
Chinese hot words: fulfillment and joy in mangsang

Chinese hot words: fulfillment and joy in mangsang

"Mangsang" homonym "busy seed"

It means that farmers start the busiest time of the year

Xinhua News Agency foreign journalist Shamim Zakaria

Experience Mangchong with Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Jie in "Chinese Hot Words"

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Mango seeds, even harvest seeds

Chinese hot words: fulfillment and joy in mangsang

The good state of life is "busy" rather than "lost"

But don't neglect your physical health

Chinese hot words: fulfillment and joy in mangsang

Executive Producers: Chang Ailing, Qi Huijie, Li Zhihui

Coordinator: Li Laifang, Li Kun, Jiao Xufeng, Liu Hongde, Wang Jingyun

Producer: Liu Jie

Reporter: Yang Zichun Xu Jian

Videography: Yang Zichun, Fang Jinyang, Hu Zuohui, Yao Di

Script: Liu Jie, Song Meiqi (intern), Shamim Zakaria

Editor: Yang Zichun

Editors: Sun Wenji Li Yan

Graphic design: Fang Jinyang

Editors: Tao Yiping, Zhang Xinwen, Xu An

Xinhua News Agency to the outside

Xinhua News Agency New Media Center

Xinhua News Agency Tianjin Branch


Produced by Xinhua News Agency's International Communication Integration Platform

Acknowledgements: Tianjin Wuqing District Rong Media Center

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