
Nearly 60% of the world's corals may die in 2030, what are the causes? How can I save corals?

author:Xiang Hang said

Scientists predict that in seven years, nearly 60% of the world's oceans will disappear.

In Israel, marine biologists are constantly trying to find a habitat for corals. According to the United Nations Environment Programme, coral reefs are spread across more than 100 areas of the sea, covering less than 2 percent of the seafloor but home to nearly a quarter of marine species.

Nearly 60% of the world's corals may die in 2030, what are the causes? How can I save corals?

Global warming accelerates coral mortality

Global warming is one of the leading causes of coral reef mortality. Global warming causes sea temperatures to rise, which is bad for corals. Corals are very sensitive to changes in water temperature, and once the water temperature exceeds a certain threshold, corals enter a vulnerable state.

In this state, corals are prone to various diseases and even death. In addition, global warming can also lead to ocean acidification, which also causes the death of coral reefs, because acidic seawater destroys the skeleton structure of corals.

Nearly 60% of the world's corals may die in 2030, what are the causes? How can I save corals?
Nearly 60% of the world's corals may die in 2030, what are the causes? How can I save corals?

Overfishing destroys coral reef ecosystems

Overfishing is also one of the causes of coral reef mortality. Coral reefs are a very complex ecosystem in the ocean where many populations of organisms coexist. Many biological populations of coral reefs depend on corals for food, habitat and protection.

But overfishing can disrupt this complex ecosystem, leaving corals unable to provide enough food and habitat, which ultimately leads to the death of corals.

Nearly 60% of the world's corals may die in 2030, what are the causes? How can I save corals?

Marine pollution can cause damage to coral reefs

Marine pollution is also a cause of coral reef mortality. There are many harmful substances in the ocean, such as heavy metals and chemicals, that can enter the ecosystems of coral reefs and disrupt the adaptability of corals and other biological populations.

In addition, contamination can affect the growth and formation of coral bones, making it impossible for corals to repair damage quickly.

Nearly 60% of the world's corals may die in 2030, what are the causes? How can I save corals?

Climate change, rising temperatures, melting glaciers and other reasons have led to rising sea levels

Corals are very vulnerable, but in recent years, temperatures have risen sharply, about 2°C from the average temperature a few decades ago, which has caused glaciers to melt and sea levels to begin to rise, which has affected the normal growth of corals.

Because sea temperatures rise, rising sea levels can cause changes in salinity in the sea, which will accelerate coral death. In addition, rising sea levels can also lead to changes in seafloor currents, which can also affect the survival of corals.

Nearly 60% of the world's corals may die in 2030, what are the causes? How can I save corals?

Man-made sabotage

Human activities can also cause damage to coral reefs. For example, tourism has a very large impact on coral reefs. Many visitors do activities such as snorkeling and diving on the reef, which can damage the ecosystem on the reef.

In addition, many human activities can lead to seawater pollution and ocean acidification, which can affect coral reefs.

Nearly 60% of the world's corals may die in 2030, what are the causes? How can I save corals?

How to save coral reefs

To save coral reefs, we need to take a series of measures to protect their ecosystems. This includes measures to reduce overfishing, reduce marine pollution and minimize man-made damage to coral reefs.

Global warming is one of the leading causes of coral reef mortality, and in order to save it, we need to take measures to slow down the warming. This includes reducing the use of fossil fuels and increasing the use of renewable energy.

Nearly 60% of the world's corals may die in 2030, what are the causes? How can I save corals?
Nearly 60% of the world's corals may die in 2030, what are the causes? How can I save corals?

Study coral reef ecosystems

To save coral reefs, we need a deeper understanding of this complex ecosystem. This involves studying the various biological populations in coral reefs and their interactions within that ecosystem.

We also need to understand how corals respond to climate change and other environmental factors. To save coral reefs, we need to protect entire marine ecosystems. This includes protecting coral reefs, seagrass beds and other important marine ecosystems that are habitats and breeding grounds for marine species.

Nearly 60% of the world's corals may die in 2030, what are the causes? How can I save corals?

At last

The widespread mortality of corals is caused by global warming, overfishing, marine pollution, rising sea levels due to climate change and anthropogenic destruction of corals.

To save coral reefs, we need to take measures to protect the ecosystems of coral reefs, mitigate climate warming, study coral reef ecosystems and protect marine ecosystems as a whole.

Nearly 60% of the world's corals may die in 2030, what are the causes? How can I save corals?

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