
Canker sores in the mouth are painful, try this treatment

author:Dr. Lei, Chief Dermatology

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Mr. Pei is a middle-aged man who usually lives a very regular life, likes to eat some healthy food, and maintains a moderate amount of exercise every day.

Canker sores in the mouth are painful, try this treatment

Unfortunately, however, he found a slightly painful sore in his mouth.

The sores were getting bigger and bigger, and the redness and swelling were piling up, which not only seriously affected Mr. Pei's diet and speech, but also caused him to lose sleep from time to time, at which time he realized the seriousness of mouth ulcers and decided to seek medical attention immediately.

The doctor told him that the canker sores needed constant attention and treatment, and advised Mr. Pei to adjust his lifestyle to prevent the recurrence of the canker sores.

Canker sores in the mouth are painful, try this treatment

Mr. Pei began to think carefully and organize his daily life, strengthen the awareness of protecting oral health, and also began a journey to fight canker sores.

Canker sores, what exactly is the problem?

Have you ever had the same experience as Mr. Pei: after dinner, you leaned comfortably on the back of your chair, gently rubbing your teeth, but you were in pain because of a small sore on the inner wall of your mouth? This is called canker sores.

Canker sores, also known as aphthous sores or intraoral sores, are chronic lesions of the oral mucosa caused by some irritation or infection.

Usually presents as localized yellow-white erosive blisters or superficial ulcers of varying shapes and sizes.

Canker sores in the mouth are painful, try this treatment

Usually, mouth sores do not have much impact on health, but pain and discomfort, affect eating, pronunciation, oral hygiene, etc., but can significantly affect the quality of life.

The causes of canker sores are very diverse, and are usually related to 5 factors:

1. Malnutrition

Malnutrition is when the body does not get enough nutrients, which causes problems with body functioning.

The lack of vitamin B, C and iron will lead to insufficient nutrient supply of oral mucosa, showing abnormal symptoms such as dryness, pigmentation, cracks and erosions of the oral mucosa, resulting in the occurrence of mouth ulcers.

Canker sores in the mouth are painful, try this treatment

B vitamins are one of many important nutrients for the body because of its effect on cell division and metabolism.

B vitamin deficiency can lead to anemia and neurological disorders, and can also lead to canker sores. Vitamin C is also a very important nutrient, which has a great effect in fighting infections and strengthening the immune system, promoting tissue recovery and repair.

Vitamin C deficiency is also one of the causes of mouth ulcers, as it promotes the repair of mucosal cells and provides antioxidant protection within the oral environment.

Canker sores in the mouth are painful, try this treatment

In addition, iron is an important component of the blood, and if the body lacks iron, it can lead to anemia, which reduces the oxygen supply to tissues and organs.

This hypoxic state may also adversely affect the oral mucosa, leading to hypoxia, malnutrition of oral tissue, and oral ulcers.

To prevent and treat mouth ulcers, adequate nutritional intake should be maintained.

In the daily diet, you should choose foods rich in vitamins and minerals, such as dark vegetables, fresh fruits, nuts and seafood.

Canker sores in the mouth are painful, try this treatment

If specific nutrients are lacking, supplemental nutrients need to be considered.

By increasing reasonable nutrient intake, we can reduce the incidence of canker ulcers, while also protecting our body's immune system and general health.

2. Excessive pressure

Excessive stress is a common physical and mental disease, which affects the body's immune and metabolic functions and causes direct or indirect effects on the oral mucosal tissue, resulting in the occurrence of mouth ulcers.

Canker sores in the mouth are painful, try this treatment

On the one hand, long-term, high-intensity stress can lead to disorders of the body's endocrine system, weaken the function of the body's immune system, and increase the risk of inflammatory response.

Oral mucosal tissue is a tissue that is easily damaged, and once the body's immunity is reduced, the oral mucosa is susceptible to infection or external stimuli, which can lead to mouth ulcers.

On the other hand, long-term stress will also lead to bad living habits, such as overeating, staying up late, irregular diet, etc., which will again have a negative impact on the body's immunity.

As a result, the body is in a state of low nutrition, and mucosal cells lack the necessary nutritional support, which is prone to ulceration of the oral mucosa.

Canker sores in the mouth are painful, try this treatment

Long-term pressure will lead to dryness of the mouth, or excessive keratosis of epidermal cells, which will rupture the stratum corneum above the oral mucosa, causing the oral mucosa to break and fall off, and then cause mouth ulcers.

In your daily life, you should find a way to relieve stress that suits you.

Such as exercise, music, reading, meditation, etc., but also need to maintain a normal routine and diet, try to avoid excessive stress in life.

By maintaining a balance between body and mind, we can effectively prevent the occurrence of canker sores.

Canker sores in the mouth are painful, try this treatment

3. Decreased immunity

Severe colds, fevers, allergies and other physical conditions will reduce the body's immunity, and the mouth will often "find fault" problems.

The oral mucosa is the outermost tissue in the mouth, which is in direct contact with the outside world and has a defensive effect against bacteria and other external substances in the mouth.

When the body's immunity decreases, the immune function of the oral mucosa is also inhibited, resulting in the oral mucosa being susceptible to external stimuli, infection and damage, which in turn causes mouth ulcers.

Canker sores in the mouth are painful, try this treatment

Specifically, a decrease in immunity leads to a decrease in the number and function of immune cells in the mouth. These immune cells are an important part of the immune system of the oral mucosa, where they can recognize, attack and remove pathogens from the mouth and maintain the health of the mouth.

However, when the number and function of immune cells are reduced, pathogens and other harmful substances have a greater chance of invading the oral mucosa, causing damage and irritation to it, which in turn leads to the occurrence of mouth ulcers.

In addition, the decline in immunity will also make the body's tissue repair ability worse.

Canker sores in the mouth are painful, try this treatment

The oral mucosa is self-repairing and can repair minor injuries and ulcers on its own.

However, when immunity is reduced, its ability to repair is affected, resulting in the inability of oral mucosal tissue to recover effectively, thereby aggravating the development of mouth ulcers and aggravating symptoms.

People with fragile immune systems, such as the elderly, pregnant women, patients with chronic diseases, and cancer patients undergoing chemoradiotherapy, need to be vigilant.

Actively carry out oral health care and treatment to avoid the occurrence of oral diseases such as mouth ulcers.

Canker sores in the mouth are painful, try this treatment

4. Mechanical damage

Mechanical damage can be local damage to the oral mucosa due to various causes, such as oral appliances, food, teeth or other hard objects.

In general, mechanical injury destroys the oral mucosal barrier, breaks the integrity of the oral mucosa, guides pathogens on the oral mucosa into the mucosal tissue, and then causes an inflammatory response, eventually forming mouth ulcers.

Specifically, when the oral mucosa is mechanically stimulated, local tissue blood vessels are destroyed, tissue cells are damaged, and tissue cells are released, triggering an inflammatory response.

Canker sores in the mouth are painful, try this treatment

The inflammatory response will produce a series of mediators such as histamine, prostaglandins, leukotrienes, etc., resulting in local proximal vasodilation of oral mucosal epithelial tissue, tissue edema and increased intercellular space, and increased blood viscosity, which leads to further deterioration of mucosal inflammatory lesions and eventually the formation of mouth ulcers.

In addition, due to mechanical injury, the oral mucosa can become weak, and it is easy to be affected by other external irritants to form chronic mouth ulcers.

If the mechanical irritation is small and the oral mucosa can be restored in time, mouth ulcers will not form.

Canker sores in the mouth are painful, try this treatment

In summary, mechanical injury is an important cause of mouth sores.

We should try to avoid mechanical stimulation of the oral mucosa, in addition to maintaining oral health, healthy living habits, etc. can also improve the self-repair ability of the oral mucosa, thereby reducing the occurrence of oral ulcers.

Canker sores in the mouth are painful, try this treatment

5. Infectious factors

Infectious factors are one of the main causes of canker sores, which are usually caused by the following factors:

Bacterial infections: There are many bacteria in the mouth, which can cause different types of oral infections, such as oral inflammation.

If there are too many bacteria or certain pathogens invade the oral mucosa, it can cause the oral mucosa to become infected and eventually form mouth sores.

Canker sores in the mouth are painful, try this treatment

Fungal infections: Some common fungi are present in the normal state of the oral mucosa.

However, when the body's immunity is weakened or the diet and life are not normal, or under the interference of certain drugs, the normal colonies in the mouth will be imbalanced, resulting in some common fungal infections.

Such as oral candidiasis, which eventually leads to the occurrence of mouth ulcers.

Viral infections: Many mouth sores are caused by viruses, such as herpes simplex virus (HSV). After infection, the virus occupies the chimera of oral mucosal cells and causes cell death and ulcer formation.

Mouth sores often occur during the onset of infection.

Canker sores in the mouth are painful, try this treatment

Other bacterial infections: In addition to the bacteria and viruses commonly found in the mouth, other bacteria such as Clostridium syphilis and streptococcus cannot be ruled out. Once these pathogens enter the oral mucosa, they may multiply in mucosal cells to cause infection.

Periodontal disease: Periodontal disease is a bacterial infection of the mouth that eventually causes damage to the oral mucosa and tissues around the teeth, so it can also lead to mouth sores.

In general, infectious factors are one of the main causes of canker sores, so it is very important to prevent oral infections.

Canker sores in the mouth are painful, try this treatment

We should pay attention to oral hygiene, brush our teeth frequently, rinse our mouths, visit the dentist regularly, and avoid eating spicy and other foods that are easy to cause oral mucosal irritation and exposure to bacteria and viruses.

Only by maintaining oral health can the occurrence of canker sores be effectively prevented.

Canker sores in the mouth are painful, try this treatment

Try this

Now that you know the causes of mouth ulcers, you need to actively adjust your living habits in life, enhance your body's immunity, and prevent mouth ulcers from forming.

What should I do if I have been diagnosed with a mouth sore, or if there are bouts of pain in my mouth? Don't panic, try this.

Canker sores in the mouth are painful, try this treatment

1. Keep your mouth clean

This is very important. In daily life, we should pay attention to maintaining oral cleanliness and hygiene, avoid the intake of stimulating foods such as tobacco and alcohol, spicy, sweet and sour, etc., and ensure the "health" of the oral environment.

2. Maintain adequate rest and sleep

Long-term excessive fatigue and mental tension can also easily cause damage to the oral mucosa, so that mouth ulcers "blossom and bear fruit".

Canker sores in the mouth are painful, try this treatment

3. Appropriate nutrient supplementation

Nutrients such as vitamins and minerals are essential for the health of the oral mucosa.

It is necessary to eat more foods rich in vitamins B, C, iron and other nutrients to ensure adequate nutrient intake.

4. Choose special drugs for mouth ulcers

In the treatment of mouth ulcers, drug therapy is very effective. For example, mouth ulcer film, liniment and mouthwash can quickly relieve pain and accelerate the effect.

Canker sores in the mouth are painful, try this treatment

5. Actively treat concomitant inflammation

The formation of mouth ulcers, often accompanied by inflammation in the oral cavity. Treatment should be comprehensively considered, and appropriate anti-infective therapy should be carried out according to the inflammatory situation to effectively control the spread of inflammation.

Through Mr. Pei's story, we must understand the dangers of canker sores and their treatment.

In life, we should actively establish a healthy lifestyle, improve the body's immunity in many aspects, and reduce the chance of mouth ulcers.

At the same time, when you find mouth ulcers, choose the right treatment method to quickly cure the ulcers, establish a good maintenance mechanism for the body, start from oral health, and enjoy a healthy life.

Canker sores in the mouth are painful, try this treatment

Mr. Pei's experience

Mr. Pei gets up every morning to drink some salt water to rinse his mouth, and then gently brush his teeth with a soft toothbrush to ensure that his mouth is clean and odor-free.

He then eats a banana and drinks a glass of milk, and after the meal, he eats fruits rich in fiber and vitamins, such as apples, grapefruit, kiwifruit, etc.

At night, before going to bed, he will relax and do some yoga, or listen to some soft music to help him let go of stress and fall asleep peacefully.

Canker sores in the mouth are painful, try this treatment

In order to strengthen the health inside the mouth, he also began to form some small habits.

For example, no longer flushing the throat or drinking alcohol often, these behaviors will make the mouth red and swollen, causing mouth ulcers.

In addition, he also purchased some oral medicines, and used them regularly according to the doctor's advice after eating every morning and evening, which effectively relieved the symptoms of severe pain and oral redness and swelling.

After a week of treatment and maintenance, Mr. Pei's mouth ulcers were finally cured.

He deeply felt that although mouth ulcers seem to be a minor disease, they actually bring a lot of trouble and inconvenience to life, so they should be actively prevented and treated in time.

Canker sores in the mouth are painful, try this treatment


Mr. Pei's experience tells us that if you want to have a healthy and beautiful mouth, you need to cultivate both inside and outside.

In life, we should strengthen the attention and maintenance of oral health and systemic health, maintain a diversified lifestyle, enhance the body's immunity, and reduce the occurrence of mouth ulcers.

At the same time, in the case of mouth ulcers, it should not be taken lightly, timely treatment measures should be taken, and continuous inspection and maintenance should be carried out.

In this way, you can make more contributions to your quality of life and happiness from the perspective of oral health.