
Indian legendary brother, married 39 wives and gave birth to 94 children, do you envy his life?

author:The end of the sword world

In a rural village in the Indian state of Mizoram, there is a legendary man who has been admired for generations, Tiona Chana, whose life is beyond the reach of many men.

He had thirty-nine wives and ninety-four children, including daughters-in-law and grandchildren, making the family one hundred and ninety-two. Neighbors called him "Brother with Back Pain".

Indian legendary brother, married 39 wives and gave birth to 94 children, do you envy his life?

In order to maintain the huge expenses of the family, the back-pain brother will arrange for his wives to go to work collectively, and then make money to come back to support the family, while the back-pain brother will close his eyes during the day and work overnight at night. Although it seems incredible to us, his wives are all dead and alive, and they can't be driven away.

Indian legendary brother, married 39 wives and gave birth to 94 children, do you envy his life?

Brother Backache lives in a small mountain village in northern India, a large villa, full of 6,000 square meters, with two hundred rooms inside, and the kitchen and toilet alone account for 500 square meters. In order to let his children read books one by one, he simply opened a school directly, and the teachers who taught were his children, the students who were studying, or his children. Every time there is a parent-teacher meeting, the parent representative is always only the brother with back pain, and it is he who is criticized and praised, which is embarrassing to think about.

Indian legendary brother, married 39 wives and gave birth to 94 children, do you envy his life?

As for why the backache brother can be so powerful, it all depends on his father who runs a gold mine, and he relies on the inheritance left to him by his father to recruit wives and concubines. As long as they see a woman they like, they will find ways to recruit into their harem. And the most powerful time, he actually married ten beautiful women at the same time, and his choice of wife is extremely harsh, do not have a height of more than one meter six five, do not want to be over thirty years old, divorced, have had a baby. But if there is one item that does not meet the requirements, he will not accept it, even if you are Miss Qianjin, she will not even look at it.

Indian legendary brother, married 39 wives and gave birth to 94 children, do you envy his life?

In order to manage so many wives, he also specially tailored two iron disciplines. First of all, brother with back pain is the absolute master of the family, and everyone in the family must listen to him. Secondly, each wife can only take care of the man for one day a month, and if she happens to meet an "aunt" coming, she will have to stand and queue until the next month. But you can also discuss with good sisters, you can huddle for warmth. Good guy, if this work efficiency were changed to ordinary people, it would have been a long time ago.

Indian legendary brother, married 39 wives and gave birth to 94 children, do you envy his life?

Finally, on his sixtieth birthday, after he got his wish and married his thirty-ninth wife, who was only nineteen years old, he finally dispelled the idea of continuing to marry his wife. Don't think he's figured it out, but he's running out of money. If it weren't for this problem, he would have wanted to marry ten or eight more, and his wives would all be dead set on him. Not a single wife has run away for decades, and there are several young wives who will pester him every day and coquette every day. But one hundred and ninety-two people to eat is not a simple matter, so many people have to eat six hundred catties of grain, two hundred catties of eggs, and two hundred catties of meat a day, just the food expenses, it is a large amount. In order not to starve himself, he asked his children to work part-time after school, and his wives were busy from morning to night, and the money earned by each person would be distributed by him. This also made the men in the village envious.

Indian legendary brother, married 39 wives and gave birth to 94 children, do you envy his life?

But what makes me most curious is, what if the village has a banquet? Will he only follow the fifty yuan share, and then the whole family will eat everyone else's bottom, such a life, will you envy?

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