
If the liver is not good, what will be the manifestation? Diet needs to pay attention to "saving acid and increasing sweetness"

author:Hepatologist He Bin

The liver is one of the most important organs in the human body and is responsible for many key functions, including metabolism, detoxification, and energy storage. When liver function is poor, we should pay special attention to diet, choose foods that are beneficial to the liver, and avoid further burden on the liver. This article will discuss the reasons for the diet less acid and more sugar in poor liver function and the corresponding recommendations.

If the liver is not good, what will be the manifestation? Diet needs to pay attention to "saving acid and increasing sweetness"

First, the cause of poor liver function

Poor liver function can be caused by a variety of reasons, such as long-term alcohol consumption, hepatitis, obesity, substance abuse, etc. Regardless of the cause, we should take steps to improve our diet to support healthy liver function.

If the liver is not good, what will be the manifestation? Diet needs to pay attention to "saving acid and increasing sweetness"

Second, the importance of less acid in the diet

1. The burden of acidic foods on the liver: Highly acidic foods increase the burden on the liver because the liver needs to eliminate excess acidic metabolites from the body. Long-term intake of too much acidic food may lead to liver damage and inflammation.

2. Representatives of acidic foods: Certain foods are considered acidic foods, such as coffee, carbonated drinks, processed meats, sweets, etc. These foods should be reduced in order to reduce the acidic load.

3. Choose alkaline foods: In contrast, alkaline foods are better for the liver. Fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds are alkaline foods that are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that help reduce the burden on the liver and promote health.

Third, the importance of dogan in the diet

1. Benefits of sweet foods: Polygan foods, especially natural sugars from natural fruits and vegetables, provide energy to the body without taxing the liver. These foods are also rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals that help promote digestion and the recovery of liver function.

2. Choice of sweet foods: We should choose naturally sweet foods, such as apples, bananas, strawberries, blueberries, cranberries and other fruits, they contain natural sugars and are rich in antioxidants and fiber, which are beneficial to liver health. In addition, sugar cane, red dates, honey, etc. are also good choices.

3. Control the intake of processed sugar: You should try to avoid consuming too much processed sugar, such as candy, biscuits, pastries, etc. These foods contain high amounts of processed sugars, which are not good for liver health and may lead to liver fat accumulation and further deterioration of liver function.

If the liver is not good, what will be the manifestation? Diet needs to pay attention to "saving acid and increasing sweetness"

4. Other dietary recommendations

1. Increase vegetable intake: Fresh vegetables are an important part of a liver-healthy diet. Vegetables are rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals that help eliminate waste and toxins from the body and reduce the burden on the liver. Try to choose green leafy vegetables, carrots, broccoli, spinach, etc.

2. Moderate intake of healthy protein: Protein is necessary for liver repair and regeneration. Choose low-fat protein sources such as fish, legumes, poultry, and low-fat dairy products. Avoid excessive intake of fatty and processed meats, as they may burden the liver.

3. Control salt intake: A high-salt diet may cause edema and high blood pressure, which in turn can burden the liver. Reduce the amount of salt added and try to choose low-sodium foods, such as fresh vegetables and fruits.

4. Drink plenty of water: Maintaining adequate water intake can help maintain the normal function of your liver. Drinking enough water helps detoxify, dilute harmful substances and maintain the body's water balance.

If the liver is not good, what will be the manifestation? Diet needs to pay attention to "saving acid and increasing sweetness"


By choosing a diet with less acid and more sugar, we can reduce the burden on the liver and promote its healthy function. Reducing the intake of acidic foods, choosing alkaline foods and naturally sweet foods, while increasing the intake of vegetables, healthy protein, and water, will have a positive effect on the recovery and maintenance of liver function. Keep the following in mind:

1. Eat a balanced diet: Ensure a balanced intake of all types of nutrients in your diet, including protein, carbohydrates and fats. Avoid over-reliance on certain foods or excessive calorie intake to maintain your overall health.

2. Moderate alcohol consumption: For people with poor liver function, alcohol consumption should be avoided or limited. Alcohol is the main metabolite of the liver, and excessive intake can cause serious damage to the liver. If you need to drink alcohol, you should consult your doctor for advice and limit your drinking.

3. Regular diet: Maintain regular eating habits and follow the principle of moderate and regular meals. Avoiding overeating or starvation can help maintain the liver's normal metabolic function.

4. Healthy cooking methods: Choose healthy cooking methods such as steaming, boiling, roasting, or sautéing and avoid excessive frying and high-fat foods. Reduce the amount of oil, salt and sugar used to reduce the burden on the liver.

5. Seek professional advice: If you have poor liver function, it is recommended to consult a professional doctor or dietitian. They are able to provide you with more specific dietary guidance to meet your individual needs.

If the liver is not good, what will be the manifestation? Diet needs to pay attention to "saving acid and increasing sweetness"

By following the dietary principles of less acid and more sugar, we can help reduce the burden on the liver and promote healthy recovery of the liver. Keep in mind that diet is only one part of maintaining liver health and needs to be combined with a sensible lifestyle and necessary medications.

Poor liver function is a serious health problem that requires comprehensive treatment and long-term attention. In addition to diet, weight control, moderate exercise, avoiding tobacco and drug use, and reducing the risk of exposure to chemicals and toxins are all important aspects.

The liver is an indispensable organ in our body and we should cherish it and take proactive measures to protect its health. Through a diet with less acid and more sugar, we can reduce the burden on the liver and promote the recovery and maintenance of its function.