
Top 10 singers in the animal kingdom

author:Fun zoo

The bird's song is a wonderful natural sound, and their song is sometimes high-pitched, sometimes soft, and very pleasant. Different species of birds make different calls, and these calls are sometimes used to identify the species of bird. Bird songs can convey a lot of information, such as warning other birds of danger, attracting mates to each other, or demonstrating each other. Many people like to listen to birds in the morning because it brings them peace of mind and relaxation. It is worth mentioning that the song of birds is also a good biological indicator, and by listening to the song of birds when investigating animal communities in the field, we can initially infer the biodiversity and ecological environment status of the area. Do you know which birds in the world have the best sounds? This article brings you the ten most beautiful birds, which are larks, thrushes, red-spotted chins, nightingales, canaries, acacias, lyrebirds, brigades, red-breasted robins, and yellow-browed willow warblers. Let's take a look.

1. Lairing

Traditionally, larks are kept as pets on the mainland. In Beijing, larks were taught to imitate the sounds of other songbirds and animals. Pekingese have an ancient custom of teaching larks 13 sounds (thirteen sets of larks) strictly in order. A lark capable of singing all 13 voices in the right order is highly valued, and any interruption in the song will greatly reduce its value.

Top 10 singers in the animal kingdom

The lark differs from other birds and animals in that it has more singing muscles than ordinary birds, that is, more vocal parts. According to scientists, larks have about two to five pairs more singing muscles than other birds, at least four to nine pairs, in addition, larks' songing muscles can also be separated left and right and contract independently. And this more singing muscle than other birds will make the lark's call show the effect of one plus one greater than two. Not only can larks more easily complete some more complex emphasis that other birds and animals cannot complete, but also make the sound sound more layered and more spiritual; And it also makes the lark's voice sound more penetrating. In this way, the reason why larks have such a beautiful singing voice is completely a godsend, it is "God rewards rice", it is no wonder that larks are one of the most popular species among bird lovers.

2. Thrush

The thrush's song is loud, gentle and charming, and it is a traditional Chinese caged bird with the nickname "singer of the forest" and "king of the stork". The thrush has a beautiful call and is one of the rare birds exported overseas in China. Thrush birds are good at singing, from morning to night almost non-stop, the song is gentle to listen, especially in the breeding season, male birds are especially good at singing, the song is also more melodious and gentle, pleasant and varied, the tail tone is slightly similar to "mo-gi-yiu-", so the ancients called its call "Ruyi Ruyi".

Top 10 singers in the animal kingdom

During the breeding season, male thrushes are particularly good at singing, especially in the early morning and evening. Its chirping is high-pitched, gentle, and persistent, very rich in charm and very beautiful. When he is about to shout, he is agitated and unrestrained, like a pearl falling on a jade plate; When you call slowly, it's like moving clouds and flowing water. In particular, its long-term continuous chirping is really breathtaking. Therefore, some people call it a "singer of the woods" or "a bird singer".

Top 10 singers in the animal kingdom

3. Red dotted chin

The red-spotted chin, also known as the Siberian song robin, is known as the three sisters of the song robin and the blue-throated song robin and the blue song robin, and is a famous caged bird in China. Males have a red throat and females have a white throat. The red-spotted chin male has beautiful plumage and is good at chirping, generally chirping in the morning, dusk to night, and the song is gentle and delicate, beautiful and beautiful, very pleasant to the ear. Good at imitating insects, crickets, oil gourds, golden bells, golden bells, especially during the breeding period, the song is more pleasant, often singing in the morning, dusk and moonlit night.

Top 10 singers in the animal kingdom

4. Nightingale

The nightingale, also known as the Xinjiang song robin, commonly known as the night song robin, is a species of bird in the genus Passerine. Unlike other birds, the nightingale is one of the rare birds that sings at night, hence its name. The nightingale is gray-brown in color, and the plumage is not gorgeous, but its song is very outstanding and its vocal range is extremely wide, making it one of the species for bird watching. The nightingale is good at whining, especially during the breeding period almost all day hiding in the bush and singing, even at night, so it is easy to find it according to the call. Because this bird is good at singing, and it also sings at night, the song is loud and changeable, and it is gentle to listen to. Only unpaired males sing regularly at night, probably to attract mates. Singing at dawn, an hour before sunrise, is considered important for defending the territory of the birds.

5. Canary

The canary is a species of bird in the passerine family that is native to the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean. According to research and historical records, more than 500 years ago, the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean were rich in golden canaries of the wild warbler, which were often caught by local residents and then spread around the world. Because it was born with a good throat, fresh and clean feathers, slender body and slightly higher legs, it looked very well-proportioned, and was loved by people, and gradually domesticated into an elegant family ornamental bird.

Top 10 singers in the animal kingdom

There are many varieties of canaries, and the color of the plumage is also varied, including red, yellow, white, green, coffee and taupe, etc., and the song of male birds is crisp and loud, melodious and beautiful, and can also imitate the chirping of birds such as, swifts, yellow finches, thrushes and so on. When singing, the throat is raised, and up and down, the voice is intermittent, generally listening to the sound can distinguish between male and female, the voice is elegant and beautiful male birds, and the female bird's song is more monotonous.

The famous canary species in mainland China are Shandong species, which resemble spindles in appearance and are mainly white or light yellow in plumage. Good physique and high reproductive rate. The mouth is wide open when singing, and the sound is mainly made by the agitation of the larynx, and it can be continuously chirped for 8-10 chirps. The voice is high-pitched and bright, rough and bold, belonging to the mouth to shout wildly, high-pitched continuously, full of breath, surging, giving people a feeling of strength and overwhelming the world, listening to it up close and feeling the aftersounds around the beam, three days endlessly. The canary with white in yellow is usually called Shandong yellow.

Top 10 singers in the animal kingdom

6. Acacia bird

Acacia birds are well-shaped, and their songs are elegant and clear, changeable and beautiful; It is a well-known caged bird in Japan and abroad with beautiful plumage. In caged conditions, the bird is very active, rarely standing still, often jumping up and down, and only resting when singing happily, or when male and female birds are arranging each other's feathers. During the breeding season, the male bird has a particularly beautiful song and is very attractive, so people like to raise it, and the annual export sales are very large; This bird eats insects is beneficial to agriculture and should not be caught; In order to rationally use, it is necessary to carry out artificial breeding and breeding to meet the requirements.

7. Lyrebird

The lyrebird is named after the shape of its tail feathers that resemble a harp when showing off its courtship. One of the largest songbirds in the world, the male lyrebird is known for his ostentatious gesture and mimic calls during courtship. In addition to performing at courtship, lyrebirds are also willing to give a gardener bird as a "band" at the wedding bane, this gardener bird cannot sing, and to hold a "wedding ceremony", it is necessary to invite lyrebird to cooperate. They are worthy of the model of cooperation between bird families.

Top 10 singers in the animal kingdom

The lyrebird is not only beautiful and spectacular, but also good at singing and dancing. It can not only imitate the chirping of various birds, but also learn various sounds in the world. Such as the sound of car horns, train jets, axes and logging, road gravel builders and the shouts of the leader. With its gentle singing and light dancing, it is one of the most beloved birds in Australia.

8. Brigade thrush

Also known as the American robin, the male brigade thrush has a complex and almost continuous song. It is often described as a cheerful ode consisting of discrete units, often repeated, and spliced together into a string with a brief pause in between. They are usually among the first songbirds to sing at dawn or hours before dawn and end in the early evening. It usually sings high above the tree.

Top 10 singers in the animal kingdom

Brigades also sing when the storm comes and sing again when the storm passes. In addition to its songs, the species has many calls to convey specific messages, such as when a ground predator approaches and when a nest or another brigade thrush is directly threatened. Even during nesting season, when they exhibit primarily competitive and territorial behavior, they may still band together to drive away predators.

9. Red-breasted robin

Also known as the European robin, the red-breasted robin occupies an important place in English folklore and folklore in northwestern France, and it is considered a storm cloud bird and a sacred relic of Thor, the god of thunder. Legend has it that when Jesus was dying on the cross, it was only brown red-breasted robins that flew to him and sang in his ears to comfort his pain. The blood from his wounds stained the chest of the red-breasted robin, and all red-breasted robins since then bear the mark of the blood of Christ.

Top 10 singers in the animal kingdom

The red-breasted robin has a whistle-like call during the breeding season from early to late afternoon and even at night. The red-breasted robin always flies during the day, being the first bird to be reported and the last to sing the "serenade". The red-breasted robin's song is like a changeable tune, and it is loved by people.

10. Yellow-browed willow warbler

The yellow-browed willow warbler is a small insectivorous bird with a looming yellow-green longitudinal stripe in the center of its head. It rarely lands on the ground, with morning and dusk at peak activity. It feeds on aphids and small insects from a variety of trees, especially in trees near water. It often flies below the tree and then leaps upwards, almost never stopping, moving lightly, flexibly and nimbly foraging for food on the tree. This bird has a special dynamic, often swinging its body from side to side on the tree with both legs as the center, constantly changing the angle of its body in order to find food within a larger field of view.

Top 10 singers in the animal kingdom

There are two kinds of yellow-browed warbler sounds: one is a crisp and soft call, usually a single "ju", a three-tone "ju-ju-yi" or a four-tone "ju-ju-yi-zhi". The monophonic "ju-" when restless is often heard alone, frightened, and in the rain. When two or three of them forage for food on a tree together, when they fly from a perched branch to another branch or tree, they make a four-degree chirping sound of "ju-jue-yi-zhi", which has a summoning effect. There are insects in the trees, and when they are searching for food, they make four one-degree chirps of "ju-jue-yi-zhi" as their bodies swing. The first pendulum is called "ju", then the pendulum is called "jue-yi", and the third pendulum is called "zhi", which is the tweet caused by food. When cloudy and rainy days are clear, it is heard from time to time due to frequent foraging activities. The other is a high-pitched chirp, which is very pleasant.

The top ten most beautiful birds are mainly sorted out according to related websites, through the length of the song of related birds, imitation ability, etc., and combined with the attention of the network comprehensive ranking recommendation, the list is for reference only, if in doubt, welcome to comment at the end.