
The old man said: "Bury the dead under the plum tree", how to understand? Are plums poisonous? Here comes the answer!

author:Plant Insights

#夏日生活打卡季 #

In the summer, a variety of fruits begin to enter the market, and it is also the time for our people to feast. But many people don't know that we usually eat fruits are also particular, can not eat indiscriminately, can not eat more. For this reason, our ancestors left a lot of experience, such as "peach nourishes people, apricots hurt people", which is that peaches have the role of tonifying qi, so eating peaches is nourishing people. And the reason why apricots hurt people is to warn everyone to eat less apricots, because eating too much apricots is easy to get on fire, resulting in mouth ulcers. And apricots contain amygdalin, which is toxic, we must remember not to eat excessive when eating apricots.

The old man said: "Bury the dead under the plum tree", how to understand? Are plums poisonous? Here comes the answer!

Let's get back to the point, in addition to peaches and apricots, plums are also a very common fruit. I remember when I was a child, I lived in my grandmother's house, and every family would plant fruit trees in front of and behind the house. Among them, plum trees are the most, so do you know how plums are described in the folk? In rural areas, old people often say: "Bury the dead under the plum tree", what does it mean? Could it be that dead people are buried under plum trees?

The old man said: "Bury the dead under the plum tree", how to understand? Are plums poisonous? Here comes the answer!

In fact, it is not, the reason why it is said that dead people are buried under plum trees is just an adjective, describing that people do not eat large amounts when eating plums. Because plums contain a component called hydrocyanic acid, especially green plums, there are more components containing hydrocyanic acid. After eating a large amount of unfilled plums, people are prone to poisoning, inhibiting the body's respiratory heartbeat center, and even diarrhea. It is also recorded in many texts of ancient Chinese medicine, such as the Tang Dynasty medical scholar Sun Simiao, who once described in his medical texts: "Plums should not be eaten too much, it makes people empty". The medical classic "Southern Yunnan Herbs" also records that plums should not be eaten too much, which is easy to damage the spleen and stomach. In addition, in the "Book of Food", there is also a description of plums eaten in large quantities, with raw carbuncles, and broken bones.

The old man said: "Bury the dead under the plum tree", how to understand? Are plums poisonous? Here comes the answer!

Therefore, slowly the phrase "bury the dead under the plum tree" has been passed down. In fact, plums, like many fruits, cannot be eaten without ripeness, and must wait for the plums to be ripe before eating, otherwise it is easy to increase the burden on the stomach. In addition, plums are relatively acidic, and if eaten in large quantities, it is easy to have soft teeth, resulting in a large loss of calcium, so that teeth decay or even fall out. Another point to note is that children who do not have mature plums should not eat as much as possible, which is easy to affect the child's bone development.

The old man said: "Bury the dead under the plum tree", how to understand? Are plums poisonous? Here comes the answer!

However, you don't see that plums have many side effects when they are not ripe, but plums have extremely high medicinal value. It is recorded in the folk grass journal "Southern Yunnan Materia Medica": "Plums taste sweet, sour, cool, eat can clear the liver heat, raw jin liquid". That is to say, if we eat a small amount, it can make us have a great appetite, because plums and bayberry have the same effect, both have the effect of rejuvenation. Modern medical research has also found that plums have a very good laxative effect. Because plums contain a lot of trace elements, they can promote the secretion of gastric acid and digestive enzymes, increase gastrointestinal peristalsis and achieve laxative effect.

The old man said: "Bury the dead under the plum tree", how to understand? Are plums poisonous? Here comes the answer!

It is worth mentioning that plums are also a traditional and specific dietary therapeutic fruit, which is recorded in the "Suiju Diet Recipe": "Eat more phlegm, help wet malaria, especially forbidden for those with spleen deficiency". It can be seen that there are two sides to everything, fruit is the same, and so is doing things.

Well, today's article is written here, do you have any different understandings of the old man's words: "bury the dead under the plum tree"? You can leave a message in the comment area below and everyone can participate in the discussion together. Also, do you like to eat plums? What do you think plums taste?

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