
Three proprietary Chinese medicines that can improve combat effectiveness can be called the "sildenafil" of the Chinese medicine world, don't miss it

author:Traditional Chinese medicine Jia Xiaolin

Many male friends will choose sildenafil when they encounter those "unspeakable" problems and want to improve their "combat effectiveness", but it eats too much, it is easy to have side effects on the body, and it can only play a temporary effect.

Three proprietary Chinese medicines that can improve combat effectiveness can be called the "sildenafil" of the Chinese medicine world, don't miss it

Today, the doctor will share with you three proprietary Chinese medicines, which can not only improve your combat effectiveness, but also help you "stand" from the source.

The first proprietary Chinese medicine is Gui Fu Dihuang Pill, can supplement kidney yang, kidney yang deficiency, in addition to causing that aspect can not stand up, short time, fast explanation, etc., because kidney yang has the effect of warming, just like the sun, kidney yang deficiency will also appear cold intolerance, cold hands and feet, warm or not, waist and knees are sore, urine is not good, urine is not clean, urine volume increases, etc., at this time you can refer to Gui Fu Dihuang pill to make up for kidney yang, so that you have enough yang.

Three proprietary Chinese medicines that can improve combat effectiveness can be called the "sildenafil" of the Chinese medicine world, don't miss it

The second proprietary Chinese medicine is Zuo Gui pill, can supplement kidney yin, kidney yin deficiency, in addition to affecting that aspect of the problem, but also appear palm and foot heart fever, often easy to appear in the afternoon when the body has a low fever, easy to sweat when sleeping at night, from time to time it is easy to feel dizzy tinnitus, men are also prone to have strong libido, etc., here we need to pay attention to the fact that the sexual desire caused by kidney yin deficiency is not a good thing, it will only make you "look at the door and vent", at this time you can refer to Zuo Gui pill to supplement kidney yin.

Three proprietary Chinese medicines that can improve combat effectiveness can be called the "sildenafil" of the Chinese medicine world, don't miss it

Secondly, if you have both kidney yin deficiency and kidney yang deficiency, you can refer to Jin Kui kidney qi pills to supplement yin and yang, and yin and yang double supplementation.

The third proprietary Chinese medicine is Wuzi Yanzong pill, which can replenish kidney essence, kidney main reproduction, development, kidney essence deficiency, it is easy to appear dizziness, hair loss, tinnitus, teeth are easy to loosen, joint movement is unfavorable, but also easy to forget, what happened in one second, easy to forget the next second, etc., at this time you can refer to a Wuzi Yanzong pill to nourish kidney essence.

Three proprietary Chinese medicines that can improve combat effectiveness can be called the "sildenafil" of the Chinese medicine world, don't miss it

The above is what I shared today, everyone should develop good eating habits, have a regular schedule, and pay attention to the moderation of private life. If you have any questions, you can leave a message, and we will see you in the next issue.