloom at the end of winter. When the fields and the woodlands in the mountains are silent, they can't wait to stick out their heads as soon as they smell a little spring. Unlike other wild vegetables, bee-hoppers first break through the soil with flowers and then grow leaves. As soon as the green bracts are opened, the cephalic inflorescence reveals its essential prototype of the Asteraceae family. These small cephalic inflorescences are huddled side by side and aggregated to form a dense umbrella house. While other wild vegetables are still waiting for the spring to wake up, they have quietly blossomed, and it is really exciting that such a small and delicate flower can grow into a few meters high in the back.

What is that leaf on the top of totoro's head?

Flower buds that break through the soil. Image: wiki

What is that leaf on the top of totoro's head?
What is that leaf on the top of totoro's head?

Bee douglass is anoecdophroditic, with yellow male flowers and white female flowers. Image: wiki

The flower buds of the bee bucket are also called the lotus, which is a wild vegetable with a wonderful taste. The Japanese are especially fond of bee fighting cauliflower, and their cold and open spirit conveys a tenacious and indomitable integrity, which is the mystery of eating spring. As for the taste, your "shrimp dumplings" Ohno Tomo once recorded a competition program, looking for bees and cauliflower buds in the deep mountains, directly eating raw, it is said that the taste is refreshing, and the aftertaste is slightly bitter.

What is that leaf on the top of totoro's head?
What is that leaf on the top of totoro's head?

Shrimp dumplings said that eating flowers is much easier than falling in love with Misaki. Image:

Flower buds are generally fried into tempura throughout the hanging powder, and the flowers are eaten, and the footsteps of spring are close.

What is that leaf on the top of totoro's head?

Image: wiki

=== The dividing line to step on ===

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