
Good Poem of the Day | Farm yard

author:China Poetry Network

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Good Poem of the Day | Farm yard

Farm yard

Qiu Yiyi

There are people in the north of the stone bridge, and the small courtyard is lined with red flowers and purple flowers.

Why do yellow dogs bully distant visitors? It turned out that it was forbidden to approach the fence.

Good Poem of the Day | Farm yard

The poem writes about the small courtyard of the farmhouse, the first two flat and straightforward, the Yanjia is located in the north of the stone bridge, between the red and purple courtyards; The latter two asked and answered themselves, and the Taoist avoided the barking of the yellow dog, far away from the fence. The language is light and shallow, and the reader knows it. The words of the poem are exhausted, there is no need to say more, and the aftertaste remains, allowing for the time being.

"Why the poetry came out of this sentence, it turns out that the mystery lies in the heart of the poetry." Poetry is based on formalism, and there are various variations; Ontology, there is no other way. If the genre, language, and style are all in its shape, ever-changing and inseparable from the poetic heart, the poetic heart is not known. With one heart, Yishan can enter the room of Shaoling; Seeking shape, the valley is ridiculed like a dog. Although this work is close to the vernacular, it is not a "poet's language", but a verse poet's language. The first two "look down and do not take the neighbors", the scene shows nature, and the love is in the scene, and there is no artifice. The courtyard is contrasted with red flowers and purple flowers, which has a lively feeling in the color. The latter two "take the language very straight, and the thinking is deep", the language is unsurprising, but the intention is out, and the aftertaste is leisurely. Because the guest is far away and the yellow dog does not know, it cannot approach its fence, and there is a sense of loneliness in the situation, which contrasts with the excitement of the first two, and the poetry comes out.

The following is a brief discussion of the form. The rules and regulations of this work are commonplace, stable and lacking, but not changeable. When the world talks about the near-body method, every time there is a saying of "starting and ending, and turning together", they do not know the changes, and then they fall into the rut. As for the style, although there are two kinds of "natural" and "real", but the taste is not the same, I am afraid that the two can be combined.

Guest comment: Ma Xiao

About the poet

Qiu Yiyi, born in 1967. A native of Jilin City, Jilin Province. Member of the Chinese Poetry Society. Director of Jilin Poetry Society, he has published more than 300 poetry works in poetry journals such as "Contemporary Poetry", "Chinese Poetry", "Chinese Dictionary" and so on.

Expert profiles

Ma Xiao, born in 1993, from Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, is currently working at the Chinese Poetry Research Institute. Graduated from Central University of Finance and Economics majoring in ancient Chinese literature in the Tang and Song dynasties. His published papers include: "A Brief Discussion on the Word "Fu Pillow" in Du Poem", "The Poetic Image of Monuments in Du Fu's "Yonghuai Ancient Monuments", etc.

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Column host / Wang Fugang

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Editor: Wang Aofei, second judge: Manman, final judge: Jin Shikai

Good Poem of the Day | Farm yard