
Everyone from north and south came together for a common goal - food

author:Stone Book 2232

#Summer Life Punch Season##Micro Headline Life Development Plan#Yesterday afternoon, the girl came back and brought back her two good friends, of course, my good friends!

I haven't cooked well for a long time, and a few women with a disparity of ages (there are post-60s, post-80s, post-90s) gathered together because of the food, everyone talked and laughed, and played, and a table of food was quickly served.

Everyone from north and south came together for a common goal - food

Food currently, you must first take pictures, click... All kinds of shooting, after the shooting, liquor, red wine, beer, drinks, each performing his duty, each drinking his own.

People say that three women are one play, and here are four women, and everyone talks about the difficulties of life and the troubles of work.

Golden Single No. 1 (supermarket chain cashier supervisor) said that he was troubled at work, he would meet all kinds of customers at work, test all kinds of humanity, and all kinds of funny and strange things.

No. 2 family has a baby mother in Zhongkaowa, also said that her parents are at home funny daily life, her parents are retired, her father is responsible for the family's purchasing and cooking one-stop service, the mother is responsible for a variety of elderly activities, such as travel, dancing, shopping stinky beauty, etc., Dad does not forget to praise the mother at any time, this mother sometimes jealous of her parents, saying that her father praises the mother is simply meaty [laughs] [cover face]

Her family is a male doll, independent learning ability is relatively strong, the baby's moral, intellectual and physical all-round development is excellent, Bao's mother is responsible for bringing good food to her son every night when she comes home, and also finds time to eat and drink with my girl.

My baby girl, is happy and confused, the nature of her work determines that she stays up late every day, rests at home during the day, and then wakes up in the afternoon and wants to eat? Where to eat? How to eat? Going downstairs to eat at your mother-in-law's house? Or go back to your mother's house to eat? Or make an appointment with a friend for dinner? [Black Line]

Finally, I'm a "senior beauty" aunt who has been retired for 6 years, loves food, loves travel, loves myself, loves family, loves all good food and beautiful things [Bixin]

Everyone from north and south came together for a common goal - food

Eating, drinking, talking and laughing, also requires physical strength, less than 10 o'clock I fell asleep, I felt so sleepy [cover my face]

Everyone cleaned up the dining table together, and the beautiful women who cleaned up the garbage withdrew,

Looking forward to seeing you again next time! I've had another nice day! [Bump fist]

Everyone from north and south came together for a common goal - food

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