
The Dragon Boat Festival is coming, keep in mind the diet "eat cold and not eat cold", less after June, take advantage of the present to eat

author:Three meals a day

After entering the summer, it is suitable to eat more cold vegetables that clear the heat and dispel the fire, especially before and after the Dragon Boat Festival, and remember to eat "eat cold and not eat cold".

The Dragon Boat Festival is coming, keep in mind the diet "eat cold and not eat cold", less after June, take advantage of the present to eat

Bitter melon is a very good cold vegetable, it is rich in nutrients, has the effect of clearing heat and relieving heat, promoting appetite, improving immunity, preventing constipation, etc., has many benefits for the human body, it is recommended that everyone eat more of it in summer.

The Dragon Boat Festival is coming, keep in mind the diet "eat cold and not eat cold", less after June, take advantage of the present to eat

And now is the right time, after June it will be less, remember to eat while it is now! Today, the editor will share with you the delicious methods of 2 kinds of bitter melon, let's take a look together.

Recommended recipe 1 [Scrambled eggs with bitter melon]

The Dragon Boat Festival is coming, keep in mind the diet "eat cold and not eat cold", less after June, take advantage of the present to eat
  1. Prepare a bitter melon, cut off the head and tail, cut it in half, scrape off the melon bowl and white film, rinse it with running water, then divide the bitter melon in two, cut it into thin slices with an oblique knife, put it in a large bowl, add a large spoonful of white sugar, grab and mix well, and marinate for 20 minutes.
The Dragon Boat Festival is coming, keep in mind the diet "eat cold and not eat cold", less after June, take advantage of the present to eat
  1. Prepare three eggs, beat into a bowl, stir well and set aside. Prepare some garlic, cut into garlic slices, a handful of spring onions, chopped green onion and minced garlic, and add a handful of tempeh.
The Dragon Boat Festival is coming, keep in mind the diet "eat cold and not eat cold", less after June, take advantage of the present to eat
  1. Prepare a red pepper and cut into small cubes, and a few green peppers, also cut into small pieces. In a bowl, add a spoonful of light soy sauce, a small amount of pepper, a spoonful of oyster sauce, sugar, chicken essence, cornstarch, a small bowl of water, stir well and set aside.
  2. Then pour water into the bitter melon, clean the bitter melon, squeeze out the water, put it in a large bowl, add a little cooking oil, stir well, and set aside.
The Dragon Boat Festival is coming, keep in mind the diet "eat cold and not eat cold", less after June, take advantage of the present to eat
  1. Boil oil, pour in the egg liquid, fry over low heat to set the shape, and then scramble the eggs into small pieces, stir-fry and put them out for later use. Heat the oil and stir-fry the minced garlic and tempeh until fragrant.
The Dragon Boat Festival is coming, keep in mind the diet "eat cold and not eat cold", less after June, take advantage of the present to eat
  1. Add the green and red peppers, stir-fry evenly, add bitter melon, stir-fry evenly over high heat, stir-fry for about two minutes, then add eggs, and pour in the seasoned sauce.
The Dragon Boat Festival is coming, keep in mind the diet "eat cold and not eat cold", less after June, take advantage of the present to eat
  1. Stir-fry over high heat evenly, stir-fry the bitter melon until it tastes, and then it can be taken out of the pan and put on the plate. Such a fragrant, delicious and delicious bitter melon scrambled egg is ready.
The Dragon Boat Festival is coming, keep in mind the diet "eat cold and not eat cold", less after June, take advantage of the present to eat
  1. In hot weather, eating more bitter melon can help us clear the heat and relieve the heat, and the bitter melon fried in this way, tender and refreshing and delicious, friends who like this method will collect it and try it.

Recommended recipe 2 [Cold bitter melon]

The Dragon Boat Festival is coming, keep in mind the diet "eat cold and not eat cold", less after June, take advantage of the present to eat
  1. Prepare a bitter melon cut off the head and tail, cut it in half, scrape off the melon bowl and white film, cut into thin slices and put it in a large bowl, add a small spoonful of salt, pour in water, grab and soak for 10 minutes, then cut the tomatoes into thin slices and pour them into a large bowl for later use.
The Dragon Boat Festival is coming, keep in mind the diet "eat cold and not eat cold", less after June, take advantage of the present to eat
  1. Prepare some garlic and chop it into minced garlic for later use. Then clean the bitter melon, put it in a large bowl, add a large spoonful of white sugar and mix well, marinate for 10 minutes.
The Dragon Boat Festival is coming, keep in mind the diet "eat cold and not eat cold", less after June, take advantage of the present to eat
  1. Bring the water in the pot to a boil, add a little salt, a few drops of cooking oil, blanch the bitter melon for about 20 seconds, remove the cooling, squeeze the water into a large bowl, and then add the tomatoes.
The Dragon Boat Festival is coming, keep in mind the diet "eat cold and not eat cold", less after June, take advantage of the present to eat
  1. Then add a spoonful of salt, a small spoonful of sugar, two spoons of tomato paste, a handful of fried peanut rice, grab and mix well, then pour minced garlic, continue to grasp and mix evenly, put it on a plate and you can eat.
The Dragon Boat Festival is coming, keep in mind the diet "eat cold and not eat cold", less after June, take advantage of the present to eat
  1. When the weather is hot, make such a plate of cold bitter melon, cool and delicious, crisp and refreshing to eat, adults and children love to eat. If you like it, collect it and try it.
The Dragon Boat Festival is coming, keep in mind the diet "eat cold and not eat cold", less after June, take advantage of the present to eat

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