
The same is the "crush", Hu Bingqing and Zhu Yanmanzi who will be better


Zhenhua trilogy of "Crush On Orange Sheng Huainan" is my personal favorite one, there is a sentence in it that I think is very beautiful" "Tangerine Huainan is orange, born in Huaibei is orange", the author of the novel is very careful in the matter of taking names, Luo Yu and Sheng Huainan from the name is a story that belongs to him. "Luo Yu likes Sheng Huainan, no one knows. Sheng Huainan likes Luo Yu, and the whole world knows that this sentence is synonymous with this novel.

The same is the "crush", Hu Bingqing and Zhu Yanmanzi who will be better

I have seen the version of Luo Yu played by Zhu Yanmanzi before, and I personally feel that I like this version of her acting, which expresses Luo Yu's crush and the various things that happened after the university encounter, which is very real. At that time, even a friend around me watched the play and said, "My crush is like this, I feel like ah", not that I am now in a sense of "licking the dog", but I like him very much, but I also have my own personality and pride.

First of all, in terms of the online review of the two female protagonists:

Last night, Hu Dayi and Hu Bingqing's new version of "Crush" premiered, which caused bad reviews on the whole network. Some are for people, some are for acting. Regardless of which aspect of the show's online reviews fell into a trough.

The same is the "crush", Hu Bingqing and Zhu Yanmanzi who will be better

Zhu Yanmanzi first met her in this drama, her exposure is indeed not particularly high, but the acting skills are very good. There is no special to stir-fry the heat and there is no very interesting gossip.

Hu Bingqing was before because of her acting in "Whirlwind Girl" to tell the truth, she is not in line with the public's aesthetics in terms of acting skills or looks, and after the drama was broadcast, she was spat on by many people, that heavy bangs, uncomfortable expressions, and crappy acting skills did not set off too much waves. However, she relied on the gossip topic of "scumbags teach the little three to tear the original match". At that time, this topic also attracted a wave of heat for her, but it was not necessarily a good thing. A lot of people boycotted her new show because of it.

The same is the "crush", Hu Bingqing and Zhu Yanmanzi who will be better

Therefore, after the new version was broadcast, there were many voices criticizing the heroine on the whole network. You can have no skills but you can't be without morality, and many people who watch the show are reluctantly looking at it because the male protagonist.

Speaking from the acting skills:

At that time, Zhu Yanmanzi's version of "Crush" just came out, saw some comments said that I still liked to be in my arms of Luo Yu, I was a little unconvinced, may be preconceived, but I was not very willing, I have seen the original work know that Luo Yu is that kind of arrogant and sensitive, most of her will not laugh like Sunflower, her image is very ordinary but not ordinary, although Luo Yu appeared as a crush, but in my eyes is the goddess of my youth.

The same is the "crush", Hu Bingqing and Zhu Yanmanzi who will be better

Zhu Yan Manzi played the role of Luo Yu to life, making me believe that this is Luo Yu. Lonely, proud, sensitive, persistent and inferior, but somewhat unwilling when hurt, whether it is acting skills or line skills are very solid. Crush is a person's soldiers, like a person, but dare not tell him, when you meet will always be unable to help but look at it, but you have to pretend to be light and breezy. I think Luo Yu showed this kind of girly crush very well. Let the audience feel empathy, like what she likes, and hurts what she hurts.

The same is the "crush", Hu Bingqing and Zhu Yanmanzi who will be better

Luo Yu, played by Hu Bingqing, is more of a humble and less proud of the original book. Her whole person image also did not arouse the audience's love. Therefore, this drama does not have much of a storm, and many people go to Hu Day's appearance.

The same is the "crush", Hu Bingqing and Zhu Yanmanzi who will be better

From these two points alone, Luo Yu, played by Zhu Yanmanzi, is more loved by the audience, in fact, the reason why the drama was not popular at that time, I personally feel that the actor of Sheng Huainan was not selected, and the sheng Huainan played by Zhao Shunran was very awkward, giving people a feeling of a scumbag, so the rating of the broadcast of this drama at that time was not very high, but the acting skills of the female protagonist were worthy of recognition by the audience.

The same is the "crush", Hu Bingqing and Zhu Yanmanzi who will be better

The word "crush" seems to be synonymous with youth, and youth is a period of time that many authors like to state, where there is beauty, there is heartache, there is excitement, there is pain. But this is the happiest time in a person's life. No matter how many years have passed, it is still the most beautiful situation in our hearts.

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