
The fetus in six months of pregnancy looks much better, do you know which weeks are included in the sixth month of pregnancy? ...

author:Mother Zhang 9r0l

What should I pay attention to when a fetus looks like this in the sixth month of pregnancy?

It's cute to look at a six-month-old baby. The six months of pregnancy include twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three and twenty-four weeks.

Twenty-one week baby is about 26 centimeters long and weighs about 500 grams. The digestive system is gradually perfected, the kidney system begins to function, the fingernails and lips are almost completely grown, the eyes will be completely opened, and the taste buds of the fetus will gradually form. Every day, I can taste the taste of my mother's tooth water and start sucking my thumb.

・During the period, because the uterus becomes enlarged, it will press on the pelvic veins, which is easy to make the pregnant mother varicose veins in the lower extremities, try to take the left side without increasing the blood and nutrients to the placenta.

The fetus in six months of pregnancy looks much better, do you know which weeks are included in the sixth month of pregnancy? ...

A 22-week baby is about 25 centimeters long and weighs about 320 grams. At this time, the fetus began to train the ability to grasp, grabbed the umbilical cord from time to time, and the subcutaneous fat began to deposition, but the skin of the whole body was all folded, the bones were quite strong, the bones and joints began to develop, and the proportions of the body became more even.

The baby is now swimming in the tooth water, and most mothers feel the fetus move, the eyes and eyebrows have begun to develop, and the fangs have begun to appear in the gums.

The fetus in six months of pregnancy looks much better, do you know which weeks are included in the sixth month of pregnancy? ...

The 23-week baby is about 28 centimeters long and weighs about 600 grams. The fetus's current skin is loose because his skin develops faster than fat, fat is not enough to fill the entire skin, and the skin is still wrinkled and red.

At this time, the baby's hair is silvery-white because there is no pigment in the hair, and the tissue and trachea of the lungs are developing to prepare for later breathing. The middle ear bone begins to harden, his sense of hearing becomes stronger, and he responds to certain sounds, such as his mother's voice or hearing good music, and he will dance with his hands. This week is the best time to do a big job.

The fetus in six months of pregnancy looks much better, do you know which weeks are included in the sixth month of pregnancy? ...

A 24-week fetus is about 30 centimeters long and weighs about 500 grams. At this time, organs and bones can be seen through the skin of the fetus, and the vascular system has developed, and the fetus' hearing is more sensitive at this time. At this time, the baby's body size is still relatively thin, and the subcutaneous fat is relatively thin.

During the six-month period, two tests must be done, the first is large deformity, and the second is glucose tolerance. During this period, pregnant mothers are prone to urinary tract infection symptoms, so usually do not sit and stand for a long time, and drink more water during the day. During this period, the fetus also enters a period of rapid growth and needs more nutrients. So don't forget to supplement iron plus vitamin c, calcium plus d3, and DHA. The diet structure must be reasonable, egg milk, fish and shrimp, fruits, vegetables, balanced progress, growth rate must be balanced, otherwise stretch marks will be very heavy.

The fetus in six months of pregnancy looks much better, do you know which weeks are included in the sixth month of pregnancy? ...

In the next video, Mama Zhang will talk about what a seven-month-pregnant baby looks like and precautions.