
Traditional Chinese medicine education during the Republic of China

author:Zhang Deyun is the chief physician of traditional Chinese medicine

Before the 30s of last century, it was the climax of the Republic of China Traditional Chinese Medicine School, but the Japanese imperialists stepped into China's territory, the Lugou Bridge Incident, and the outbreak of the Songhu War in Shanghai, all schools were affected. However, people in the field of traditional Chinese medicine in various places are still trying to make good use of the existing conditions, insist on running schools, and cultivate a batch of traditional Chinese medicine talents.

Schools in Shanghai run schools on isolated islands

In 1937, the Songhu War broke out, and the Japanese army attacked Shanghai. The heroic Chinese soldiers fought against the Japanese for several months, and then unfortunately fell, leaving Shanghai to fall. Under the White Terror, it is impossible to run a school. However, because the Shanghai concession was under foreign jurisdiction, it was temporarily unaffected and became a refuge, which was called "island" at that time. At that time, many Chinese medicine schools moved to the isolated island of the Shanghai concession land, insisted on running schools, and continued to cultivate medical talents.

At the beginning of the war, the Shanghai College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, which had been running the school for the longest time, informed students to change to the Shanjiayuan in the concession to open the school, and soon moved to the Chinese Medical Building, and the attached Hualong Hospital was also located in the French Concession. During the war, the Shanghai College of Traditional Chinese Medicine still maintained a size of more than 200 people. At that time, the conditions for running the school were difficult, thanks to the support of Dean Ding Jiwan, He Xi recalled: "The especially admirable Dean Ding Jiwanshi, when the day was in trouble, although the population was scattered in Shanghai, and the disaster was in trouble, the disease was swarming, and Ding Shi's medical affairs were prosperous, but the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine was first moved from Laoximen to Tianjin Road, and then moved to Chengdu Road, prices soared, teachers were classmates and disciples traveling together, it was inconvenient to talk about life, but it was impossible not to adjust the salary in time... In the eight years from 1938 to 1945, independent support, hardships and exhaustion, and colleagues also worked together in the same boat, this kind of school-running spirit is worth writing a lot of money to preserve history. ”

Another Chinese medicine school, Shanghai China Medical College, was also reopened in the concession soon after the collapse of the former Zhabei campus. And the scale is gradually growing. However, the school also has funding problems, the joint venture organizers Ma Wenwenme, Zhu Wenming and others due to insufficient funds, divided the tuition and room and lodging paid by the students, the dean Qin Bo resigned without anger, and the students frequently gathered to protest. In May 1940, the Chinese Medical College Graduation Association, headed by Wu Keqian, formed the "Chinese Medical College Nursing Committee" to act as an agent for the administrative work of the college. Make a plan and organize the chapter. Although the conditions are rudimentary, sometimes even with tents on the patio, the school can be maintained.

The other is that the Shanghai New China Medical College also persevered in the concession under the chairmanship of Zhu Xiaonan, who said in his speech to the graduates: "My life is not at the right time, and it is difficult to die. The responsibility of prospering the state is at stake. ...... Students studying medicine are not confined to isolated islands, but they work in the rear. At the time of this great war against Kong Yin, disasters are everywhere, there are many diseases, and medical care is indeed needed. Sincerity is determined to go, and supply exceeds demand. (Preface to the Third Graduation Commemorative Issue of New China Medical College) encourages students to serve in the rear.

In addition to the old school, there were also the new Fuxing Traditional Chinese Medicine College established by Mr. Shi Yiren during the isolated island period, and the Shanghai Traditional Chinese Medicine College founded by Zhang Zanchen.

Traditional Chinese medicine education during the Republic of China

Southern Guangzhou and Hong Kong insist on joint education

After the fall of Guangzhou in October 1938, many Chinese medicine schools in Guangzhou were scattered to Hong Kong, and some continued to operate, among which Guangdong Chinese Medicine College was relatively large. Because the school was originally jointly founded by pharmaceutical companies in Hong Kong and Guangzhou, the trustees of the two places accounted for half of the directors. Due to the war, school and hospital facilities in Guangzhou suffered heavy losses. However, there are many teachers and trainees who have come to Hong Kong. The Hong Kong school board members thought it was a pity that the school had stopped and dropped out, so they took the burden of the funds and began to resume school in Hong Kong. At that time, 37 Leighton Road in Happy Valley was rented as the school site, and classes began to resume in March 1939. The school not only recruits separated students, allows graduating students to take make-up exams, but also recruits new students. In order to attract students, the school has set a certain percentage for the tuition fee of students who are difficult to do so, and some students have a semi-free system.

Traditional Chinese medicine education during the Republic of China

The school pointed out: "During the local national crisis, most of the students came from the mainland, and the ratio of Hong Kong dollar to national currency is far from the same. This move of our school is a good opportunity for poor students to further their studies. "This is thanks to the financial support of Hong Kong pharmaceutical manufacturers. The school adopts a flexible school-running mechanism to recruit all kinds of transfer students, and the duration of study is still five years. In addition, special audit students are recruited, all those with medical knowledge, regardless of age or gender, can apply for the examination, and the study is limited to one year. After the school reopened, "new and old students, those who came with a lot of enthusiasm." Although the number of people is slightly lower than before, the relationship between professors and students, and the sincerity of researchers and supervisors are rare. During this period of resistance, scholars wanted to apply their learning, and teachers also wanted to educate the country. ”

Medical schools must have internship places, plus "the arrival of refugees in Hong Kong, with the relationship between land and soil, often susceptible to diseases, seeking medical treatment and buying medicines, the cost is not slavish, the middle and lower families, Zhang Luo bandit is easy", so Hong Kong pharmacies funded the establishment of a medical donation, set up internal, external, and injury departments, with school teachers as the consultation, students take turns to intern, and hundreds of patients seek treatment every day.

However, the good times did not last long, and in December 1941, the Japanese army captured Hong Kong and the school was closed again. However, the school directors were determined to run the school, and in 1944 planned to resume classes in Shaoguan, the capital of Guangdong Province during the war. Unfortunately, in June, the Japanese army launched the "Yuxiang-Gui Campaign", and Lianke Henan, Hunan, and Shaoguan were in an emergency, and government departments and people were evacuated urgently. The resumption of classes stopped, and only after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War did he return to Guangzhou to resume school.

Sichuan Medical College cultivates talents at the rear

The predecessor of Sichuan Traditional Chinese Medical College was the Yi Zhong Medical Seminar (later renamed Sichuan College of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Sichuan Medical College) in 1925, which was sponsored by the Sichuan Branch of the Central Traditional Chinese Medical Center in 1936 and renamed the Sichuan Branch of the Central Traditional Chinese Medical Center. The original site of the school was in Hegong Lane, Chengdu, and later moved to Xingchansi Street. After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, although Sichuan, as the main rear, did not fall, it was also bombed by Japanese aircraft from time to time, so the college moved to Yuanjuean, outside Chengdu, to continue to operate.

Under the difficult conditions of wartime, the school built grass huts, and student dormitories, classrooms, and offices were all located in the forest. Teachers and students are not afraid of mosquito bites and rainforest sun. Not afraid of hardship, hard study, school teachers gather, there are Li Siji lectures on "Jin Kui", Cheng Tan An teaches acupuncture, etc., it is worth mentioning that the famous Chinese medicine doctor Peng Ziyi opened a TCM system course in the hospital, which is not available in other schools. Peng Ziyi worked as a doctor in the Taiyuan Hospital at the end of the Qing Dynasty, and after his death, he was hired by Yan Xishan to give lectures in Taiyuan, and began to form his idea of "Chinese medicine systematics", and later served in the Nanjing Central Traditional Chinese Medicine Center and opened a research class on the medical | education network collation, after the fall of Nanjing, he returned to Yunnan to open two special research classes on traditional Chinese medicine systematics, further perfecting the theory. The fake enemy plane attacked the province, regardless of the foreign things, and was alone in the speech. Spare time to add revision, the time is the time, for the Yunnan medical community to establish a century-old plan." Finally, while teaching in Sichuan, Peng Ziyi completed the systematic writing of the book.

In 1940, when he finalized the manuscript at the Sichuan Medical College, he said: "The systematic book of ancient Chinese medicine... In the eighth year of the Republic of China, he was appointed as a director and professor of systematization by the Taiyuan Chinese Medicine Improvement Research Association, and compiled the above articles. In the 25th year of the Republic of China (1936), upon the recommendation of Mr. Chen Lifu, the director of Jiao Yitang of the Central Traditional Chinese Medicine Center was appointed as a full-time member of the editorial review committee of the library. There is also a professor of systematics in the special research class, and the new and old students in this class are unanimously in favor. Following the professorship in Kunming and Chengdu, there were additions... Compete for full success. ”

The boom in running schools in the south and southwest spread to the north, and the North China Medical College was established in Beiping

At the same time, the school-running boom in the south and southwest burned to the north, Beiping established the North China Medical College, and the Chinese medicine community relied on its own strength to establish more than 70 Chinese medicine schools and established nearly 200 journals. Among the many TCM schools, "Nanding Bei Shi" has the greatest influence, namely the Shanghai College of Traditional Chinese Medicine founded by Ding Ganren in Shanghai in 1916 and the North China Medical College founded by Shi Jinmo in Beijing in 1931.

Shi Jinmo (1881-1969), formerly known as Yu Qian, was a character scholarship student, whose ancestral home was Xiaoshan, Zhejiang, and determined to study medicine since childhood, firstly because his mother was sick, and secondly, because his uncle Li Keting was a Chinese medicine practitioner. Shi Jinmo studied medicine with his uncle when he was a teenager, and after seven or eight years of study, he was already able to practice medicine independently. While studying in Taiyuan and Beijing, he insisted on using his medical skills to save people. In 1921, Shi Jinmo officially became a medical practitioner and changed his name to Jinmo, which means to practice and love and advocate Mozi, and cultivate and practice medicine must be today's rope ink. Throughout his life, he advocated the revival and development of Chinese medicine through three ways: "compiling books, running hospitals and opening schools". He often stressed that compiling books is to sum up past experience, running hospitals is to practice the experience of the present, and opening schools is the experience of opening up the future.

In 1930, Shi Jinmo, Xiao Longyou, Kong Bohua and others founded Peiping Medical School (that is, Peiping Medical College) in Beijing, with Xiao Longyou as the president and Shi Jinmo and Kong Bohua as the vice presidents. In order to cultivate talents in both Chinese and Western medicine, realize his original educational policy, and keep up with the pace of the times, Shi Jinmo believes that only by independently establishing a Chinese medicine college can he finally complete his ideal. At the end of 1931, Shi Jinmo cooperated with Chen Yicheng and Wei Jianhong to establish the North China Medical College, and served as the president, with Chen Yicheng as the chairman and registered a case in the Central Traditional Chinese Medical Center. The site of North China Medical College was originally located in Pen'er Hutong, Xuanwu District, Beiping, and moved to No. 8 Cannabis Line Hutong, Xicheng District the following year, with a clinic, and moved to No. 36 Xibrick Hutong, Xuanwu District in 1940.

The purpose of North China Medical College is: "to organize Chinese medicine with scientific methods, cultivate Chinese medicine talents, never stick to the law, and the only purpose is to hope that the last words of Ming Xianzhe will benefit the population with the help of new medical experience." The college adheres to the "three combinations" of medical ethics and medical technology, traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine, theory and clinical integration as the school's consistent school-running policy, sets up a board of directors and academic affairs institutions according to the modern education model, and implements a strict teaching and student status management system. The duration of the school is four years, the school lasts for 18 years, and the enrollment is about 650. The college is distributed in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Recha, Liaojin and other parts of the south, and cultivates outstanding talents in our mainland.

In 1935, North China Medical College established the school journal "Semi-monthly Journal of Literature and Medicine" to cultivate students' ability to combine theory and practice, encourage students to express their own views and carry out academic disputes, so as to change the shortcomings of the Chinese medicine community that only cares about seeing a doctor and does not summarize well. In the 1937 issue of the "Semi-monthly Journal of Literature and Medicine", Shi Jinmoyun: "The way of learning is endless, and the true color of a scholar is taken from the short and the long." In this autumn of scientific development, we should abandon the mysteries of our country's medical Chen Chen Xiang and move towards the road of scientificization. Whether it is Chinese medicine or Western medicine, those whose theories are correct and effective should be trusted, and vice versa. ”

"Literature and Medicine Semi-Monthly" has long monographs, medical discussions, famous medical cases, medical questions and answers, pulse lectures, surgical secrets, pediatric research, pharmaceutical research, introduction of good remedies, forums, translations, Xinglin literature and art, health knowledge and other columns. Among the more influential articles published in the "Semimonthly Journal of Literature and Medicine" are Peng Ziyi's "Systematology of Traditional Chinese Medicine" (now known as "Ancient Chinese Medicine of Circular Motion") and the life universe chapter, as well as the graduation thesis "Introduction to Medical Cases" by the second batch of students Ren Guanmin, "Xiaoshan Jinmo Shi's Medical Case" by Yifu, and "Miscellaneous Diseases on the Essence and Eclectic" by Zhu Hushan, etc., all of which are long serials.

In 1936, the National Government promulgated the Regulations on Traditional Chinese Medicine, stipulating the examination methods and case registration procedures. In the first TCM examination in Beijing, Shi Jinmo, Xiao Longyou, Kong Bohua and Wang Fengchun were promoted as the main examiners, and the world was known as the "Four Famous Doctors in Beijing".

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