
Vernacular poetry | Bodhisattva Man

author:Cartoon News
Vernacular poetry | Bodhisattva Man

Bodhisattva Man

[Song] Chen Ke

Green walls surround the moss courtyard, and the atrium is light plantain rolls.

Butterflies fly up the stairs and the curtains hang freely.

Jade hook bilingual swallow, baozhi (zhòu) Yanghua turn.

A few dustpans (bò) money sounds, green windows spring sleep light.


A walled green grass surrounds the mossy courtyard. In the garden, the sun melts and the banana leaves roll. Butterflies flutter on the steps, curtains flutter freely in the breeze.

A pair of swallows whispered on the hook of the white jade curtain, and the willows around the well wall swirled and fluttered. There were several sounds of frolicking with copper coins guessing the front and back, and the people in the green windows were having faint dreams.

Vernacular translation:

Vernacular poetry | Bodhisattva Man

In late spring, banana leaves are slightly rolled and rabbits play in the garden.

Vernacular poetry | Bodhisattva Man

Butterflies also dance in the flying flowers.

Vernacular poetry | Bodhisattva Man

Swallows and fish are enjoying the laid-back atmosphere.

Vernacular poetry | Bodhisattva Man

Children playing a game of guessing heads and tails with copper money in the yard.

(Text/Painting Yang Jing)


Responsible editor: Li Huiyan | Responsible proofreader: Zhou Chunyan

Reviewed: Zhang Chengwei | American editor: Ding Ran