
To reunify Taiwan, we must be prepared to sacrifice 70 million to 140 million people! How vicious Li Yi and his ilk are!

author:Small earthquake strategy
To reunify Taiwan, we must be prepared to sacrifice 70 million to 140 million people! How vicious Li Yi and his ilk are!

Recently, a "scholar in the United States" named Li Yi "went out of the circle" because he expressed some views on cross-strait reunification, and there is no mistake that he was scolded by netizens on the Internet.

This ancestor was surprisingly persistent in the viewpoint of the reunification of Taiwan by the mainland's armed forces, and dreamed that the planes and missiles of the mainland would fly to Taiwan.

In his eyes, the Taiwan people are ignorant and unbearable, there is absolutely no need for communication, and they can simply and rudely suppress them by means of force.

To reunify Taiwan, we must be prepared to sacrifice 70 million to 140 million people! How vicious Li Yi and his ilk are!

What is most eye-popping is that this scholar, who is full of knowledge and pretends to be extraordinary, is surprisingly indifferent to human life, and what is respected by China's traditional literature is that human life is a matter of heaven and is not worth mentioning to him.

In the eyes of Li Xiansheng, our motherland has been carefully cultivated and enthusiastic young people with a great future, but they are just a group of cannon fodder who can be sacrificed for nothing with "a little education."

To reunify Taiwan, we must be prepared to sacrifice 70 million to 140 million people! How vicious Li Yi and his ilk are!

Originally, the cultural generation gap that could be solved by the deepening of cross-strait exchanges and sincerity could easily be instigated by such "people with intentions," and could easily be aggravated into cross-strait confrontation.

If you don't "applaud" Li Xiansheng and his ilk, what a good calculation!

To reunify Taiwan, we must be prepared to sacrifice 70 million to 140 million people! How vicious Li Yi and his ilk are!

Return, not destruction

Although it is true that since ancient times, Taiwan has always been subordinate to China and has very close ties with China. However, as a treasure land, Taiwan has been repeatedly invaded and plundered.

Whether it is Japan's coveted coveted for several hundred years or the brazen occupation by the Dutchmen, after the KMT has taken hold of Taiwan, a looming United States has emerged behind Taiwan.

The forces of various countries "you sing and I will appear" have created a complex composition of Taiwan residents, and their feelings toward various countries are very vacillating, and they do not have the characteristics of a very firm national stance.

To reunify Taiwan, we must be prepared to sacrifice 70 million to 140 million people! How vicious Li Yi and his ilk are!

It is true that this child in Taiwan was lost when he was a child and was controlled by two or three gangs of bad guys for many years.

What to do ? Do you still want a crooked child? Isn't it good to teach for a while, and directly beat to death?

Your own children must be brought back to teach them well! No matter how bad a child is, he cannot be beaten to death with a stick.

Therefore, Li Xiansheng, who advocated the reunification of Taiwan by force, is called not teaching, and he is very wrong!

To reunify Taiwan, we must be prepared to sacrifice 70 million to 140 million people! How vicious Li Yi and his ilk are!

To return, we must achieve win-win and common prosperity

The mainland has always stressed that China's territorial integrity brooks no encroachment and safeguards China's sovereignty, but it has always respected and supported Taiwan's development.

Once the two sides of the strait are reunified and Taiwan returns, as far as the current development of the mainland is concerned, the mainland's strength is sufficient to support the accelerated development of Taiwan in all aspects. Taiwan recognizes this decision.

Therefore, Taiwan's return is not something that can be solved by such a simple and crude method as the unification of armed forces.

To reunify Taiwan, we must be prepared to sacrifice 70 million to 140 million people! How vicious Li Yi and his ilk are!

The cultural isolation of many years and the influence of various international forces on Taiwan are not something that can be eliminated by winning a battle and killing a group of people.

If the mainland has the strength to reunify Taiwan, it may not have such a great sacrifice, but armed reunification has always been not China's ideal way to solve the Taiwan issue.

Only by letting go of mustards, sincerely communicating with each other, seeking common ground while reserving differences, and respecting each other can this be the most desirable conclusion of cross-strait reunification.

To reunify Taiwan, we must be prepared to sacrifice 70 million to 140 million people! How vicious Li Yi and his ilk are!

Vigilance, conspiracy under slogans

People like Li Xiansheng are actually very intelligent; they know Chinese too well and like to hear anything; after all, the reunification of the motherland is the dream of more or less generations of people.

Therefore, shouting slogans and saying some radical patriotic views, without paying any price, will make it especially easy to gain the favor of the Chinese people.

To reunify Taiwan, we must be prepared to sacrifice 70 million to 140 million people! How vicious Li Yi and his ilk are!

Anyway, if you just shout a shout, you really go to the front line to fight, and you don't need to go into battle yourself, and there is no slogan for accomplishment, so it is certainly very easy to shout.

However, when Li Xiansheng said such a radical slogan, was it really just to win the favor of the Chinese people? I feel that it doesn't stop there.

To reunify Taiwan, we must be prepared to sacrifice 70 million to 140 million people! How vicious Li Yi and his ilk are!

If the stirring rhetoric on the Internet helps to form a certain impact, there will be an opportunity to influence the mainland's policy toward Taiwan.

Assuming that cross-strait relations are tense and a military solution really begins, then whether it is to exert pressure on the mainland from public opinion, to seek provocations to obstruct cross-strait reunification, or to seek benefits from it, the forces in all quarters will gain unlimited opportunities from this.

To reunify Taiwan, we must be prepared to sacrifice 70 million to 140 million people! How vicious Li Yi and his ilk are!

Even if no force is used, relying solely on the intensification of cross-strait relations can also instigate Taiwan to resist the mainland and delay the time for cross-strait reunification indefinitely.

Only those other countries that covet Taiwan will have the opportunity to enter the void.

To reunify Taiwan, we must be prepared to sacrifice 70 million to 140 million people! How vicious Li Yi and his ilk are!

Moreover, we are in an era of open information and unlimited knowledge, and more and more reasonable netizens are awakening.

Many netizens, in the face of Li Xiansheng's hard work, mercilessly ridiculed:

Please Professor Li take the lead in going to the scene of the war between Russia and Ukraine to conduct exercises, and he must play the vanguard! ”

Don't say 7 0 0 million to 1 . 400 million, every Chinese youth comes from the motherland's careful training, and we will not sacrifice at will! ”

To reunify Taiwan, we must be prepared to sacrifice 70 million to 140 million people! How vicious Li Yi and his ilk are!

Ouch, mainland netizens are not good to fool!

It is also necessary to ask Li Xiansheng and his entourage of "conspirators" to think of other methods and then "excited" performances.

Finally, he must sincerely say: "The reunification of the two sides of the strait is what everyone expects!" ”

I sincerely hope that Taiwan will return to the embrace of the motherland at an early date.

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