
Lose 18 pounds and feel that your lifestyle has changed drastically. In the past, when you go to the cafeteria or go out to eat, first see if the amount is enough, and first ensure that you can eat enough. Now eat, look first

author:Ivy Ivy

Lose 18 pounds and feel that your lifestyle has changed drastically.

In the past, when you go to the cafeteria or go out to eat, first see if the amount is enough, and first ensure that you can eat enough. Now to eat, first look at the diet structure, whether it contains protein, vitamins, dietary fiber, first ensure that the nutrition is enough, but also use prevention not to eat too full.

In the past, when you went out to take the bus, you must choose the nearest stop to make yourself walk less. Now go out, even if there is a bus stop sign in front of you, you have to walk two stops and sit again, so that you can exercise more.

In the past, when I saw my favorite dessert, I would happily buy something to eat. Now I resolutely don't buy it, and I try to eat as little as possible when I have it at home, at most for breakfast, and I resolutely don't eat it at night.

In the past, drinking water was very casual, drinking when you were thirsty, and forgetting if you were not thirsty. Now at least 2,000 ml a day, sometimes 3,000 ml, with smooth stools.

I used to be sleepy after eating at noon, so I took a nap. Now after lunch, be sure to move for half an hour before taking a lunch break. Be active for at least 20 minutes in the morning after eating and not eating at night.

I used to feel bored at home alone, sometimes playing games, but now I am very busy and fulfilling every day, even if I am at home alone, I have to write some articles, learn something, and so on.

In the past, I didn't sleep very well, I always woke up in the early morning, and it was difficult to fall asleep when I woke up. Now I basically don't wake up all night, occasionally wake up, look at my watch, and then sleep until 5 o'clock.

All in all, change is earth-shaking, getting better and better [rose] [rose] [rose]

Lose 18 pounds and feel that your lifestyle has changed drastically. In the past, when you go to the cafeteria or go out to eat, first see if the amount is enough, and first ensure that you can eat enough. Now eat, look first
Lose 18 pounds and feel that your lifestyle has changed drastically. In the past, when you go to the cafeteria or go out to eat, first see if the amount is enough, and first ensure that you can eat enough. Now eat, look first
Lose 18 pounds and feel that your lifestyle has changed drastically. In the past, when you go to the cafeteria or go out to eat, first see if the amount is enough, and first ensure that you can eat enough. Now eat, look first
Lose 18 pounds and feel that your lifestyle has changed drastically. In the past, when you go to the cafeteria or go out to eat, first see if the amount is enough, and first ensure that you can eat enough. Now eat, look first

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