
Ma Zhiwei: Two girlfriends in "Thirty Only" in one south and one north, but outside the play, they have been spoiled for one person for 7 years, two acting experiences, three emotional experiences, four life experiences, and summaries

author:Su Xiaomo 1991

Introduction: People often say that people who look like flowers are often the most affectionate, and Ma Zhiwei really interprets this sentence very well! In the TV series, the title of "Sea King" is mentioned, which looks greasy and flowery on the surface, but in fact, it is indeed a long-term lover!

Recently, "Thirty Only" was popular, Liang Zhengxian in the play had money and leisure and beauty, and Wang Manni was dizzy, but who knew that he had more than one girlfriend, and was given the title of "Sea King" by the audience!

But although Liang Zhengxian is hearty and affectionate, his actor Ma Zhiwei is completely the opposite of him, single-minded and affectionate!

Ma Zhiwei: Two girlfriends in "Thirty Only" in one south and one north, but outside the play, they have been spoiled for one person for 7 years, two acting experiences, three emotional experiences, four life experiences, and summaries

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" >, acting experience</h1>

Ma Zhiwei is a Hong Kong actor and model in China, he has made a lot of TV movies, he can be regarded as a halfway out of the family.

He used to be a courier, and he worked for 10 years, when he weighed 200 pounds, neither handsome nor rich, and at that time he felt that he could not go on like this.

He made up his mind to lose weight and developed muscles, and after deformation, with his handsome appearance and stylish figure, he finally officially entered the entertainment industry at the age of 27, and then opened a modeling career!

Ma Zhiwei: Two girlfriends in "Thirty Only" in one south and one north, but outside the play, they have been spoiled for one person for 7 years, two acting experiences, three emotional experiences, four life experiences, and summaries

In 2013, he served as the male protagonist of the movie "The First Time, Not You" directed by Ye Nianchen, and was later slowly discovered and took over the TV series and movies.

In 2014, he signed a contract with Sun Entertainment Culture and participated in the filming of many films and TV series, including "Dangerous City", "Lao Kasa" and "Margaret and David Qiandu", and emerged in the film and television industry.

It is reasonable to say that after filming so many movies and TV series, how can it be a little famous, but I don't know why, obviously the acting skills are all good, but it is a little bit hot!

Until this year's hit "Thirty Only" in the mainland, because of the role of Liang Zhengxian in the play, it was considered to have a big splash, which opened up its popularity and made people notice him!

< h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > second, emotional experience</h1>

Ma Zhiwei's role in the play is really no one who does not complain, under the slogan of unmarriedism, everywhere to seduce the sister and cast a net everywhere. Even after being poked by Wang Manni, played by Jiang Shuying, she still thought of embracing the right and the left of the south and the north.

Ma Zhiwei: Two girlfriends in "Thirty Only" in one south and one north, but outside the play, they have been spoiled for one person for 7 years, two acting experiences, three emotional experiences, four life experiences, and summaries

But the real Ma Zhiwei is really completely different from the play, not only not careful, but also very dedicated!

He and his girlfriend have been in a relationship for many years, the girlfriend is an employee of Yu Wenle's own brand, when Yu Wenle got married, the two also participated in the wedding together, but at that time Ma Zhiwei was not hot, so no one paid attention!

Ma Zhiwei: Two girlfriends in "Thirty Only" in one south and one north, but outside the play, they have been spoiled for one person for 7 years, two acting experiences, three emotional experiences, four life experiences, and summaries

The two are sister-brother love, Ma Zhiwei once said that he is very comfortable with his girlfriend, he can do whatever he wants, there is no bondage is particularly relaxed, he likes the feeling of being with his girlfriend.

Ma Zhiwei: Two girlfriends in "Thirty Only" in one south and one north, but outside the play, they have been spoiled for one person for 7 years, two acting experiences, three emotional experiences, four life experiences, and summaries

Some time ago, he only posted a post celebrating the seven years that the two have gone through, and I have to say that this relationship is also very strong. If you look closely, you will find that there are a lot of love photos in the social accounts of the two people, and they have always been happy.

Ma Zhiwei: Two girlfriends in "Thirty Only" in one south and one north, but outside the play, they have been spoiled for one person for 7 years, two acting experiences, three emotional experiences, four life experiences, and summaries

Many people have said that his girlfriend is particularly old-fashioned and unworthy of him, but Ma Zhiwei did not care about these words, and still stayed with his girlfriend for so many years.

The daily life of the two is also very simple, that is, walking the dog with their girlfriends, traveling, making food, and sometimes making pottery with their girlfriends, warm and beautiful!

And Ma Zhiwei also said that don't look at his drama is very romantic, but life is a very dull kind, and he will not coax girls at all. Fortunately, the girlfriend does not pay attention to those, and the ordinary one has been with him for so many years, which is definitely true love.

Ma Zhiwei: Two girlfriends in "Thirty Only" in one south and one north, but outside the play, they have been spoiled for one person for 7 years, two acting experiences, three emotional experiences, four life experiences, and summaries

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > third, life experience</h1>

Ma Zhiwei has gone from a courier to a dragon runner over the years, to being a movie man without any splash, and finally relying on "Thirty Only" to gain popularity, which can also be regarded as ups and downs.

Fortunately, Ma Zhiwei's mentality is very good, when there is a scene, he will shoot well, when there is no drama, he will be a model, and when he has no job, he will run and exercise.

Ma Zhiwei: Two girlfriends in "Thirty Only" in one south and one north, but outside the play, they have been spoiled for one person for 7 years, two acting experiences, three emotional experiences, four life experiences, and summaries

Life ups and downs are common things, but their own mentality is really important, like Ma Zhiwei really wins in the mentality.

Although there is no big red, but life is also comfortable, low tide period does not complain and do not worry, and now can be red can also be regarded as hard work has been rewarded!

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >4</h1>

Ma Zhiwei's starting point is actually really not high, but he has changed his life trajectory with his good mentality and efforts. From an obscure courier to the now-known "Sea King".

From a 200-pound fat man to a muscular man who makes people salivate, the effort and sweat in this is definitely not a little.

Ma Zhiwei: Two girlfriends in "Thirty Only" in one south and one north, but outside the play, they have been spoiled for one person for 7 years, two acting experiences, three emotional experiences, four life experiences, and summaries

And single-minded and affectionate he is even more likeable, compared to the romantic "Aquaman" in the play, I think the audience will love life more, although it is not romantic or sweet, but he is obsessed!

I really hope that Ma Zhiwei can not forget his original intention, get better and better, and can develop better in the future. I also hope that his relationship with his girlfriend can become sweeter and sweeter, and it will be cultivated as soon as possible.


Conclusion: Today's story ends here, do you like the character of Ma Zhiwei's drama or the real character? Welcome to discuss with me! If you like my article, remember to follow me, I am Su Xiaomo, I am waiting for you here!