
The influence of ancient Greek mythology and legend on poetry and early Western drama

author:Mr. Sai's Institute of Social Sciences

Text|Editor Beibei

Ancient Greek poetry and early Western opera are both very important art forms in the history of Western culture, and they not only have a profound impact on Western culture, but also have an important place in global cultural history.

However, the connection and influence between these two art forms is not always fully recognized and explored, and this article aims to deeply analyze the relationship between ancient Greek poetry and early Western opera, and explore the influence and enlightenment of ancient Greek poetry on early opera.

The influence of ancient Greek mythology and legend on poetry and early Western drama

I. Ancient Greek poetry

1. History and genres of ancient Greek poetry

Ancient Greek poetry was an important part of Western literature.

In the 7th century BC, lyric poetry was one of the most prominent art forms of the ancient Greek Renaissance.

During the Renaissance, theater played an important role, especially tragedy and comedy.

2. Features and elements of ancient Greek poetry

Ancient Greek poetry is characterized by musical and rhythmic elements, rhetorical and ideological elements, etc.

Ancient Greek poetry was generally musical, using dynamic rhythms and rhymes.

In terms of rhetoric, ancient Greek poetry often used a variety of rhetorical devices to express emotions and thoughts.

Ideologically, the themes of ancient Greek poetry were the relationship between humans and gods, love, friendship, war, and historical events that inscribed the times.

The influence of ancient Greek mythology and legend on poetry and early Western drama

3. Ancient Greek drama: the origin and development of tragedies, comedies and secular dramas

In ancient Greek theater, the origins of tragedy and comedy date back to the 5th century BC. At the time, theatrical performances were a religious ritual to honor war heroes and gods, and as a means of political propaganda.

Over time, the form and content of drama also evolved, with tragedy, comedy and secular drama gradually becoming the main categories.

(1) Tragedy

Tragedy is one of the earliest forms of ancient Greek drama, usually involving a hero or a public figure who encounters a tragic end under terrible circumstances.

Tragic works often deal with the value of life and the reasons for failure, and many tragedies follow elements with paths of development and regression, including the elements that trigger the rise of the hero and the elements that trigger the regression that accompanies the hero.

The influence of ancient Greek mythology and legend on poetry and early Western drama

(2) Comedy

Comedy is a lighter, more humorous form, supported by a series of absurd events and a clearly exaggerated character and many jokes and jokes.

Comedy usually involves the criticism of social phenomena, the depiction of personal character flaws, and the phenomenon of exaggeration and ostentation.

(3) Secular drama

Secular dramas are usually not religious-centered, and these plays deal with many themes and issues, including joys and sorrows in life, love, marriage, social issues, etc.

Secular dramas are generally more lighthearted, funny, and carry satire and criticism of themes that had a greater impact on society at the time.

Tragedy and comedy, as the basic forms of ancient Greek theater, had a profound impact on Western culture as a whole.

In the development of theater history, the two genres of tragedy and comedy have been developed and evolved, and have provided great inspiration for the creation of contemporary films and TV series.

The influence of ancient Greek mythology and legend on poetry and early Western drama

2. Early Western opera

1. History and genres of early opera

Early opera refers to an art form popular in Europe in the 17th century.

The Italian opera style was the first choice for opera of the period, and Germany, England and France also produced their own genres.

2. Music and stage art of early opera

(1) Music form and style

The musical style of early opera was mainly derived from the music of the Baroque period and Italian opera.

In terms of musical form, early opera introduced for the first time commonly used singing forms such as arias, duets, trios, choruses, etc., which were widely used in opera.

(2) Stage art and set design

The stage art and set design of early operas also had a unique style.

Opera stage sets are often designed with multiple layers to achieve the effect of scene transition, and special effects such as fire, explosions and smoke are often used.

The influence of ancient Greek mythology and legend on poetry and early Western drama

(3) Ancient Greek stories and legends used in early opera

Early operas often used ancient Greek stories and legends as plots and backdrops, which also reflected the interest and influence of the time in ancient Greek culture.

Here are some of the ancient Greek stories and legends used in early opera:

Eurydice is an early opera written by Claudio Monteverdi, based on the story of Eurydice in ancient Greek legend.

The story describes the love story between "Roseda", son of Zeus, who was turned into a swan by Zeus, and his love with Eurydice, Princess of Sparta.

The influence of ancient Greek mythology and legend on poetry and early Western drama

Oedipus is an Italian opera written by Thomas Christf and inspired by the tragic work of the ancient Greek playwright Sophocles.

The story describes how Oedipus gradually discovers that he killed his father and married his biological mother and had children.

Opheride is an opera by French composer Christopher Verdi, based on the story of Ophered, which is said to be in ancient Greek mythology.

The story tells the mythical story of Ophrered having to go to the underworld to help Hades in order to save his lover Eurydice.

The influence of ancient Greek mythology and legend on poetry and early Western drama

The Odyssey is an English opera written by John Broughton based on the ancient Greek epic poem The Odyssey.

The story describes the difficulties and adventures that wise Odysseus encountered on his way home.

The Garter is an opera written by Mozart, based on the story of Persephone in ancient Greek mythology.

The story describes Persephone, a demigod who, after falling in love with a Greek prince, must accept the curse of the goddess Venus in exchange for the lifelong happiness of his love.

In short, early opera repertoire based on ancient Greek stories and legends emerged and influenced the creation of many later works. These stories are both a symbol of human wisdom and creativity, as well as a deep reflection and exploration of human nature and society.

The influence of ancient Greek mythology and legend on poetry and early Western drama

III. The Influence of Ancient Greek Poetry on Early Opera

1. The influence of ancient Greek poetry on early opera music

(1) The application of ancient Greek musical elements in early opera:

Musical elements of ancient Greek drama such as chorus, dance, and rhythm were often referenced in early operas. The rhythm and rhythm of ancient Greek music were brought to early opera, where they were applied in song structure and form.

(2) The performance and play of ancient Greek choral singing and dance in early opera:

Elements from ancient Greek theater are also represented in the chorus and dance of early opera.

The role played by the chorus in early opera is very similar to that played in ancient Greek drama.

In the writing of the script and the creation of music for opera, dance and choir have very important roles.

The influence of ancient Greek mythology and legend on poetry and early Western drama

2. The influence of ancient Greek poetry on the plot and characters of early opera

(1) The revelation of ancient Greek drama on early opera scripts and plots

The plot and plot in early operas were often inspired by ancient Greek drama.

Many early operas used storylines and characters similar to ancient Greek plays, such as works such as Ophreid and Oedipus the King.

Often associated with ancient Greek culture, these works were intended to reflect themes such as the relationship between humans and gods, love and war.

In the creation of music and plays, creators often refer to ancient Greek theatrical works to achieve better artistic results.

The influence of ancient Greek mythology and legend on poetry and early Western drama

(2) The presentation and adaptation of ancient Greek mythology and historical figures in early operas

Ancient Greek mythology and historical figures were often used for drama stories in early operas.

These stories and mythological characters encounter many dangers and challenges, but also show the complexity of human nature and the battle between light and dark sides.

These stories are also often adapted to fit specific musical scripts and stage effects.

For example, the playwright Mozart often composed operas using stories from ancient Greek mythology, adding the most advanced technology and creativity of the time to music and stage design.

The influence of ancient Greek mythology and legend on poetry and early Western drama

IV. The Role and Performance of Choral and Dance in Ancient Greek Drama

Choral singing played an important role in ancient Greek drama.

As the narrator's guide, the chorus is well organized in terms of conveying the storyline and providing the background information the audience needs. At the same time, the chorus can express some imagery and psychological state, making the details of the drama more detailed and rich.

In ancient Greek theater, dance was also one of the most important elements. Dance can not only be used to show the emotions and thoughts of the characters, but also to convey the basic situation and theme of the entire story.

The influence of ancient Greek mythology and legend on poetry and early Western drama

V. Conclusion

Ancient Greek poetry and early Western opera have important places in Western culture.

Ancient Greek poetry not only occupied an important position in the Greek culture at that time, but also had a profound influence and enlightenment on Western culture and musical performance.

In ancient Greek culture, poetry and drama were often accompanied by musical and dance expressions, and the musical and dance elements used in them also provided important inspiration and foundation for later Western music and stage performances.

The influence of ancient Greek mythology and legend on poetry and early Western drama

Early opera, as a unique art form, incorporated multiple elements of music and stage art, among which the influence of ancient Greek culture and art is also evident.

The shadow of ancient Greek myths and legends can be seen in early opera, as well as the inspiration of its music, plot and characters, which provided important inspiration and reference for the creation and performance of early opera.

Thus, it can be seen that ancient Greek poetry had an important influence and inspiration on early opera, bringing the relationship between these two cultures and art forms closer.

This influence and inheritance is still very evident today, and has become an indispensable part of the development of Western culture and art.


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