
Parents always say that children are difficult to educate, but in fact, everything comes from parents!

author:Ji Yue

#Headline Home Time#Yesterday I chatted with a neighbor, her son was in the first year of junior high school, private, and came back once in half a month. Every time you come back and go, you have to bring a lot of food, about 300 yuan, and 100 cash. In this regard, the child said that some parents in the class bought all imported food for their children. Don't talk about good or bad food, just money. At such a young age, parents spend money on any child, they will grow up and be sensible in the future, if they are not sensible, how many mines in the family are estimated to be not enough to lose!

Parents always say that children are difficult to educate, but in fact, everything comes from parents!

It is said that children love to compare, if parents do not give children the opportunity to compare, how can children have? Many times parents blame this bad trend on society and the school, which is actually their own reasons. The child is a small sapling, to grow into a half-day tree, most of it lies in our parental guidance, rather than blindly following the child to play.

Parents always say that children are difficult to educate, but in fact, everything comes from parents!

Every time I talk to parents and friends about this, I always feel heartache, and most children nowadays do not know the hard work of adults to make money, and only know to blindly take, so that adults feel that children are not sensible and filial. In fact, many times, these are our adults who do things without consideration, and always feel that the best thing to give to children is love for children. In fact, on the contrary, "a loving mother has many defeated children" means this!

Parents always say that children are difficult to educate, but in fact, everything comes from parents!

Finally, I hope that all of us parents can become qualified parents, and I hope that our children are children who know gratitude and are sensible!

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