
The Dragon Boat Festival is coming, have you bought rice dumpling leaves? These kinds of leaves in rural areas can also be wrapped with rice dumplings, which is easy to use and does not cost money

author:Foodie Fengzi

Introduction: The Dragon Boat Festival is coming, is your family still using rice dumpling leaves? These kinds of leaves common in rural areas can also be wrapped in rice dumplings, which are nutritious and easy to use without costing money!

"Fireworks in the world, the most soothing to mortals", firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar tea, three meals a day, four seasons, the food carrying the fireworks is the most soothing. Food is magical, no matter how tired life is and how busy you are at work, don't forget to stop and enjoy the moment of being healed by food! Many times, while we enjoy food, we also savor life...

The Dragon Boat Festival is coming, have you bought rice dumpling leaves? These kinds of leaves in rural areas can also be wrapped with rice dumplings, which is easy to use and does not cost money

"The most beautiful is not early summer, the most remembered Jiangnan", in this quiet early summer, we are about to usher in the traditional festival Dragon Boat Festival, "Midsummer Dragon Boat Festival, Fang Bo Xiejie." Enjoy horned millet, turtle scale shunde. This is a passage in the "Records of the Fengshi", and the "horned millet" in the text is the earliest zongzi, and the mainland has had the custom of eating zongzi during the Dragon Boat Festival since ancient times, in which "zong" and "zong, zhong" are close in sound, with the good meaning of "Guangzong Yaozu" and "meritorious fame in the middle", but also to commemorate the great poet Qu Yuan.

The Dragon Boat Festival is coming, have you bought rice dumpling leaves? These kinds of leaves in rural areas can also be wrapped with rice dumplings, which is easy to use and does not cost money

I remember when I was a child, every Dragon Boat Festival, my mother would always pack a lot of zongzi in advance to give to relatives and neighbors, modern people wrapped zongzi more exquisitely, there were special zongzi leaves, at that time the family was poor, my mother always took local materials, just find some leaves to wrap up, not only delicious and nutritious and does not cost money, the taste is different, today I will share the ordinary leaves that my mother used to wrap zongzi, recall the taste of childhood.

The Dragon Boat Festival is coming, have you bought rice dumpling leaves? These kinds of leaves in rural areas can also be wrapped with rice dumplings, which is easy to use and does not cost money

The first type: bud rice leaves

The Dragon Boat Festival is coming, have you bought rice dumpling leaves? These kinds of leaves in rural areas can also be wrapped with rice dumplings, which is easy to use and does not cost money

Bud rice leaves are corn leaves, which are more common in our north, its disadvantage is that the leaf surface is narrow, generally need two to three superimposed to be, and its advantage is that its toughness after soaking is better, not easy to cook, the most important point is that the rice dumplings wrapped in bud rice leaves have a clear fragrance of corn.

The second type: banana leaves

The Dragon Boat Festival is coming, have you bought rice dumpling leaves? These kinds of leaves in rural areas can also be wrapped with rice dumplings, which is easy to use and does not cost money

The so-called banana leaves, literally mean the leaves of the plantain tree, plantain leaves are cold and sweet, have the effect of clearing heat and detoxification, calming liver diuresis, and have a unique fragrance, so it is suitable for wrapping rice dumplings. The disadvantage of banana leaves is that it is relatively crisp, not suitable for novices, the wrapped rice dumplings are easy to boil, the solution is to boil in boiling water for 10 minutes, the purpose is to increase its flexibility; Its advantage is that the blades are relatively large and flexible, and can be torn into different sizes and shapes according to their preferences.

The third type: lotus leaves

The Dragon Boat Festival is coming, have you bought rice dumpling leaves? These kinds of leaves in rural areas can also be wrapped with rice dumplings, which is easy to use and does not cost money

When it comes to lotus leaves, everyone is no stranger, it is the leaves of lotus flowers, lotus leaf chicken is famous, many people have eaten it. We use lotus leaves to wrap rice dumplings mainly because of its wide leaf surface, in addition to its unique fragrance, it has a faint lotus fragrance, and it relieves heat and heat, strengthens the spleen and appetizing; Its disadvantage is that it is relatively brittle and easy to break.

Fourth species: reed leaves

The Dragon Boat Festival is coming, have you bought rice dumpling leaves? These kinds of leaves in rural areas can also be wrapped with rice dumplings, which is easy to use and does not cost money

Reeds are more common in the north, and the reeds of Baiyangdian are well known to us when we were children, it belongs to the reed genus of the grass family, because its leaves have a special fragrance, and it is cold in nature, with the effect of clearing heat and detoxification. It is very long and thick, so it has become an important raw material for rural aunts to wrap zongzi, but its leaf surface is small, so it is only suitable for conical zongzi or triangular zongzi.

"Who said from the Dragon Boat Festival of the Festival, it was rumored to be Qu Yuan. It can be laughed that the Chu River is empty, and it can't be washed to the wrongs of the direct ministers", the Dragon Boat Festival is coming, is your family still using rice dumpling leaves? These kinds of leaves common in rural areas can also be wrapped in rice dumplings, that is, bud rice leaves, banana leaves, lotus leaves and reed leaves, which are nutritious and easy to use without cost! Have you learned? I am Xiaofeng, I like the food shared by Xiaofeng, don't forget to pay attention to foodie Fengzi!

This article is original by foodie Fengzi, welcome to pay attention to communicate with you, so that everyone can benefit, the threesome must have my master~

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