
Help the United States to oppose Russia in exchange for American forgiveness - American fans after being brainwashed by the United States have new and unique thinking

author:Humorous trolls
Help the United States to oppose Russia in exchange for American forgiveness - American fans after being brainwashed by the United States have new and unique thinking

After the Russia-Ukraine crisis, a "large amount" of hardcore American fans appeared on the Chinese network. So I put a quotation mark in large numbers because it looks a lot on the surface, like a small white fish floating on the surface, but in fact there are 1.4 billion people. It's just a handful.

What kind of people are these people?

To put it mildly: It's a handful that moves against the current!

If the words were made 30 or 40 years ago, they would be: "Extremely reactionary!" ”

This is because under the backdrop of the United States pressing China step by step, China and Russia are united in friendship and support each other, and join hands in cooperation.

However, these small group of people worship the United States to the extreme, and they not only ignore the United States' various kinds of suppression and threats against China, but also condone Taiwan independence, obstruction of cross-strait reunification, and other despicable acts. On the contrary, they used all their strength to cheer for the United States, and at the same time did everything they could to belittle and ugly Russia, trying by all means to hype up old historical grievances between China and Russia.

In the end, this small group of people also unified the same mouth, shouting like this:

What did the United States force you? We should stand on the side of the United States and closely follow the United States in resolutely defeating Russia, so that we can win the forgiveness of the United States. ”

It's really strange, so you don't have to ask this small handful of American fans:

"Don't you know what your master, the United States, has forced us? Why should we seek forgiveness from the United States? What did China do wrong? Is it wrong not to bow to US hegemony? ”

The attitude of these people toward the United States is particularly clear and unique.

Help the United States to oppose Russia in exchange for American forgiveness - American fans after being brainwashed by the United States have new and unique thinking

The peculiarity of Qingqing lies in the bizarre theory that "we want to win forgiveness from the United States," which proves that the bones of these people are really soft.

If you follow this kind of "soft bone thinking", it will be funny.

Consider an analogy:

Suppose someone marries a bright daughter-in-law, and a bully takes a blind eye to his daughter-in-law and wants to forcibly take away his love. Then, if one resolutely does not give in and dares to fight with bullies to the end, then it is a mistake. Instead, it is right to obediently sacrifice his daughter-in-law to the bully to calm the incident.

However, the vast majority of people will not be able to accept it!

Therefore, I advise these people to be willing to fall and take the initiative to dedicate themselves to the United States, that is a unique "heavy taste" of Er, but do not be proud of shame, and think of the best people and so on.

If in real life, anyone dares to be so shameless, then this soft bone will definitely be spurned by everyone and beaten with a blue nose and a swollen face.

Whoever wants to mention "Sino-Russian friendship and unity," these people will jump their feet and curse in a hurry.

Help the United States to oppose Russia in exchange for American forgiveness - American fans after being brainwashed by the United States have new and unique thinking

Why do these people have such hatred for "Sino-Russian friendship"?

Because the current Sino-Russian friendship is united and supports each other, the dream of US state-owned enterprises trying to break down China and Russia has been shattered.

Therefore, this has made the "die-hard American fans" gnash their teeth with hatred for the current Sino-Russian friendship.

Therefore, they vigorously propagate the fallacy that "the United States helped China a lot during World War II, while Russia only wanted to plunder China's territory in history."

And it is a fallacy because it is completely talking nonsense!

How much aid did the United States give us during China's War of Resistance Against Japan?

In fact, before the Japanese army attacked Zhenzhuhai Port, the United States did not give China much help in resisting Japan. On the contrary, the United States has stopped arms sales to China, while the United States has never stopped its trade.

It was not until the outbreak of the Pacific War that the United States launched large-scale aid to China in order to help China resist Japan with the help of China's anti-Japanese strength.

The so-called large-scale aid to China is limited to selling weapons at low prices with loans, and if the United States wants to provide weapons manufacturing technology, it is not even a door.

Therefore, don't think that the United States is a great benevolent person, it is all profit!

Has Russia ever aided China in history?

Help the United States to oppose Russia in exchange for American forgiveness - American fans after being brainwashed by the United States have new and unique thinking

First: The Soviet Union's Volunteer Air Force in the Early Period of the War of Resistance Against Japan.

After the 77 Incident, Japanese imperialism invaded China in a big way, and the European and American capitalist countries began to make wishful calculations. After that, they were introduced and reaped the benefits of the fishermen.

Therefore, the Western powers have stopped selling military materiel to China under the pretext of "strictly guarding China." Noted. The United States is one of them!

1 9 3 In January 19 37, Shanghai and Hangzhou fell one after another, the Chinese defenders were forced to retreat, the Japanese army took advantage of the situation to directly advance in southern Beijing, and the situation in eastern China became more and more unfavorable to the Chinese army. At this time, Britain, the United States, and other countries not only sat idly by and could not save it, but on the contrary attempted to compromise with Japan.

The stark contrast with the United Kingdom and the United States is:

The socialist Soviet Union adopted a positive policy of aiding China. It formed a Soviet Air Force Willing to Aid China, sent a large number of Air Force officers and men and pilots into China, and effectively supported China's War of Resistance.

According to historical data, from 1 9 3 7 to 1 9 4 1 years, more than 2 0 0 0 0 volunteers of the Soviet Air Force and more than 1 0 0 00 fighters came to China one after another. Famous air force generals such as Zhgarev, Rychagov, Anisimov, Porenin, Tehor, Khryugin, and Bulagoveshensky in the Soviet coalition army have all come to China. He took part in commanding the war against the Japanese army.

Die-hard American fans, I don't know what to think about this.

Second: The large-scale aid to China during the Soviet Union in the 50s of the last century.

During the period of China's first five-year plan, the Soviet Union carried out aid construction for 1 56 projects in the industrial field of New China. Almost overnight, China was transformed from a backward agricultural country into an industrial power.

Since then, China has been able to independently produce tractors, automobiles, rifle guns, artillery, tankers, aircraft, warships, submarines, and even provided samples of guided and original bombs.

It can also be said that it was precisely this Soviet Union's aid to China that laid a solid foundation for China to become an industrial power.

Compared with the Soviet Union's "teaching people to fish," the so-called aid to China by the United States is not worth mentioning!

Help the United States to oppose Russia in exchange for American forgiveness - American fans after being brainwashed by the United States have new and unique thinking

Third: The United States has relaunched a military technology blockade against China, and Russia has launched large-scale arms sales to China.

In 1989, with the weakening of the Soviet Union, China lost the value used by the United States to contain the Soviet Union, and the United States once again tore its face and tangled the entire West to launch a "high-tech ban on China." This technical blockade is still in place today.

However, 1 99 1 years later, Russia's all-round arms sales to China ranged from Su-27 modern fighters, supersonic anti-ship missiles, guided bombs, Kilo submarines, etc., to Soviet-made equipment comparable to the top weapons in the West. Even its production and manufacturing technology has once again poured into China, completely breaking the Western blockade of China technology, and this is also of great significance to China's modernization process.

As mentioned above, historical facts are so clear, so why do US fans still shout such things as "the United States has helped China greatly, and Russia has only harmed China"?

The truth is also very simple!

Because the United States' hatred of red China is engraved in its bones, American fans naturally do not recognize red China, and they must follow the master's hatred of their own motherland.

Therefore, in their eyes, the limited help provided by the United States to China under the rule of the Kuomintang at that time out of profit and necessity was the "real help" that could make them feel weeping.

The Soviet Union, on the other hand, came to China's aid in all aspects and helped China lay the industrial foundation; In the eyes of American fans, Russia's arms sales to China and the breaking of the West's high-tech blockade of China are of course not a help, but a scourge that makes them feel extremely angry. This is because this is seriously inconsistent with the interests of their masters, the United States.

However, when US state-owned enterprises seek to dominate the world, China and Russia will certainly unite and cooperate, and this is a historical law that cannot be violated. Therefore, American fans wailed, but helpless. Therefore, the Qian donkey skills were exhausted, and they thought of a bad trick, which was to hype up the old grievances in the history of China and Russia.

Then, how should we look at the old historical grievances between China and Russia?

Help the United States to oppose Russia in exchange for American forgiveness - American fans after being brainwashed by the United States have new and unique thinking

After the US fans began to repeatedly emphasize the Opium War on the Internet, Tsarist Russia forcibly cut off a large area of land from the Great Qing Dynasty, and every time it was painful.

Therefore, whoever mentions "Sino-Russian friendship" will ask them in a loud voice: Do you want to forget history?

Indeed, this is truly heart-wrenching history!

But in the end, this page has been turned. We can't forget history, but we can't get caught up in history and ignore the present!

To put it bluntly, under the backdrop of the United States today, they repeatedly emphasize the historical events of Tsarist Russia and the Great Qing Dynasty, and try to stir up old resentments between China and Russia. In fact, they did not lose their land a hundred years ago.

What these people are really worried about is that it is the unity between China and Russia that has made it impossible for their US masters to smoothly break down China and Russia.

The real goal of these people is to make unremitting efforts for the sake of the United States and for the unity and cooperation between China and Russia.

Help the United States to oppose Russia in exchange for American forgiveness - American fans after being brainwashed by the United States have new and unique thinking

To use the simplest analogy.

For example, if there are two neighbors, when they are faced with a common bully, and this bully has already made it clear that they want to clean up these two families one by one, then these two, Only by joining forces can we avoid bad luck.

However, just as the two families were preparing to unite to ward off the enemy, someone jumped out and tried to dissuade them: "You two families cannot cooperate because their ancestors have swallowed a piece of land in your family." ”

So this person, he is absolutely not kind, nine times out of ten, and it is very likely that he is the spy sent by the bully.

Let's take history as a guide. The ancients in China's history never dwelled on old grievances because of the current crisis.

For example, during the Third Dynasty, Eastern Wu first destroyed the alliance and attacked Jingzhou, harming Guan Yu. However, because Wei was on the side and Wu Shu was fighting, he would definitely be defeated by Wei.

Therefore, after Zhuge Liang came to power, he still chose to put aside his old grievances and form an alliance with Wu to resist the Wei state. Under the circumstances of Cao Wei's unique situation, this is not necessary and necessary.

So, against such a backdrop. If someone spreads such a statement in Shu: "We will never be able to renew our alliance with Wu, we should show goodwill to the Wei state, first help the Wei state, destroy Eastern Wu, and avenge the enmity of Jingzhou, We can also gain Wei Guo's forgiveness in this way, or Xu Wei Guo will let us go. ”

In this way, it can be said with certainty that even if Zhuge Liang has a benevolent heart, he will certainly not hesitate to destroy these three ethnic groups. Because of this person, he must not love the Shu state, but must be a spy sent by the Wei state.

However, this kind of truth and a hardcore beauty powder will never make sense!

For example, some of them will ask you in a fierce manner: "If you want to let go of your old grudges, why are you not willing to let go of Japan's old grievances against China?" ”

Help the United States to oppose Russia in exchange for American forgiveness - American fans after being brainwashed by the United States have new and unique thinking

Lo and behold, the true face of these people in their bones has finally been revealed.

In fact, remembering the War of Resistance Against Japan and not forgetting the national shame is actually a big mistake that can make them linger in the eyes of these die-hard American fans!

The essence of his so-called phrase "helping the United States oppose Russia in exchange for US forgiveness" is the hope that China will abolish its military achievements and become a vassal of the United States from then on.

This is basically what those "die-hard American fans" who suffer from serious diseases of reverse racism dream of doing things, but these people are obviously dreaming!

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