
Winning Paper of Xixiu District Theoretical Seminar celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China- "Research on the Tutoring Style and Contemporary Values of Revolutionary Martyr Huang Qisheng"

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Winning Paper of Xixiu District Theoretical Seminar celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China- "Research on the Tutoring Style and Contemporary Values of Revolutionary Martyr Huang Qisheng"
Winning Paper of Xixiu District Theoretical Seminar celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China- "Research on the Tutoring Style and Contemporary Values of Revolutionary Martyr Huang Qisheng"
Winning Paper of Xixiu District Theoretical Seminar celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China- "Research on the Tutoring Style and Contemporary Values of Revolutionary Martyr Huang Qisheng"

Presentation of award-winning papers

In order to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, Xixiu District held a theoretical seminar and selected 27 award-winning papers, including first prize, second prize, third prize and excellent award. "Research on the Tutoring Style and Contemporary Values of Revolutionary Martyr Huang Qisheng" won the first prize.

A study of the tutoring style and contemporary values of revolutionary martyr Huang Qisheng

Yu Bingjiang Wang Wuwen Tang Zhiying

Abstract: Huang Qisheng, as a famous educator in modern China, a patriotic democracy fighter, and one of the "Four Eight Martyrs". Through his own words and deeds, he taught and set an example by example, and indoctrinated his children to form a good family style and tutoring. Based on the reality of China's revolution and construction, he used "affection" to tie up the family, to run the family with "frugality", and to establish a family when he was "thrifty"; this is the main core connotation of his family style of teaching; the "righteousness" of being a person and dealing with the world, the "loyalty" to everyone's small family, and the collection of knowledge and deeds in "harmony" are the outstanding and distinctive characteristics of his family style; the "soul" of educating people, the "dream" of building people, and the "foundation" of gubang are the basic values of his family style of teaching.

Keywords: Huang Qisheng Tutoring Home style

General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly mentioned the important role of building a good tutoring style on different occasions, for example, "the family is the basic cell of society and the first school of life", "The family is the first classroom of life", "The family style is the spiritual core of a family", "The family style is an important part of the social atmosphere", and so on. Therefore, the in-depth study of the fine tutoring style handed down by the revolutionaries of the older generation will play a major role in cultivating good family virtues. Huang Qisheng attaches great importance to family tutoring and family style, and has cultivated a lofty family style with profound heritage, rich connotation and distinctive characteristics by example, which provides an important reference for us to carry out the construction of family style.

First, the main core connotation of Huang Qisheng's tutoring style

(1) Use "affection" to tie the family

Li Guangdou pointed out in the article "Remembering Grandpa Huang Qisheng and Cousin Wang Ruofei": "My grandfather attached great importance to this nephew, loved him as a son, and supported his revolutionary activities very much. In fact, When Wang Ruofei was a child, he was a frail and sick child, but he was constrained by the family's difficult livelihood and could not afford to ask him for medical treatment. However, his life has changed since his uncle Huang Qisheng brought him to Guiyang, from giving Wang Ruofei a physical disability to training him to study and study to build a solid foundation for revolutionary thought. Even if they are not father and son, but they are better than father and son, Wang Ruofei's growth and development in his life have all benefited from the love and care of Huang Qisheng, the great "father". Of course, he and his wife Wang Shouyu had always regarded Huang Ganfu's children as if they were their own, especially for Huang Shouyu. Huang Shouyu was still in his infancy, that is, Wang Shouyu was breastfed, and Huang Qisheng also wrote a poem about this matter: "Sister-in-law Duo'er is bitter and lacking milk, Er bitter and more milk is not left; two milks are used for three years for nephews, and the number of blessings is counted as good." From the verses, we can see that Huang Qisheng and his wife are not only kind to their children Huang Shouguang and Huang Suzhao, but also regard Huang Shouxuan and Yuan Rongxian as righteous sons. Like Wang Ruofei, Huang Qisheng always took them with him, led them out of Guizhou, where traffic was blocked, and sent them to a more abundant and vast world, running hard together on the road of revolution.

(2) Running a family with "frugality"

Huang Qisheng lived frugally all his life, and for the sake of the educational ideals in his heart, he gave up the general manager of the Qunming Society, who had a high salary of dozens of silver per month, and was willing to resign as a poor teacher at the Dade School. You know, at that time, the members of the community who were teaching in Dade not only had no salary, in addition to volunteer teaching, they had to make up or donate some money from time to time, and even Huang Qisheng himself moved to Dade School to live, and also managed the work of guarding the school gate every morning and evening. Even though the school grew and grew, Dade's teachers received a salary, but Huang Qisheng's monthly salary was less than twelve yuan. However, under such difficult circumstances, Huang Qisheng also took care of his sister Huang Guzhen's mother and daughter, and took the two to Live together in Guiyang. Of course, it can also be said that Huang Qisheng never envied the high-ranking official Feng Lu in his lifetime, and after the success of the Xinhai Revolution in Guizhou, when the Han military government was reorganized, he was repeatedly invited to take up important posts, such as inviting him to serve as the minister of transportation, etc., to serve the Han military government, but he insisted on his original intention, always unwilling to take office, and still chose to be his poor husband. As he said at that time: "Xinhai gongcheng became an official, and made a fortune and favored a class; he thought about me but had no life, and kept the school as an irrigation garden." For another example, when he arrived in eastern Sichuan, Nie Fengdi and Peng Gongwu, two old people, tried their best to invite him to serve as the governor of Kuizhou County, and even brought the appointment documents, but he resolutely refused, and quietly left with Wang Ruofei and Huang Shouxuan.

(3) Establish a family at "time"

Throughout his life, Huang Qisheng has been using his own practice to promote the development of modern education and revolutionary undertakings for good and good. From Mr. Wenmiao to his participation in the establishment of the Dade School, to the east to Japan, to the west to England and France and other countries to learn from the scriptures, as well as the contributions he made to education and revolutionary undertakings after returning to China, he was admired by everyone in society. Dong Biwu Zeng Shiyun: "Qianzhong education thrives on new shoots, the first mr. Humanity", which illustrates this point, not only writes huang Qisheng's historical position in guizhou's modern education circles, but also recognizes Huang Qisheng's lifelong work for students and the people. After Huang Qisheng came to "Dade", he strictly governed the school in the spirit of the times and cultivated students with progressive ideas. Then opened a women's school, which is the first of the new education of Guizhou Girls' School, and so on. Of course, in participating in revolutionary activities, he was also a pioneer and charged ahead. For example, when opposing yuan shikai's signing of the traitorous "Twenty-One Articles" with Japanese imperialism, Huang Qisheng led all the teachers and students of the school to participate in the demonstrations from all walks of life in Guiyang with high-pitched Dade school songs and surging slogans such as "Oppose the Signing of twenty-one articles." He personally wrote a big book "Don't Forget the Seventh of May" and engraved a monument on the campus to warn the future generation not to forget the national shame. In order to oppose Yuan Shikai's misdeeds in vainly attempting to restore and claim the title of emperor, he led the establishment of popular education meetings, compiled and performed "The End of the Korean Imperial System" "The Hate of the Fallen Country" to warn and educate the people of Guizhou, and so on.

Second, the outstanding and distinctive characteristics of Huang Qisheng's tutoring style

(1) The "rightness" of being a person and dealing with the world

Huang Qisheng has been upright all his life and has always adhered to his own way of righteousness. When he has not left Anshun, the things he is engaged in can also be reflected, and his life in the future is everywhere interpreting the word "Zhongzheng". When he was in Anshun, in addition to working in the "Yixingheng" shop that sold silk, opium, tobacco and alcohol, he also used his free time from time to time to go to the Temple of Literature to teach children who could not afford to read private schools to learn courses such as the "Three Character Classic", and then returned to the shop to do business after the lectures. If Chen Cuiwu, the boss of "Yixingheng", is a trader who has no business or adultery, then Huang Qisheng must be a fair, reasonable and honest businessman. Chen Cuiwu always instilled in Huang Qisheng the "theory of treacherous businessmen", and from time to time instructed him to do things on liquor and other commodities, using the method of "bubble lifting" to make the wine shorter than two pits to fool customers, or mix with water, so that the wine could sell more than two pounds. But Huang Qisheng always made business with credibility, and stole books to make full use of his leisure time to strengthen reading and grow his knowledge. Among the books he read, there are poems such as "Four Books", "Five Classics", "Chu Ci", "Lao Tzu", twenty-four historical books such as "History", "Book of Han", "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", and "Water Margin", "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", "Dream of the Red Chamber" and other novel legends, all of which seek to peek. In addition, he also carefully read modern Western bourgeois politics and philosophical books such as "The Theory of the People's Covenant" and "TheOry of Heavenly Speech", as well as the history of the Italian and Japanese restorations and the "Shiji Bao" of the domestic reformists. In short, everything he did in the anshun days laid the foundation for his early cultural thought, and laid the right root for his future life journey, and insisted on it for life.

(2) "Loyalty" to everyone's small family

Huang Qisheng's life is a life of loyalty, loyalty to himself, loyalty to his family, loyalty to the motherland and the people. First of all, to be loyal to oneself is to focus on educating and rejuvenating the country all your life. After Huang Qisheng arrived at the Dade School, he proposed to open girls' education in 1905, ending the history of no girls' school in Guizhou. After running the women's school, in order to further emancipate the idea of women's education, he vigorously defied the public opinion, broke through the obstruction of the conservative forces, advocated the "women's football" movement, and the Dade Women's School would not accept women with foot binding, and also let Yan Zhushu persuade Dong Deying to serve as a female teacher at the Dade School, making her the first female teacher in the history of Guizhou. After that, Huang Qisheng also lectured on banned books such as "Dream of the Red Chamber" and "Awakening to the World" at the Dade Girls' Department, and wanted to sweep away the feudal social dictatorship and encourage marriage freedom. In fact, these efforts he made in Dade not only smashed the cancer left over from feudal society, but also opened up the atmosphere of the times in Guizhou's educational circles. Since then, he has led more than 30 students from Guizhou who have paid official fees, semi-self-funded and self-funded to travel east to Japan for study and inspection. After returning to China, he took Guizhou students to study in France, Britain and other countries in the tenth year of the Republic of China, and in this study abroad, he got to know Comrades Cai Hesen and Xu Teli, and also re-realized the great progress of his nephew Wang Ruofei's thinking during this period, and let him understand that the revolution of the Communist Party of China was a revolution for the broad masses of toiling people and a revolution for the establishment of a new China. After returning from abroad, at the invitation of Mr. Tao Xingzhi, he founded Xiaozhuang College together, and later promoted rural education with Mr. Huang Yanpei and others; secondly, loyalty to his family is to support and encourage his family to actively respond to the call of the times, be brave to be the vanguard of the times, and take the road of revolution to save the country. After advocating that Dade set up a female school, Dade summoned many people to ridicule and scold. But Huang Qisheng rose to the challenge and simply did it to the end. So among teachers and students, he talked about the harm of foot binding to the physical and mental health of women, and started from the family, let his niece Huang Shuruo put his feet on the ground, and then mobilized Teacher Dong Deying to let go of his feet and start the pioneer of the times. In the training of Wang Ruofei, he even single-handedly brought him up from an early age, cultivated him to study and study, and supported and encouraged him to take the correct revolutionary road. For example, on October 10, 1911, after the outbreak of the Wuchang Uprising, Dade School actively supported and strongly supported the day when Guizhou would restore the light, and in order to avoid bad events, he also asked Wang Ruofei to gather more than 20 senior students and prepare to guard the school, etc.; Finally, loyalty to the motherland and the people is to lead by example for the people and dedicate himself to the cause of reviving the Chinese national revolution. Just as Huang Qisheng agrees with Huang Yanpei's goal of vocational education, he takes "for national independence and prosperity" as the goal of vocational education in the new situation, and is willing to work with everyone to work hard, unite sincerely, and jointly fulfill his duties and responsibilities for the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. For another example, after Wang Ruofei was arrested in Baotou, Huang Qisheng had to find a way to rescue him despite the cold weather, and even when he could not rescue him after doing his best, he also supported his revolutionary activities in prison. As he said to Wang Ruofei in prison: "Child, I know that you have not done anything to be sorry for the people. "You are all killed for the sake of the people." The second uncle has always been jealous and hateful, and as long as he does not do anything wrong, he would rather lose his freedom than lose the truth. Am I right? Indeed, as Wang Ruofei replied, "To be alive is to struggle, and to be dead is to rest!" The cause we seek will be done by thousands of people. It will be magnificent, forever fragrant, eternally evergreen! Later, in order to support the results of the "Chongqing negotiations", he took the opportunity to fly to Chongqing to participate in the negotiation activities, and unfortunately died when returning to Yan'an, becoming one of the "Four Eight Martyrs".

(3) Collecting Knowledge and Actions in "Harmony"

Huang Qisheng has traveled all over China and studied and inspected abroad, and has always been able to combine theory and practice. He participated in the founding of Dade School, went to Japan to investigate, went to France to work-study, led Wang Jingren and others to go out to participate in the revolution, rescued Yuan Zhitong in Nanjing, rescued Wang Ruofei in Suiyuan, rushed to Yan'an to support the revolution, until he became a martyr, always advancing with the times. It can be said that whether he is engaged in education or revolutionary activities, he is a theoretician and, more importantly, a practitioner, who unifies his knowledge and deeds and regards him as a model for the world. As Zhu De pointed out in the inscription "Tribute to Mr. Huang Qisheng": "Mr. Huang Qisheng, an old educator in Guizhou, has held the belief of striving for China's democratic reform since the coup d'état of Penghu, and has been working tirelessly for this purpose for many years. In the many years since the founding of our party, we have always been a close friend. This death is also a great loss to the cause of democracy, and it also makes us feel deep sorrow! Zhu De's eulogy affirms the unity of knowledge and action in Huang Qisheng's life, that is, his lifelong practice of education to guide many benevolent people and support various progressive revolutionary undertakings, and unswerving.

Third, the contemporary value of Huang Qisheng's tutoring style

Huang Qisheng's tutoring style has his unique contemporary value. As a father, he taught by example, had a good disposition, had good children, and was loving; as a student mentor, he loved science, education, and the motherland; as a martyr, he pursued democracy, adhered to the truth, and defended justice. Throughout his life, he actively threw himself into China's modern revolution, explored the truth of education to save the country, and educated the rejuvenation of the country, and trained a large number of revolutionaries of the democratic revolution, revolutionaries of the socialist revolution, and builders of socialist construction for our party and country. These are inseparable from his good tutoring style.

(1) The "soul" of educating people

Huang Qisheng has been committed to the cause of education all his life, and for decades, he has been practicing what he preaches, rejuvenating learning to save the country, and embarking on a long road of education to save the country. With his words and deeds, personal practice and wholehearted help, many young people in Guizhou were prompted to study overseas or participate in the struggle for the democratic revolution. He became the guide for the young people of Guizhou to pursue progress at that time and a banner of progress in Guizhou's educational and ideological circles. Today's social life is accelerating day by day, people run for their livelihood every day but forget the value pursuit of their own lives, the abundance of material life can not replace the needs of spiritual life, and the busyness of life cannot hide the emptiness of the heart. Therefore, as a "key minority" in society, family style is not a trivial matter of individuals, nor is it a private affair of the family, but an important reflection of its style, carrying the ardent expectations of the broad masses of the people and related to the overall image of society. Huang Qisheng himself attaches great importance to personal cultivation, not only reading a lot of books, but also personally participating in practice, and under the guidance of Huang Qisheng's education, Wang Ruofei, Huang Shouxuan, Yuan Zhitong, etc. have all thrown themselves into the great cause of national salvation and survival, and have written a heroic song with their lives: "For those who have sacrificed more ambitions, dare to teach the sun and the moon for a new heaven", and written with their blood a magnificent revolutionary epic of "Xiongguan Mandao is as true as iron, and now he steps forward from the beginning". This is the foundation on which a family can be secured, and it is also the foundation on which society can develop. The most precious thing in today's society is to calm down and enhance the ideological and political consciousness of individuals, not only to focus on improving their own social status, but also to give themselves higher requirements in morality, and to always examine themselves with moral norms and reflect on themselves. When encountering problems, do not complain about others and society, but to find the right answer from yourself, after all, the acquisition of moral character requires personal efforts rather than the compulsion of others, and to understand and improve themselves in the practical actions of learning, work and life.

(2) Building the "Dream" of Building People

The formation of everyone's dream is inseparable from the big family of society, and they all hope that society will be harmonious and stable, effective governance, and a better life. The important influence of family style on social atmosphere determines that we must create a good family style in the whole society, through the promotion of typical examples, the typical family, typical characters, typical qualities in the scope of society to carry out publicity and education, promote the formation of a harmonious atmosphere of learning typical in the whole society, so that the excellent atmosphere contained in it can go deep into the family, infect individuals, and then promote the improvement and prosperity of the entire social civilization. Huang Qisheng contributed his life's energy to the creation and construction of new China, the scientific development of modern education, and the liberation and happiness of the people, and set an example for his family, students and society by leading by example everywhere. Throughout his life, he advocated frugality, pursued prosperity in education, pursued national liberation, and stressed arduous struggle. Although he has served as an important leader in various local schools for many times, he has always asked his relatives and students to work hard, be self-reliant, and be a self-reliant person, and his best way to educate is to set an example. For example, when Huang Qisheng was in charge of the Xugongqiao Rural Education Experimental Zone, in order to help the students strengthen the exercise of personal moral cultivation in the world, Huang Qisheng transformed Cui Wei's "motto", eliminated its negative content, and used its rhyme to imitate another motto for the students to learn as a reference. In addition, the work of the workshop has been improved, requiring the students to pass the labor examination and the oral examination in addition to taking the written examination, reflecting the good spirit of the vocational education society of "the omnipotent use of both hands and the use of both hands and brains". In fact, liu xiang later wrote in the article "Weeping and Mourning the Dead", there is a passage that says of Huang Qisheng, he said: "In Yan'an, we had about a year of reunion, Mr. Liu's enthusiasm for culture and education and the efforts to call for peace and democracy are often admired by the young generation. The author believes that this amazing power comes from the original intention that Huang Qisheng insisted on and put his dreams into action through practice. Therefore, no matter where Huang Qisheng is, he cares about every xueyou and every mass, and wins everyone's respect and love. Today we have built a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way and started a new journey of rural revitalization, and Huang Qisheng's behavior and style are of great significance to our publicity and display as a typical excellent tutoring and family style culture, and through publicizing his excellent tutoring and family style culture, it is also conducive to improving the moral quality of villagers while enriching the spiritual life of villagers, thus promoting family building in rural areas.

(3) The "foundation" of Gubang

Mao Zedong once praised "Huang Qisheng as the first person outside the Communist Party to sympathize with and love the Communist Party during the most difficult period." Although he was not a member of the Communist Party, he was a revolutionary martyr whom we must never forget. The reason why we want to excavate Huang Qisheng's family style is to provide reference and reference for the behavior norms of the broad masses of the people, strengthen the people's identification with the traditional family style culture and guide the public to apply it to practical life, tell Chinese stories well, spread the Chinese spirit, set up Chinese models, form a good atmosphere of word of mouth and everyone is proud of classic deeds, and promote the study of classics and the increasing normalization and sustainability of imitating classics. As General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in his speech at the mobilization meeting for the study and education of party history, "Our party has always attached importance to the study and education of party history, paid attention to using the party's struggle course and great achievements to inspire fighting spirit and clarify the direction, use the party's glorious traditions and fine work style to strengthen faith and gather strength, and use the party's practice and historical experience to enlighten wisdom and improve character." "Therefore, only excellent traditional tutoring and family style cultural resources have modern value, and only traditional resources under the guidance of our party can guide the correct direction of public opinion, disseminate advanced concepts, improve social atmosphere, help the country smoothly carry out persuasion and education for the broad masses of the people, guide the people to perceive culture, understand the classics, practice norms, and truly use the traditional tutoring and family style resources to the real place, and develop and grow misconduct."


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1. Yu Bingjiang (Teacher, Party School of Xixiu District Committee of the Communist Party of China)

2. Wang Wuwen (Teacher, Party School of Xixiu District Committee of the Communist Party of China)

3. Tang Zhiying (Office Worker, Qiyanqiao Town, Xixiu District)

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