
Interpret the distinctive Tang Ruizong: 3 times to ascend the throne but surrendered, which is a miracle in history

author:The history of the book

Introduction: The history of the Tang Dynasty is very colorful, and there are many things that are worth discussing before and after Wu Zetian's ascension to the throne. Today, let's talk about Tang Ruizong Li Dan. Tang Ruizong's life was very medium, with no merit or fault, and he did not usurp power and seize the throne. It was precisely because everyone knew that he did not rob it, Tang Ruizong lived very well, and he did not worry about his life for many periods.

During the tang zhongzong stage, the power in Wu Zetian's hands had gradually exceeded that of the emperor. Emperor Zhongzong of Tang also found out. Zhongzong, who was worried about becoming a puppet emperor, wanted Wei Xuanzhen to separate the three powers from Wu Zetian. However, this decision was resisted by Pei Yan, the prime minister. Li Xian, who was furious, said, "If I think, I can give up the throne to Wei Xuanzhen." ”

Interpret the distinctive Tang Ruizong: 3 times to ascend the throne but surrendered, which is a miracle in history

As soon as this sentence came out, Pei Yan secretly informed Wu Zetian. As soon as Wu Zetian heard this, he understood that the child was no longer under control. Wu Zetian was worried about Li Xian's movements, and at that time, he was helpless. So she decided to go first. Wu Zetian used thunderous means to force Li Xian to ascend to the throne and supported Li Xian's nephew Li Dan to take power. Li Xian and Li Dan were both children of Wu Zetian's biological parents.

Li Dan immediately assumed the title of emperor and was called Emperor Ruizong of Tang. After Tang Ruizong came to power, he never crossed the "thunder pool" and walked in a safe area from beginning to end. Because Tang Ruizong was very clear, his mother was not a fuel-saving lamp, and he would understand it by looking at the end of his brother. Therefore, after Tang Ruizong came to power, he was also respectful to Wu Zetian. What are the current policies that must be sold after Wu Zetian is willing. If any of the current policies and Wu Zetian's suggestions were different, Tang Ruizong would immediately admit his mistake.

Interpret the distinctive Tang Ruizong: 3 times to ascend the throne but surrendered, which is a miracle in history

Seeing Tang Ruizong, who had such a gentle temperament, Wu Zetian's heart gradually stabilized. Tang Ruizong has always been very careful in doing things. At that time, Li Xian's supporter Xu Jingye gathered 100,000 soldiers to attack the beijing Chang'an, in order to resist Wu Zetian. However, it is very obvious that Xu Jingye did not succeed and eventually ended up committing suicide. After Xu Jingye made such a fuss, Wu Zetian's power in the DPRK reached its peak.

Interpret the distinctive Tang Ruizong: 3 times to ascend the throne but surrendered, which is a miracle in history

At the suggestion of Wu Zetian, a heavy minister spoke out the request for Wu Zetian to become emperor. No other important minister had ever experienced anything like that, and they resisted one after another. However, when Tang Ruizong made a statement, he said something that surprised the courtiers very much, he said: "Mother's contribution is very great, and I am willing to give way to let my mother take the throne." Later, in order to better reassure Wu Zetian about him, Tang Ruizong actively stipulated that He and Wu Zetian should have a surname.

In this way, Tang Ruizong became an idle man in the court and so on. Tang Ruizong did not let down his guard, because at that time he or many people were stabbed in the flesh, those people were waiting for him to make a mistake. However, how can it be made of people? Tang Ruizong's concubine may have been in trouble. In the final analysis, this may be Tang Ruizong's debt. Wu Zetian's sidekick Wei Tuan'er secretly agreed with Tang Ruizong. After Tang Ruizong abdicated the throne, Wei Tuan'er plucked up enough courage to ask Tang Ruizong to take over him.

Interpret the distinctive Tang Ruizong: 3 times to ascend the throne but surrendered, which is a miracle in history

Tang Ruizong fully considered that Wei Tuan'er was an Internet celebrity next to Wu Zetian, and in order to better reassure Wu Zetian for himself again, he rejected Wei Tuan'er. As everyone knows, Wei Tuan'er hated Tang Ruizong's concubine. Wei Tuan'er planted a doll that cursed Wu Zetian in Aifei's residence, and then revealed it to Wu Zetian. Wu Zetian was a man who was a strong believer in the art of witchcraft and was very angry about it. Wu Zetian immediately gave an order to kill Aifei.

Interpret the distinctive Tang Ruizong: 3 times to ascend the throne but surrendered, which is a miracle in history

Ben thought that Tang Ruizong would seek justice for his beloved concubine, but he did not have any posture. Tang Ruizong shrank into his own safe area from beginning to end. After that, Wu Zetian gradually grew older, and the DPRK gradually supported Li Xian. Wu Zetian lost to Li Xian, and then gave way to Li Xian. A long time passed, and when Empress Wei and Princess Anle of Tang Shaodi staged the misfortune of Chao gang, Li Longji and Princess Taiping jointly killed both of them.

Interpret the distinctive Tang Ruizong: 3 times to ascend the throne but surrendered, which is a miracle in history

After dealing with the calamity, Li Longji's father Li Dan became emperor. During his reign, all the current policies were to seek the advice of Li Longji and Princess Taiping. If the current policy is not agreed by both sides, it will not be easy for him to sell. As everyone knows, Tang Ruizong's such practice inadvertently increased the arrogance of Princess Taiping. This Princess Taiping had always wanted to emulate Wu Zetian's ascension to the throne. Li Longji, who was brilliant and strategic, was not willing to give way to the rivers and mountains.

Interpret the distinctive Tang Ruizong: 3 times to ascend the throne but surrendered, which is a miracle in history

Summary: Therefore, Princess Taiping and Li Longji began a big war. Princess Taiping asked Tang Ruizong to say that Li Longji would ascend to the grand ceremony. Who knows, Tang Ruizong made the decision to give way to Li Longji. Princess Taiping was also killed by Li Longji. Although Tang Ruizong gave way, the target of the abdication was his own child, and his life was still secured.

Tang Ruizong's life was fruitless, but there was no fault, and he was very medium. Although Tang Ruizong was not a tyrant, he could also be regarded as a mediocre monarch. But it just happened to be inaction, Tang Ruizong survived the succession of several generations of emperors, and finally lived in his old age. Tang Ruizong understands that he can use his strengths and avoid his weaknesses, and it can be said that Tang Ruizong is the main manifestation of resourcefulness.

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