
The fierce general shouted James, willing to cut his salary by 25 million to join the Lakers, only James can take me to win the championship

author:Man Wei good thing recommended

At the moment, the Lakers have obvious roster problems. The gap in physical talent has left the Lakers unable to match opponents in almost all positions. This allowed the Nuggets to easily defeat the Lakers by players over two meters. The Lakers need to strengthen their forwards, especially by finding an interior player who can work well with James.

The fierce general shouted James, willing to cut his salary by 25 million to join the Lakers, only James can take me to win the championship

Among them, Grant is an ideal candidate. During his time with the Trail Blazers, he has been a strong player on the team. With a height of two meters and one meter, he not only has superb scoring ability, but also is very good on the defensive end. And his joining only costs $100 million.

However, reality always disappoints. The Lakers' salary space is already very tight, and almost the vast majority of the funds are used to renew the contracts of powerful players such as Rivers and Russell. Offering Grant the right contract in this situation would certainly be a challenge for Lakers management.

The fierce general shouted James, willing to cut his salary by 25 million to join the Lakers, only James can take me to win the championship

But no matter what, if Grant can successfully join the Lakers, it will definitely improve the team's competitiveness. After all, Grant has great scoring ability and defensive ability, which is undoubtedly one of the best options for a team that needs to improve its striker. And Grant's attitude and beliefs are worth learning. He made it clear that he wanted to win a championship trophy and firmly believed that only James and the Lakers could help him achieve that goal. With this strong belief and desire to succeed, his addition will motivate the Lakers to move higher and make the team stronger.

The fierce general shouted James, willing to cut his salary by 25 million to join the Lakers, only James can take me to win the championship

While Grant's arrival was the right decision, it was only part of the Lakers' competitiveness. Every season is full of uncertainty and uncertainty, and the Lakers must always be ready for the next challenge. In addition to strengthening the front line, the Lakers also need to constantly adjust and improve. Grant's arrival also needed to adapt and adjust to better integrate into the team.

In the end, the Lakers will continue to go all-in on the championship trophy and realize their dream of winning. Whether facing future challenges or realizing dreams, the Lakers will also become the "king" of that dominant league.

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