
Peaches are known as the "queen of fruits", diabetics often eat, is it blood sugar rise or blood sugar lower?

author:Dr. Ting talks about health

Nowadays, fruits such as peaches have entered people's eyes, and peaches can be seen in supermarkets and markets, and peaches are rich in nutritional value and have always been known as the "queen of fruits".

There are many types of peaches in the market, such as yellow peaches, woolly peaches, peaches, peaches, nectarine, etc., different peaches, their taste is not the same degree of sweetness, and the nutritional value is also very high, so it is loved and welcomed by people.

Peaches are known as the "queen of fruits", diabetics often eat, is it blood sugar rise or blood sugar lower?

Although peaches are particularly delicious, for a certain patient, they dare not eat peaches, because the taste of peaches is too sweet, and it is easy to worry about the increase in blood sugar levels after eating.

However, some people believe that although peaches taste very sweet, their glycemic index is very low, and peaches contain certain substances that can help reduce blood sugar levels.

So for diabetics with high blood sugar levels, is it blood sugar rise or blood sugar after eating peaches? Today I will take you to understand clearly, and after reading it, you will know how to eat.

Peaches are known as the "queen of fruits", diabetics often eat, is it blood sugar rise or blood sugar lower?


What benefits can eating peaches often bring to the body?

Enhances appetite

The taste of peaches is sweet and sour, containing a lot of sugars, and there is no lack of delicious organic acids.

Eating peaches often can effectively enhance appetite, make people love to eat, and at the same time effectively supplement the various nutrients in peaches.

Improve gastrointestinal function

Peaches are rich in pectin, which is a kind of soluble dietary fiber, if the body can absorb this substance, it can effectively improve the physiological function of the stomach.

In order to enhance gastrointestinal peristalsis, help improve constipation, if there is a problem of constipation, you can often eat peaches to regulate gastrointestinal function.

Peaches are known as the "queen of fruits", diabetics often eat, is it blood sugar rise or blood sugar lower?

Enhance the immune activity of the body

Peaches contain a lot of vitamin C, and peaches are also rich in various phytochemicals.

The nutrients in it can not only effectively enhance the body's immunity, resist harmful substances such as bacteria that invade the body, but also effectively enhance immunity and help promote good health.

Promotes liver function

Peaches are rich in vitamin C and certain active substances, which can effectively enhance liver function when entering the body.

In addition, the B vitamins and protein components in peaches can effectively repair damaged liver cells and help promote liver function and health, thereby maintaining good health.

Peaches are known as the "queen of fruits", diabetics often eat, is it blood sugar rise or blood sugar lower?


Do you want to peel peaches?

Many people have some entanglements before eating peaches, do they need to peel peaches?

In fact, whether peaches are peeled or not can depend on your mood, if nature has allergies to the hair of peaches, it is best to peel off the skin and eat it at this time.

If there is no allergy, at this time, you can choose to peel off the skin and eat, or you can choose to eat with the skin, which is completely okay.

In addition, if the elderly have bad teeth, peeling off the skin at this time can help the elderly chew more effectively.

Peaches are known as the "queen of fruits", diabetics often eat, is it blood sugar rise or blood sugar lower?


Peaches are known as the "queen of fruits", diabetics often eat, is it blood sugar rise or blood sugar lower?

In fact, for diabetics, you can eat peaches, although peaches taste particularly sweet and soft, but the sugar content in them is really not high.

The sugar content in peaches is about 8%~9%, which is far less than the sugar content of fruits such as lychees, bananas, dragon fruit, durian, etc., so you don't have to worry about the sugar content in peaches.

In addition, if you want to understand whether diabetics can eat a food, you also need to know the glycemic index of this food, and the glycemic index of peaches is also very low, only about 27.

Peaches are known as the "queen of fruits", diabetics often eat, is it blood sugar rise or blood sugar lower?

Under normal circumstances, the glycemic index of food less than 55 can be eaten appropriately and reasonably, and the carbohydrate content in peaches will be lower than that of other fruits.

But here I need to remind you that many people think that the iron content in peaches is very high, and eating peaches properly can help them improve anemia, but in fact, this idea is completely wrong.

The iron content in peaches is not particularly high, and the iron content per 100 grams of peaches is only about 0~8 mg, so it is not considered a high-iron food.

Therefore, the ability to replenish blood through peaches is general, and the iron absorption rate in peaches is also very low, not very suitable as a blood supplement food to eat, if you want to better supplement blood, you can choose pig blood, duck blood and other animal blood products.

Peaches are known as the "queen of fruits", diabetics often eat, is it blood sugar rise or blood sugar lower?


Blood sugar remains high, these 4 fruits should control the mouth


Eating dragon fruit regularly can supplement the body with vitamin C and dietary fiber, which can not only improve constipation, but also help lose weight.

However, dragon fruit has a lot of sugar content, although it is not sweet to eat, but if you ingest too much, it will easily make the blood sugar level unstable, and it will easily aggravate the cold and dampness in the body.


Durian is a high-energy and high-sugar fruit, per 100 grams of durian, the calorie content can reach about 183 kcal, and the carbohydrate content can reach about 20 grams.

If you eat durian often, it will not only easily increase blood sugar levels, but also easily affect the stability of blood lipid levels, it is recommended that you eat less.

Peaches are known as the "queen of fruits", diabetics often eat, is it blood sugar rise or blood sugar lower?


The carbohydrate content per 100 grams of durian can reach 16.8, and it also contains a certain amount of sugar, and the glucose content can account for about 60% of the total sugar.

After ingesting a large amount of lychee, it will be easy to increase blood sugar levels rapidly, and lychee is a warm fruit, and excessive intake is not easy to bring about fire problems.


Although mango tastes particularly delicious, mango is a fruit with a very high sugar content.

Every 100 grams of mango, the carbohydrate content can reach about 16 grams, if eaten regularly, it will be easy to make blood sugar levels uncontrolled.

Peaches are known as the "queen of fruits", diabetics often eat, is it blood sugar rise or blood sugar lower?


Diabetics, avoid rising blood sugar, what problems should be paid attention to when eating fruit?

1. Because fruits contain a certain amount of sugar into the body, it is especially easy to be quickly absorbed by the body, which can easily lead to an increase in blood sugar levels, so for diabetics, it is best not to eat fruits in the state of uncontrolled disease;

2. If you especially want to eat fruit, you must eat fruit in a state where the blood sugar level is controlled reasonably, so as to reduce the fluctuation of blood sugar level;

3. Control the intake of fruits, it is best to eat them as additional meals between meals;

4. Try to eat only fruits, do not drink fruit juice, because after the fruit is squeezed, the fiber in it is damaged, and its glycemic index will also rise.