
My life hack: How to solve the problem of stomach upset?

author:I'll tell you

Upset stomach is more than just indigestion. Due to lack of attention, it may cause diseases such as gastritis and stomach ulcers. Due to a bad stomach, food can easily accumulate in the stomach, resulting in flatulence, which causes people to feel very uncomfortable. So, how can we relieve an upset stomach?

My life hack: How to solve the problem of stomach upset?

I think that the root cause of stomach pain in general is in the diet, and there is a certain amount of attention to what to eat and drink after the occurrence of stomach pain. After the occurrence of stomach pain, the diet must be strictly controlled, in addition to the most common spicy food, high-starch food should not be eaten, digestion will produce more gas, resulting in stomach bloating. In addition, pumpkin, beans, onions, leeks, etc. are all foods that are prone to gas production. Try eating high-fiber foods, dairy products, or crackers. Eat not too fast or too much, if you eat too fast or too much, it will be very difficult for the stomach to digest.

My life hack: How to solve the problem of stomach upset?

Pay attention to what to drink, and you must not drink irritating carbonated drinks, even if you are a fever fanatic fan of carbonated drinks. Herbal teas can be one of your choices, such as Gatorade, which contains many minerals that can help relieve stomach pain. If vomiting occurs, be sure to replenish more water, if the above drinks are not in your consideration, sparkling soda can also be used.

My life hack: How to solve the problem of stomach upset?

Try the BRAT recipe, which represents four easily digestible and nutritious foods: bananas, rice, applesauce and toast. It should be noted that BRAT recipes are not suitable for long-term consumption due to the lack of protein, fat, and some vitamins and minerals. In the short term, such as during correction of diarrhea, BRAT recipes can play a role in reducing the burden on the gastrointestinal tract, but long-term consumption can lead to malnutrition and affect physical health.

My life hack: How to solve the problem of stomach upset?

Pay attention to proper rest, once you already feel nauseous, moving around is absolutely no good. Lie comfortably. If you can't lie down, try not to move. But be sure not to lie down immediately after a meal. Lying down immediately after meals can cause indigestion and worsen stomach pain.

My life hack: How to solve the problem of stomach upset?

Emotions also have a great impact on stomach health, if you are often angry, nervous, etc., it is easy to lead to excessive gastric acid secretion and stomach discomfort. So we should stay in a good mood and avoid too many mood swings. When the stomach is upset, we should adjust our mentality in time to avoid emotions such as anxiety and tension.

My life hack: How to solve the problem of stomach upset?

Doctor. Usually, stomach pain goes away on its own within a few hours. If these few hours do not relieve it, see if there are other symptoms. If there are other symptoms, stomach pain may just be a symptom of a more serious problem. Be sure to go to the hospital immediately.

My life hack: How to solve the problem of stomach upset?

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