
Anuta Island is one of the smallest islands in the Pacific Ocean, how do the aborigines get food?

author:Knowledge Science Popularization

The small size of some islands in the Pacific means that food supplies are very limited. The smaller and more remote the island, the more difficult it is to survive. But there are some exceptions. In Melanesia, there is a tiny island that is more than 3,000 years old and inhabited by a small community (currently about 300 people). Its name is Anuta.

Anuta Island is one of the smallest islands in the Pacific Ocean, how do the aborigines get food?

Originally, Anuta Island was inhabited by descendants of the Lapita culture, but 350-400 years ago, descendants of modern Aboriginal people came here from Rotuma (Fiji), Uwea and Tonga.

Anuta Island belongs to the Santa Cruz Islands and is part of the Solomon Islands. It is a volcanic island with a diameter of only about 745 meters.

Anuta Island is one of the smallest islands in the Pacific Ocean, how do the aborigines get food?

So how do people survive on one of the smallest and most isolated islands on Earth? The first thing that comes to mind is fishing as a way to get food.

Even if the weather around the island is bad and fishing boats cannot go to sea, local men will fish underwater. They float near the surface of the ocean, lowering a line with small lead blocks and sharp hooks to the bottom of the sea.

Octopus antennae are used as bait. This method is unique and very effective because fishermen can clearly see where the trap should be placed underwater. If a school of fish passes by, the fisherman is able to catch dozens of fish.

To ensure that the caught fish do not escape, they bite off the head of the fish and hide it in a fanny pack woven with local grass. The inhabitants of Anuta Island have more fishing methods than any other oceanic dweller, which is very important, considering that the island is only 0.25 square kilometers.

Anuta Island is one of the smallest islands in the Pacific Ocean, how do the aborigines get food?

Anuta Island is so small that the sound of huge waves can be heard anywhere. Most of the inhabitants spend their entire lives here. It was not easy because their homes were cut off from the outside world and indigenous people had to be completely self-sufficient without outside help.

Every square meter of land is planted with crops of taro and bread trees. To preserve the food, they bury it in the ground. This is an insurance measure made in case of frequent hurricanes and storms. Due to the few trees on Anuta Island, fishermen cherish wooden canoes, which are more precious than gold. Some ships have been passed down from generation to generation and have been used for two hundred years.

Anuta Island is one of the smallest islands in the Pacific Ocean, how do the aborigines get food?

Without these fragile boats, it would be difficult for people to struggle for survival because the ocean is the main source of food for this community. The boats also helped the indigenous people in small-scale trade with Tikopia, inhabited by La Pita Polynesians. This is Anupa's only trading partner, as Tikopia Island is only a few hundred kilometers from Anuta.

Anuta Island is one of the smallest islands in the Pacific Ocean, how do the aborigines get food?

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